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  1. 他总是穿着一件样式简单的素色国服。

    He always wore a very simple national dress of a pale colour .

  2. 和服是日本的国服。

    Kimono is the national costume of Japan .

  3. 和国服相比最有特色的就是主页上的“时时在线帮助”了!

    The homepage of USA 's website contain a " live support online " which is the most different from China 's.

  4. 同国旗、国徽、国歌一样,国服是一个国家的符号和象征,体现着文化、礼仪、艺术、风俗等各层面的内涵。

    Like national flag , national emblem , and national anthem , National costume serves as a symbol which embodies the culture , etiquette , art and custom in depth .

  5. 如果你使用的是批处理文件,那么说明你也许损坏了你的安装文件,弄混了外文和国服客户端文件,或者在还没还原时就进行手动修改。

    If you used the batch , then it means you somehow corrupted your installation , by mixing foreign and chinese clients files , or doing manual modifications you didn 't revert .

  6. 那么究竟什么是“巴隆他加禄”呢?巴隆他加禄,也叫巴隆或巴洛,是一种缝有刺绣的正装衬衫,也是菲律宾的国服。

    The clothes of Philippines is " Barong Tagalog " The Barong Tagalog , more commonly known as simply Barong ( and occasionally called Baro ) , is an embroidered formal shirt which is considered the national dress of the Philippines .

  7. 从橘黄色的牡蛎到香蕉叶,从珊瑚礁到巧克力,在拉斯维加斯为期两小时的比赛中,88位选手展示了迄今为止最怪异的国服。

    From orange oysters to banana bras , coral reef wings and dresses made from chocolate , the 88 beauty queens that competed during the two-hour competition in Las Vegas , showed of the most bizarre ' national ' costumes yet .

  8. 巴隆他加禄,也叫巴隆或巴洛,是一种缝有刺绣的正装衬衫,也是菲律宾的国服。

    It 's a tradition to wear the clothes of the host country in APEC . The clothes of Philippines is " Barong Tagalog " The Barong Tagalog , more commonly known as simply Barong ( and occasionally called Baro ) , is an embroidered formal shirt which is considered the national dress of the Philippines .

  9. 指出了我国现行学位服的不足。

    The defect of current academic costume in China is pointed out .

  10. 对我国现行学位服体系提出了建议。

    The suggestions on the system of Chinese present academic costume are offered .

  11. 最后论文对现有世界知名户外品牌的服装产品做了具体的分析总结,并针对我国户外运动服品牌未来的发展做大胆的预测,对品牌的提升和优化提出了具体的实施方案。

    Lastly , it will have a detailed analysis on the apparel products of world-renowned outdoor brands , make a bold predication about the future development of Chinese outdoor sportswear brands and propose concrete implementation recommendations for the enhancement and optimization of their brands .

  12. 我国军用体能训练服的发展

    The Development of Military Physical Training Clothes in China