
  • 网络Water drying;gān
  1. 接着它被放置到大部分的水干了。

    Then it is left until most of the water dries up .

  2. 水干了我们就一个人喝水都不够了

    The watering hole is dried up , there 's barely enough water for one of us .

  3. 感官实验表明:冻干复水干切牛肉的口感与新鲜制品极为相似。

    The sensory test showed that the flavor of rehydrated products was very similar to the fresh ones .

  4. 半小时之后。位感到惊讶的服务员决定问问房客要这些水干什么。

    After a half-hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water .

  5. 至于多久清理一次,得看你使用什么样的护发品、洗头发的水干不干净了。

    How often you need to remove build up really depends on the products you use and the water coming out of your tap .

  6. 到第四天时,见托盘上的水干了,树上的“花”也开始凋谢了。

    It care To the fourth day see tray dried up the water of the tree and the " flower " also begin to fade .

  7. 有效的提取地层孔隙度等参数,从砂体中识别出储层并建立气水干层识别标准。

    Parameter such as formation porosity is effectively determined , reservoirs are recognized from sandstones , and standard for determination of gas , water or dry formations .

  8. 天不下雨,河里的水干了,就等于河伯的国土丧失了;

    When it hasn 't rained for a long time , the water in the river will dry up , which means that Hebo will lose his territory ;

  9. 因为耶和华你们的神在你们前面使约旦河的水干了,等着你们过来,就如耶和华你们的神从前在我们前面使红海干了,等着我们过来一样。

    For the LORD your God made the waters of Jordan dry before you till you had gone across , as he did to the red sea , drying it up before us till we had gone across .

  10. 应用上述模型,可进行机压管道式喷灌系统配水干管管网的优化计算,可确定水泵最优扬程及干管各管段尺寸最优值,以使干管管网系统年费用值达最小。

    With the model , the design of sprinkler pipeline network can be optimized , the optimal lift head and pipe size were determined , and the annual operational cost was minimized . They always connected water with their attitude .

  11. 们前面使红海的水干了,并且你们怎样待约但河东的两个亚摩利王西宏和噩,将他们尽行毁灭。

    For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt ; and how you completely destroyed the two kings of the Amorites on the other side of the Jordan .

  12. 水烧干了。

    The water boiled away .

  13. 把剩下的水排干。

    Drain off any remaining water

  14. 如果把这块湿地的水排干,这块地就会成为良田。

    If this wet land was drained , it would be good farmland .

  15. 在丰水年干物质生产2.65kg/(hm2·mm);

    In an abundant precipitation year , the grassland 's dry substance yield averaged 2.65 kg / ( hm ~ 2 · mm );

  16. 同时,经检测复水冻干品中的Zn和SO2残留量分别为19.5mg/kg及0.028g/kg,符合产品质量卫生要求。

    Through the examination , the Zn and SO2 residue content of recovery freeze-drying product was respectively 19.5 mg / kg , 0.028 g / kg .

  17. 他用拖把把地板上的水拖干。

    He sopped up the water on the floor with mop .

  18. 而要花40天才能将水抽干。

    It took 40 days to pump all the water out .

  19. 高炉焦炭中子测水与干焦重量补偿模型

    Neutron HYDRATE-DETECTION in BF coke and dry coke weighing compensation model

  20. 水烧干了,壶也空了。

    The water had all boiled away and the kettle was empty .

  21. 水下干作业复合灌注桩试验研究

    Experimental study on dry - bored composite pile under groundwater

  22. 油、水、干层的地球化学识别

    Geochemical Method Distinguishing the Oil , Water and Dry Layers

  23. 风机盘管凝结水水平干管水力计算方法探讨

    Approaches to hydraulic computation of condensate in fan coil and horizontal main pipe

  24. 企岭下低地原水抽水站把地下室里的水抽干

    Kei Ling Ha Lowland Raw Water Pumping Station

  25. 我们轮流用泵把船里的水抽干。

    We took turns pumping out the boat .

  26. 不要让茶壶内里的水烧干。

    Don 't let the kettle boil dry .

  27. 夏季河流的水变干了。

    The river runs dry in the summer .

  28. 他们想把井中的水抽干。

    They wanted to pump the well dry .

  29. 他把地下室里的水抽干。

    He pumped out the flooded basement .

  30. 让我们把井里的水抽干。

    Let 's pump out the well .