
xiào wài huó dònɡ
  • afterschool activities
  1. 这些学生将到一家博物馆进行校外活动。

    These students will go on a field trip to a museum .

  2. 青少年校外活动场所空间组织研究

    A Study on the Space Structure of the Young People Student Extracurricular Activity Place

  3. 他们还说,它会干扰校外活动,包括暑期就业。

    And they say it interferes with activities outside school & including summer employment .

  4. 她们对我的校外活动和社区服务不屑一顾,不把那看做是真正的学习。

    They had quickly dismissed my out-of-school activities and community service as lacking real learning .

  5. 记下你已知的校外活动。

    Record your known out-of-school activities .

  6. 其中以「参加校外活动」最具解释力,突显了这种经验在校长终身学习经验上的重要地位。

    This result shows that the lifelong-learning experiences of elementary school principals are multiple and rich .

  7. 当然,这部分地反映出中国学校学生课业重,因而很少有校外活动时间的状况。

    In part , of course , this reflects the heavier workload in Chinese schools , which leaves less time for outside activities .

  8. 创建良好的校园文化环境,引导学生在丰富多彩的课外校外活动中完善自己。

    At last , the cultural environment of the campus should be optimized to guide students to prefect themselves in colorful extracurricular activities .

  9. 于是许多学校为了避免学生安全出现问题,停止一切校外活动,甚至部分体育活动,这些都不利于学生的全面发展。

    To avoid the security problems of the students , many school quit the outside-campus activities and even some sports activities , which are not conducive to the holistic development of students .

  10. 21岁的李今同样是武大软件专业的大三学生。他在去年参加参加重庆残联的校外活动期间发现了一个极具挑战性的难题。

    Li Jin , 21 , a junior software major at the university , found a challenging problem during his visit to Chongqing Disabled Person 's Federation in an off-campus activity last year .

  11. 校外活动场所作为社会教育的必要机构是开展素质教育主要平台,肩负着培养新世纪人才的重任。

    Out of School Activity Places is a type of necessary social agency , which is main places for all-around-development education , taking the important responsibility of cultivating the talents of the new century .

  12. 通过对大连市区内校外活动场所的实地调研及国内外优秀案例的分析,挖掘现有青少年校外活动场所的优点与不足。

    By field investigation in Out of School Activity Places in Dalian city and analysis of excellent cases in China and abroad , finding advantages and disadvantages of the existing Out of School Activity Places .

  13. 由西方经济发达的国家首先开展研究,如今的STS教育,从目标到课程,从校内课堂教学到校外科技活动,都在向着一个更高的层次发展。

    The western developed countries are the first to study the STS Education .

  14. 校外科技活动的深远意义

    The Profound Significance of Science and Technology Activity in Spare Time

  15. 中学生参与校外体育活动存在较大的盲目性和随意性;

    The physical activity of middle school students has blindness and carelessness .

  16. 运动友谊质量与学习者校外体育活动的参与程度相关;

    The sports friendship quality has a relation with students ' sports participation level outside school .

  17. 校外科技活动中开展课题研究教学的问题与对策

    Problems and Their Countermeasures of Carrying Out Teaching Research through Program for Scientific Activities Outside Schools

  18. 西部地区中小学学生课外体育和校外体育活动现状调查与对策研究

    Survey and Countermeasures on Status Quo of Primary and High School Students'After-School Physical Activities in the Western Regions

  19. 记得花些时间在校外的活动上&远离作业和大学社交生活。

    Remember to take some time away from campus & from the demands of schoolwork and the trappings of the college social life .

  20. 根据对管理主体与管理客体的调查结果,提出合理建议,为福建省青少年校外体育活动中心的管理提供真实依据。

    According to the findings of the subject and object of management , forward reasonable proposals , Fujian adolescent extracurricular sports activities center management to provide a real basis .

  21. 留学生校外教研活动;留学生因教学培养的需要赴外地从事调研或搜集资料活动时,必须向外事处或院系提出申请,经由导师、所在院系和留学生办公室批准后方可进行。

    Students should submit an application to the Foreign Affairs Office or the school for approval if they need to travel off campus to do research or collect information .

  22. 开展广泛的、丰富多彩的校外教育活动,才能培养青少年的实践能力和综合素质,促进青少年全面发展。

    Conduct extensive and varied extra-mural educational activities in order to train our young people to the practical ability and overall quality , and promote the comprehensive development of young people .

  23. 采用SFQS运动友谊质量量表,以及自编校外体育活动调查问卷,探讨在校外课程空间中,同伴间的运动友谊质量对于中学生校外体育活动的影响。

    By using the Sport Friendship Questionnaire and Self-made outside school physical activity questionnaire , this paper discusses the effect of sport friendship quality among peer on students ' outside school physical activity .

  24. 青少年校外体育活动中心是增强青少年体质的有效手段,是我国建设青少年公共体育服务体系建设的重要抓手。

    The adolescent extracurricular sports activites center is the effective measure to enhance the health of youth , and is the key to the construction of public sports service system of teenagers of our country .

  25. 二是努力开发和利用校外实践活动资源,充分发挥动物园、植物园、学校周围的社区资源以及自然保护区、森林公园等自然生境的作用;

    Second , we may hardly make full use of practical activity resources out of school , such as zoo , botanical garden , district resources around school , natural reserve and forest park , etc.

  26. 另外,管理制度还不完善,缺乏相应的管理人员和教练员,缺乏激励机制等问题阻碍了福建省青少年校外体育活动中心的『正常运行。

    In addition , the management system is not perfect , the lack of corresponding management personnel and coaches , such problems as lack of incentive mechanism hamper the normal operation of adolescent extracurricular sports activites center of Fujian province .

  27. 浅谈校外美术教育活动中的素质教育

    A Brief Talk on Quality-Oriented Education in After-School Art Education Activities

  28. 第六部分新疆高校少数民族学生课外、校外艺术教育活动。

    Part VI Ethnic Students Extracurricular , school arts education activities .

  29. 确实,很多情况下,学校禁止学生从事校外的商业活动。

    Indeed , in many cases the universities ban them from pursuing outside business interests .

  30. 阐述了数字电路教学的校外课外开展活动的情况,在电子兴趣活动以及在培养学生成才方面的作用。

    It describes spare time activities of digital circuit teaching and the effect on the interest of electronic activities and educate student to become qualified persons .