
  • 网络research method
  1. 探讨了治学方法与成才的密切关系,归纳了古今学者的一些治学方法。

    Their relationship is discussed and some learning methodologies are summarized .

  2. 论杨继洲的医德医风及治学方法

    Remarks on Yang Jizhou 's medical moralities and treatment & learning methods

  3. 李潢的治学方法、思想和态度

    Li 's Method , Thought and Attitude Toward his Research

  4. 论胡适治学方法潜在的学术前提

    The Potential Academic Presupposition of the Methods of HU Shi 's Pursuit of Studies

  5. 文化使命感与问题意识&王水照的学术成就和治学方法

    Sense of Culture Mission and Problem Sense & Academic Accomplishment and Study Method of Wang Shui-zhao

  6. 柏拉图的理念论王国维的教育理念与治学方法

    Plato 's Theory of Idea : Exploration of Wang Guowei 's Cultural Education Opinions and Methodology

  7. 在治学方法上,他提出的“大胆的假设,小心的求证”,在学术界产生了探远的影响。

    In scholarly pursuits Hu Shi 's " bold hypothesis and discreet proof " exerted far-reaching influences in academia .

  8. 此文先阐述其《创作论》的创作契机,再解读其《讲疏》文本结构的三个环节,后解读王元化研究《文心雕龙》的治学方法。

    This paper examines the textual structure and research methodology adopted in Wang Yuanhua sA Study of The Book of Literary Design .

  9. 这既是王念孙训释古籍的原则,亦是他科学的治学方法。

    This was a principle of Wang Nian-sun to clear up ancient books , and also was his scientific method of studying .

  10. 本文通过对李潢著作的研究,概括出了他的治学方法、思想和态度。

    After having studied Li Huang s works , I have Summariaed his methods , thought and attitude toward teaching in this paper .

  11. 这种注重笔试而不重视辩论的科举传统,塑造了中国人的权威性格,造成了中国人注重文献积累和文字书写的治学方法。

    The emphasis on written examination rather than discussions resulted in the Chinese authoritarian personality and its academic approach focusing on literature accumulation and writing .

  12. 三国两晋时期,时间上去汉未远,学者的治学方法在继承汉制的基础上,又有所发展。

    The Three Kingdoms period , scholars method of studying in the inheritance according to the system , and on the basis of and some development .

  13. 随着以自然科学为基础的现代知识体系的确立,学人的思维方式和治学方法必须随之进行一场根本的变革。

    With the establishment of the modern knowledge system based on nature science , scholars had to change their mode of thinking and their research methodology radically .

  14. 胡适融通传统治学方法和杜威的科学方法,确立现代学术研究的新范式,对中国学术的现代转型起了巨大的推动作用。

    HU Shih melted Chinese traditional methodology with John Dewey 's scientific method , and established a new academic paradigm , promoted the academic change in modern China .

  15. 以孔子为代表的儒家学说,其人生观、价值观、政治观及伦理道理,全面地影响到中医的基本学说和治学方法。

    Confucianism 's outlook on life , value , politics and ethics makes an overall impact on traditional Chinese medical science 's basic theory and method of scholarly researches .

  16. 曾留学英国的严复最早把实证方法介绍到中国来,对于传统治学方法的变革起到了巨大的推动作用。

    Yan Fu is the first one to introduce the positivism method into China , which plays a tremendous driving role for the reform of the traditional scholarly research .

  17. 本论文立足于传统“辨章学术,考镜源流”治学方法,重新审视谢济世的生平、作品思想价值和艺术特色。

    The current paper is based on the traditional education methods of academic classes to re-examine the life , the thought values of the works and artistic features of Xie Jishi .

  18. 这一治学方法思路的最终确立在时间上有一形成过程,即由胚胎期,到形成期,到成熟期。

    This one pursued scholarly work there was a forming process on time in the train of thought of the method , namely by the earlier age , developing age , formative age .

  19. 在学术思想、治学方法和临证思维等方面深受各大名家的影响,使冯老师在老年骨伤科疾病治疗方面颇有建树,学有渊源。

    Lie was deeply impacted by various masters in academic thinking , scholarly approach and treatment thinking , which made many achievements on the treatment of orthopedic diseases in old age . 3 .

  20. 本文通过对胡适在语言文字方面的研究来分析其治学方法的形成、构建和发展,着重研究他治学过程中传统训诂方法、校勘方法的实际运用。

    This article through analyzes the Hu Shi 's partial language and writing research aspect the article , understood Hu Shi does scholarly research the method formation , the composition and the thought essence .

  21. 建国前夕争取胡适,是期望他与过去决裂,在思想信仰和治学方法方面改宗马克思主义,以影响和挽留一批知识分子为新中国服务;

    In the eve of establishment of a new China , the CCP expected him to depart from the past , and convert to Marxism in order to influence and hold the intellectuals to serve for the new country .

  22. 此外,出土文献研究与文学研究在治学方法上都注重文化背景,出土文献研究借助文化考察对文字作出新的训诂,为文学研究提供新的视角和空间。

    In addition , they all pay attention to the culture background in the methods , the research of unearthened document makes the new critical interpretation to the characters through culture , offer new visual angle and space for literature research .

  23. 他尤其精于史学考证,在古代历史地理研究、西北历史地理考证、古代游记行记校释及治学方法等方面,在历史地理研究中都有重大贡献。

    He particularly specializes in history textural researches . This article mainly demonstrates his contributions to historical geography , in terms of historical geography in ancient China , historical geography texture in Northwest , rectification of ancient travel notes , and the methods and characteristics of his scholarship as well .

  24. 本文主要表彰李四光教授在科学研究上追求真理的精神,并略述他治学的方法和态度。

    The present paper commends Professor Li Siguang ( J.S.Lee ) upon iris spirit of pursuing the truth and briefly describes his method and manner in scientific research .

  25. 就内容而言,既述治家之法、处世之道,又对南北风俗、士人好尚、佛语玄谈、治学作文方法、音韵字训、典故考证、文艺品第等都有独到的著述。

    As regards content , not only have it already stated the imperative of managing a household ways to conduct oneself in society , but also the peculiar illustrations of the customs to north and south , scholarship , Buddhism , literati , phonology , literary quotation and articles .

  26. 中学生搞历史调查,主要是了解历史知识形成的过程以及体会史学家的治学态度与方法。

    Through the social investigation , the students can understand the formative process of history and learn from historian 's studying attitude and method .

  27. 但因其治学思想和方法毕竟还属于传统学术范畴,自身局限亦不可避免。

    On the other hand , in the final analysis , Yuyue 's thought and methods belonged to the traditional academic category , so they had their own limitations .

  28. 明清浙东学派的治学思想和方法浅谈滋阴温阳两派医家阴阳人格体质特征与其学术思想相关性的分析

    An Analysis on Learning Thoughts and Approaches of East Zhejiang School during Ming and Qing Dynasties ; Association of Nourish Yin or Warm Yang and Yin-yang Personality-constitution Theory on Academic

  29. 阐明了24位沃尔夫数学奖得主的建树及数学成就、学术思想、教育思想、治学态度和方法,是广大读者特别是数学研究工作者、数学教师和数学爱好者的学习榜样。

    The contribution of the24 Ricardo Wolf Prize winners has set examples to the reading ptlblic , especially to researchers , teachers and enthusiasts of mathematics , academic thought , educational thought , and the attitude and ways of pursuing their studies .

  30. 茅家琦与近代中国研究学术研讨会的召开旨在传承、弘扬茅先生的治学理念、方法和风格;学习其高尚的人文关怀品格和科学精神。

    The seminar of " Mao Jia-qi and the Research of Modern Chinese History " is convoked aiming at carrying forward Mr Mao 's thought , method and style of study , learning intensively his noble character of humanity and spirit of science .