
  1. 在他的革命纲领中,道德革命是近代中国最根本也是最后的革命。

    He viewed moral revolution as the last and the most fundamental revolution in modern China .

  2. 孙中山关于地方自治的思想理念,是其民权主义政治革命纲领的基本内容。

    Sun Yat-sen 's thought of regional autonomy is a basic part of his political creed based on rule by the right of man .

  3. 孙中山一手创建的平均地权学说,是中国历史上前所未有的反对封建土地制度的革命纲领,也是解决中国土地问题的理论基础。

    The theory of Equal Ownership of Land set by Sun Hingham was the unprecedentedly revolutionary program against the feudal ownership of land , and it was also the theoretical basis of solving Chinese land problems .

  4. 三民主义的革命纲领,体现了中国人民萌发的对于建立共和国和发展资本主义的渴望,这在当时也成为了革命的伟大口号。

    The Three People 's Principles was a political programme which embodied the hopes of the Chinese bourgeon sie for the establishment of a republic and the development of capitalism , and was a great rallying cry for the revolution at that time .

  5. 全国土地会议上制定了《中国土地法大纲》,它是一个最彻底的,而且是比较完善的土地革命纲领,适合于当时形势发展需要及中国广大贫农的要求。

    Having made " China 's land law outline " at the national land meeting , it is a most thorough one , and more perfect the Agrarian Revolutionary War guiding principle , suitable for the changing situation need and the Chinese vast poor peasant 's request at that time .

  6. 一个新政府的出现是完全必要的,有了这样一个政府,才能执行革命的纲领,也才能在全国范围内着手改造军队。

    It is absolutely necessary to have a new government , which alone can carry out the revolutionary programme and start to reform the armies on a national scale .

  7. 本文通过对俄国民粹主义革命急进派政治纲领的论析,阐明了布尔什维主义同俄国民粹主义的历史联系和继承关系。

    Through an analysis of the political platform of Russian Radical Populists , the article clearly explains the historical and inheritance ties between Bolshevism and Russian Populism .

  8. 根据总纲领和逻辑学4要素,提出了革命的若干具体纲领,并指出当前最重要的任务是建立柔性命题逻辑学,它是建立整个柔性逻辑学的基石。

    Secondly , regarding the general creed and four elements of logic , the concrete creed of the revolution was proposed and it was pointed out that the current important task was to establish flexible propositional logics , which was the footstone of the entire flexible logics .