
  • 网络the national;The Nation;El Nacional
  1. 《国民报》很快发表了道歉声明。

    The paper quickly issued an apology .

  2. 阿布扎比的《国民报》报道,根据阿拉伯联合酋长国的国家烟草控制小组的一项提议,卷烟价格可能上涨四倍以上。

    The price of cigarettes could more than quadruple under a proposal from the National Tobacco Control Team in the United Arab Emirates , Abu Dhabi 's The National newspaper has reported .

  3. 《国民报》日前刊登了一篇报道,其内容是以色列允许更多定居者在争议领土地区修建住房的决定,以及特朗普称此举无助于和平进程的声明。

    The story , published in El Nacional , was about Israel 's decision to allow more settlers to build homes in disputed territories and Trump 's statement that the move did not aid in the peace process .