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  • kimono
和服 [hé fú]
  • [kimono] 日本人传统穿的肥大宽袖阔腰带长袍

和服[hé fú]
  1. 腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。

    The sash , kimono , and other garments were made to fit a child

  2. 她开始一件件拿出藏在和服两袖中带来的自家的东西。

    She commences to unburden herself of her belongings , which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono .

  3. 和服是日本民族服装的一部分。

    The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan .

  4. 这时意译就比较好。在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。

    At the door to the restaurant , a stunning , porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes .

  5. 据说这个词可以追溯到日本的封建时期。武士和他们的对手都会打开和服,以示自己没有隐藏武器。

    It is said that the term probably can date back to feudal would open their kimonos as a gesture of trust to show they had no hidden weapons .

  6. 以四苯硼钠和服止宁形成的离子缔合物为活性物质研制了服止宁液膜和PVC膜电极。

    The liquid - membrane and PVC membrane ion-selective electrodes for filcilin were studied .

  7. 喂养20周后,测定大鼠空腹和服糖后2h血糖;

    After feeding for 20 weeks , fasting and glucose-loaded 2 h blood glucose levels were measured .

  8. 第二周时XB组和B组Th1/Th2比对照组和服药前升高(P<0.05);

    Two weeks later Th1 / Th2 of XB group and B group were higher significantly than that of the control group .

  9. 目的:探讨普罗布考对脑梗塞患者一氧化氮(NO)的调节作用。方法:用Green改良法检测脑梗塞患者血清服药前和服药后的NO含量。

    Objective : To explore Probucol played a regulating role in cerebral infarction patients by NO Methods : Using Green improving way , NO serum level of patients were detected , with taking drugs before and after .

  10. 纺织品设计师詹尼弗•肖托(JenniferShorto)根据一本20世纪早期男性和服面料的色板书设计了她最新的作品。

    Textile designer Jennifer Shorto based her most recent designs on a book of swatches of early 20th-century men 's kimono fabrics .

  11. 本文认为,在加入WTO后的开放环境下,中国工业发展战略的调整应以产业结构战略为中心和依据,对外贸易战略和利用外资战略的取向应适应和服从产业结构战略的取向。

    As a WTO member , the rationale and central industrial development strategy of China under the new policies of openness should be industrial structure to which foreign trade and FDI strategies should be subordinate and adapted .

  12. 结果:1.服药前后各组风团及红晕面积的自身比较小青龙汤组服药后和服药前比较差别没显著性(P>0.05),氯雷他定组服药后和服药前差别有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The wheal and flare area compared with itself after dose and before dose There was no significantly differed in small-blue-dragon soup ( P > 0 . 05 ), in loratadine shows a highly significant treatment effecy ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  13. 方法将接受131I治疗的Graves病患者按131I用量分组,于服131I前和服131I后做外周血白细胞测量,观察白细胞的变化。

    Methods The Graves disease patients were divided into groups according to the 131I dosage taken , peripheral blood leucocytes were measured before and after the taking of 131I .

  14. 结果试验后较试验前胰岛素抵抗与胰岛β细胞功能取得明显改善,空腹和服糖后2h胰岛素分泌减少,早期胰岛素分泌指数显著升高。

    Results After half a year , the insulin resistance and function of β cells of islet improved markedly , insulin secretion in period of empty stomach and 2 hour after oral glucose taken decreased markedly .

  15. 服药前和服药后的30分钟,24小时,14天,其第1秒时间肺活量(FEV(1.0))的变化以及喘息症状和肺部哮鸣音等均被追随观察。

    Symptoms of shortness of breath , wheezing in both lungs and FEV_ ( 1.0 ) were taken 30 minutes , 24 hours and fourteen days after administration of the drugs .

  16. 与无胰岛素抵抗者比较,有胰岛素抵抗者BMI,空腹和服糖后30、60、120min血糖及胰岛素明显升高。

    The fasting blood sugar and insulin levels , 30,60,120 min sugar and insulin levels after 75g glucose load of the insulin resistance group increased more obviously compared with the group without insulin resistance .

  17. 当时拍摄的电视画面显示,新娘Sakamoto在婚礼上身著的是厚达12层的“junihitoe”,这是日本皇室女性出席正式场合所穿的一种和服。

    Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the " junihitoe " 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions .

  18. 方法用荧光偏振免疫法(FPIA)同时测定92例肾移植受者CsA谷浓度(C0)和服药2h后峰浓度(C2),并观察排斥反应的发生及肝、肾毒性反应。

    METHODS : The valley bottom levels ( C 0 ) and the peak levels ( C 2 ) were determined simultaneously by fluorescence polarization immunoassay ( FPIA ) in92patients2h after oral administration with CsA , the rejection and the hepatic and renal drug toxicities were observed .

  19. “和服”字面上的意思是“穿的东西”(ki是“穿”,mono是“东西”),用来表述这种长袍。材料精美、做功精细的和服被视为艺术品

    The word " kimono " which literally means a " thing to wear " ( ki " wear and mono " thing " ) , has come to denote these full-length robes . Kimonos made with exceptional skill from fine materials have been regarded as great works of art .

  20. 结论服用6MP前测定TPMT活性和服药时监测TGNs浓度能够有助于预防抗嘌呤代谢药物的不良反应,指导其化疗个体化,改善疗效。

    Conclusion Detection of TPMT activity before 6-MP therapy and TGNs level during 6-MP therapy may be helpful for preventing side effects from antipurine metabolic drug overdose , and individualizing 6-MP chemotherapy in children with ALL .

  21. 高高的红牌坊,和服女子的涂鸦,圣保罗的东方街(liberdade)社区和世界各地的大多数日裔聚集区看上去没什么区别。

    With its towering red torii gate and graffiti of girls in kimonos , the neighbourhood of Liberdade in so Paulo looks like most Japanese outposts around the world .

  22. 当提到和服我会想到日本。

    When it comes to kimono I 'll think of Japan .

  23. 大家不会对我提出问题,她们只能聆听和服从。

    People do not question me ! They listen and obey .

  24. 这就是我们常看到的和服背后的装饰品。

    That is why we often see behind the kimono accessories .

  25. 中日服饰文化交融的产物:和服

    Fruit of Dress Culture Communication Between China and Japan : Kimono

  26. 愿我们的产品和服给您带来更好的发展!

    Wish our products and service to bring you better development !

  27. 科克说,过去的旅行政策注重规则、执行和服从。

    Travel policies traditionally focus on rules , enforcement and compliance .

  28. 一位身着粉色和服的年轻女服务员紧张地走了进来。

    A nervous young waitress arrives in a pink kimono .

  29. 我国正常男子血浆睾丸酮含量及某些内分泌异常和服棉酚后的影响

    Plasma testosterone levels in Chinese normal males , endocrinopath and gossypol receivers

  30. 这样一件辰村丝绸做成的和服。

    A kimono Iike this , made of tatsumura silk .