
  • 网络public security mediation
  1. 当前治安调解存在的问题及对策研究

    Study on Problems and Solutions of Public Security Mediation at Present

  2. 从整体上看,治安调解法律制度的现行立法较为完善。

    Overall , the legislation of the Public Security Mediation legal system more completed .

  3. 治安调解实践的几个疑难问题浅析

    Superficial Analysis about several Knotty Problems in Security Conciliation Practice

  4. 治安调解若干问题研究

    Make A Study of Problems about Conciliation of Public Order

  5. 第四部分是治安调解发展和完善的建议。

    The fourth part is the suggestions for perfecting and developing security mediation .

  6. 做好治安调解工作的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Public Order Mediation Work

  7. 治安调解研究引论

    On the Study of Public Order Mediation

  8. 第二部分是对治安调解基础理论框架的概述。

    The second part is the survey of the basic theoretical framework for security mediation .

  9. 第三部分是治安调解的现状和问题的分析。

    The third part is the analysis of the current situation and problem existed in security mediation .

  10. 时至今日,治安调解制度正逐步趋向完善,但也存在着一些问题。

    Until now , the public order mediation gradually reaches perfection , but it still has some problems .

  11. 治安调解在我国虽然正在走向完善,但目前仍然存在着大量问题,尤其是在农村,这种问题更加突出。

    Although it is becoming perfect , there are still a lot of problem especially in rural areas .

  12. 从类到社会刍议治安调解

    On public order mediation

  13. 二是现场治安调解与普通治安调解相较,在程序上更为简化是合理合法的。

    Scene Public Security Mediation and Public Security Mediation compared to the more simplified the procedure is reasonable and legitimate .

  14. 主要针对第四部分中治安调解在农村的现状及存在的问题提出自己的观点。

    Mainly aimed to the current situation and existing problems of mediation of public in rural and put forward own view .

  15. 我国现行的治安调解法律制度由法律、行政法规、行政规章等一系列法律规定构成。

    Our current legal system of Public Security Mediation include of a series of provisions of laws , administrative regulations , administrative rules .

  16. 治安调解作为警察行政行为之一,也是多元化纠纷解决机制内解决纠纷的方式之一。

    Security mediation is the administrative behavior for policeman and is one of the dispute solving methods within the multi-dimensional dispute solving mechanism .

  17. 目前,学者及执法实践工作者对我国治安调解制度存在问题及完善对策已有不少论述,其中不乏真知灼见。

    At present , scholars or practitioners focus on our Public Security Mediation System Problem and Its Solution has a lot of discussion in which many useful ideas .

  18. 治安调解是农村警务工作的重要组成部分,为化解农村纠纷,维护农村社会稳定起了重要的作用。

    As an important part of rural policing work , Public Security Mediation plays an important role in resolving rural disputes and maintaining the stability of the rural society .

  19. 警察行政调解是建立在既有的警察治安调解的基础之上,行使其行政权能的一个重要方法。

    The administration mediation of police is based on the present police mediation of public security , which is one of important means of police to exercise authority of office .

  20. 通过对警察行政权和多元化纠纷解决机制的分析,对治安调解予以明确定位,也确定了治安调解的根基所在。

    The concept of security mediation is clearly defined with the analysis of police administrative power and multi-dimensional dispute solving mechanism , thus also determining the basis for security mediation .

  21. 在中国具有深远历史的调解文化的影响下,中国的调解制度迅速发展,并开始逐渐形成以法院调解、民事调解、治安调解为主体的“大调解”机制。

    Under the strong influence of the history of Chinese mediation , the mediation system of China is developing rapidly , beginning to form a broad mediating system of court , civil and police .

  22. 治安调解作为一种具有优秀中华民族传统,符合国际发展潮流的纠纷解决机制,能有效地恢复或重建当事人之间的关系、化解纠纷,从根本上解决矛盾。

    Public Security Mediation is an excellent tradition of China and is the trend of International Settlement Mechanism . It can effectively rebuild the relationship between the parties , solve the dispute and contravention .

  23. 治安调解既无偿又方便快捷,在保障公民权利和维护社会治安秩序中发挥着积极作用,自然成为公民解决纠纷的首选。

    Public security mediation is both free and convenient , playing a positive role in the protecting the civil rights and maintaining the public order , a natural choice for citizens to resolve disputes .

  24. 第二章主要分析治安调解制度的适用范围和适用条件,另就治安调解制度适用中的自愿原则与事实不清而当事人愿意调解的治安案件作出探讨。

    The second analysis the applied scope condition and principles of the public order mediation , and analysis public cases which are not clear of its facts , but the agents want to mediate .

  25. 第二章介绍了治安调解法律制度基本理论。包括四个方面:治安调解的内涵、法律依据、适用条件和原则。

    The second chapter is the basic theory of Public Security Mediation legal system , including the following four aspects : the connotation of security mediation , legal basis , the applicable conditions and principles .

  26. 措施一与措施三措施则主要适用于治安调解执法实践,具有较强的操作性和可行性,相信能够为广大民警的执法活动起到一定的指导作用。

    Measures and measures for the three measures is primarily applicable to the enforcement of Public Security Mediation practice has a strong operational and feasibility believe we can play a guiding role for the majority of police enforcement activities .

  27. 文章对治安调解制度存在问题的创新见解体现在以下两点:一是实践中民警易将谅解与调解混淆,将不符合治安调解条件的案件调解处理。

    Innovative ideas of Public Security Mediation system problems , the article reflects the police in the following two points : First , in practice easy to confuse understanding and mediation will not meet the conditions of the security mediation cases settled through mediation .

  28. 第二部分通过近年来掌握的数据,对治安调解的发展变化以及在实践中暴露出来的主要问题和影响其发展的制约因素进行了分析。

    In the second part , by analyzing the recent data , the author researched the development of the public security mediation system , the main problems that exposed through practice and the factors that affecting the development of the public security mediation system .

  29. 第一章为治安调解制度基本理论,从治安调解的内涵入手,阐述治安调解的背景、概念、性质、特征、价值以及与其他纠纷调解方式的区别。

    The first chapter focuses on the basic principles of the public order mediation , it starts from its concept and expound its background , concept , property , characteristic , value , legal accordance and the difference with other methods of dispute mediation .

  30. 近年来,治安调解案件在行政案件中的比例逐年上升,一方面提高了办案效率,节约了办案成本,一方面有效地化解了各种民间纠纷引起的矛盾。

    In recent years , the public security case in the case of administrative mediation , on the one hand , the proportion of increasing handling efficiency , economize the increased cost of a case , on the one hand , effectively resolve the various civil disputes causes of conflict .