
  • 网络Governance;governance structure;governing structure
  1. 以下是在SOA项目内定义适合的治理结构所涉及的一些关键性问题

    Here are some key questions for defining an appropriate governance structure within SOA engagements

  2. 未认识到有效治理结构的重要性的企业可能不会从SOA得到太多的好处。

    An enterprise that fails to realize the importance of an effective governance structure may not stand to benefit much from SOA .

  3. 得出结论,MBO仅是对现存缺陷的公司治理结构进行修正的一种手段;

    And make such conclusion , MBO is only a kind of means to amend the defective structure of corporate governance ;

  4. AMC持股形式及其对企业治理结构的影响

    On the Quality of the Stock Owned by AMC and Its Influences on the Corporate Governance

  5. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  6. MBO是优化公司治理结构,降低公司代理成本和促进公司管理、激励机制变化的有效工具。

    MBO is a tool that can optimize the management construction of company , decreases the agency cost , promotes the improvement of management and change the irrational encouraging mechanism .

  7. 完善公司治理结构,强化内控约束机制;

    Perfecting corporate governance structure , strengthening internal control binding mechanism ;

  8. 把优化公司财务控制权安排与完善公司治理结构相联系。

    Combine perfecting allocation of corporate financial control with corporate governance .

  9. 公司治理结构和会计定位理论研究

    A Theoretical Research of Company 's Administrative Structure and Accountant Orient

  10. 公司治理结构的价值取向是在公平与效率之间徘徊的。

    The values go back and forth in fairness and efficiency .

  11. 第三部分,公司治理结构下的会计舞弊。

    Part ⅲ, The accountant information fraud under corporate governance structure .

  12. 第三章:企业治理结构的效率决定。风险投资企业治理模式比较及效率研究

    Comparison and Efficiency Analysis of Governance Mechanisms in Venture Capital Companies

  13. 强化城市商业银行的治理结构;

    To intensify the management structure of the urban commercial banks ;

  14. 试论国有商业银行如何建立有效的公司治理结构

    How to build the effective company governance in national commercial banks

  15. 第2章介绍了公司治理结构的传统理论,包括占主流地位的代理理论及与之相应的公司治理结构理论和影响较大的利益相关者治理理论。

    Chapter 2 is on the traditional theories of corporate governance .

  16. 民营企业治理结构改革与劳资关系重构

    Reforming Governance Structure and Restructuring Relation of Worker-Capitalist in Non-public Enterprises

  17. 完善基金法制环境优化基金治理结构

    Perfecting Legal Environment of Funds , Optimizing Management Structure of Funds

  18. 四要优化企业治理结构,构建现代企业制度。

    Improve the enterprises governance structure , establish the modern enterprise system .

  19. 因此,合理的治理结构,显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , reasonable governance structure , appear particularly important .

  20. 建立健全法人治理结构,进行国有产权代表人再造;

    Establish a sound corporate governance structure , state-owned property proxy recycling ;

  21. 解决企业治理结构和内部控制问题;

    To solve corporate governance structure and internal control issues ;

  22. 完善内部治理结构,构建现代公司制;

    Perfecting the inter government structure , building the present company system ;

  23. 台湾财团法人医院的法人治理结构

    The corporate governing structure of hospitals of financial group corporate in Taiwan

  24. 我国公司法人治理结构之问题与对策

    Problem of Administration Composition of China 's Company Legal Person and Solution

  25. 浅谈国企改革中的法人治理结构

    Talking about the Structure Managed by Artificial Person in State-owned Enterprise Reform

  26. 烟草企业法人治理结构研究

    On the legal person corporate governance structure in China 's tobacco industry

  27. 股权结构对公司治理结构和行为的影响

    The Impact of Share Ownership Structure upon Corporate Governance Structure and Behavior

  28. 治理结构调整是高等教育改革一项极为关键的内容。

    The adjustment of governance structure is critical to higher education reform .

  29. 融资结构与治理结构中的代理问题

    The Agency Problem in the Financial Structure and Governing Structure

  30. 对完善农村信用社治理结构的思考

    Thought about Improving the Administrative Structure of Country Credit Cooperative