
  • 【船】timing
  1. 改进了传统BP神经网络应用于非均匀性校正时的一些不足,提高了校正的效果。

    By improving the traditional non-uniformity correction method based on BP neural network , the non-uniformity of infrared image is reduced .

  2. MonteCarlo技术估算静校正时产生零空间的原因及解决方法

    The reason why null space occurs in statics estimation using Monte Carlo technique , and the solving method

  3. 对SPIRAL的梯度场波形、k空间分布以及网格重建算法进行了描述。讨论了偏共振效应对SPIRAL点传播函数的影响,以及在对该效应进行校正时积分面积大小的影响。

    The factors , such as the off-resonance effect and gradient shape , which affect the quality of the SPIRAL imaging were discussed .

  4. 利用MonteCarlo技术估算静校正时总会出现零空间现象,即炮点静校正量或检波点静校正量作相同时移。

    In statics estimation using Monte Carlo technique , there always occurs null space phenomenon , namely equal time shifts for shot-point static correction or receiving-point static correction .

  5. 由于利用MonteCarlo技术自动估算静校正时有很大的局限性费时太多,需要上千次迭代,并且要求有较好的温度参数才能收敛到最优解。

    Static correction estimation using Monte Carlo technique has severe limitations , namely time consuming iterations ( above 1000 times ) and good temperature parameter for converging to optimum solution .

  6. 事实上这种转换是消除动校正时倾角影响的一种倾角校正(DMO)方法。

    The transform presented in this paper removes the dip-affection and is indeed a method of DMO .

  7. 利用四面体插值算法进行色彩校正时,通过样本集直接建立起来的三维查找表往往是不均匀的,为了生成符合ICC规范的Profile,必须通过插值得到均匀的Profile数据。

    In the process of color calibration using tetrahedral interpolation , 3D-LUT created directly by color patch sample is usually not uniform , which contradicts the ICC profile specification and makes it necessary to obtain the uniform profile data by interpolation .

  8. 在用地面雨量计资料和雷达资料对地面降水进行短时(3小时以内)校正时,针对不同的降水类型采用不同的Z~R关系比用同一种Z~R关系的校正精度大约提高4%。

    Considering in the calculation of surface radar-based rainfall accumulation within the three hours , a distinct Z-R relationship is required for the different precipitation type , the accuracy on the calibrated radar rainfall estimation raises about 4 % than using single Z-R relation .

  9. 计算有、无衰减校正时线源扩展函数的半高宽(FWHM)及线源峰值计数。

    The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the line resource spread function and the peek pixel counts of the line resource were calculated with and without AC.

  10. 在校正时选1%作为生油高峰对应的镜质体反射率(RO),在不同盆地或对于不同类型烃源岩可能有所不同,应根据某一盆地的烃源岩实测演化剖面来选定生油高峰对应的RO。

    The selection of vitrinite reflectance at oil-generating peak when correction should be based on measured source rock evolutive section in a basin for different basins or different source rocks have somewhat different vitrinite reflectance .

  11. 在应用水文地球化学路径模拟技术进行地下水14C年龄校正时,必须要充分考虑地下水补给环境特点以及反向地球化学模拟模型中的非可行解的排除。

    The specific character of recharge environment and the removal of non-possible solutions should be paid more attention in application of inverse geochemical modeling in the correction of groundwater 14C da-ting .

  12. 遥感图像在进行几何精校正时,需采用地面控制点(GCPs),这些控制点一般来源于地形图,因此,校正后遥感图像的坐标和精度主要决定于地形图。

    In remote sensing image geometric rectification , some ground control points ( GCPs ) from topographical map are needed . So the accuracy and coordinates of the rectified images highly depend on the topographical map used .

  13. 提出了用于功率因数校正时主要储能元件参数的计算方法。

    The calculating method to identify the system parameters is recommended .

  14. 频谱校正时谱线干涉的影响及判定方法

    Spectrum Line Interaction and Distinguish Method of the Spectrum Interpolation Correction

  15. 最后余款可能有所校正时,请见背面。

    Final balance may be subject to adjustment-please see back .

  16. 仿真结果表明数据信号通过网络加校正时的输出与参考输出基本相似。

    Simulation results show that the networked control system output with compensation is similar to the reference output .

  17. 这样,在轮胎压力需要校正时,驾驶员就会收到警告和通知。

    In this way , the driver is warned and informed if the tyre pressure needs to be corrected .

  18. 在决定是否应用代码校正时,要确定这种校正对成品有多重要。

    When deciding whether or not to apply a code correction , determine how crucial it is to the finished product .

  19. 山区地震资料进行常规静校正时,校正误差随炮检距的增大而增大。

    When we conventional static correction for seismic data of mountain area , correction error increases along with the increases of source-detector distance .

  20. 介绍了光电式寻边器的种类和工作原理,以及应用于振动轮校正时的使用方法和注意事项。

    Classes and work principles of different photoelectric edge detectors are expatiated , operation processes and precautions when aligning vibratory drum are described .

  21. 相反,离赤道越远,水面提升就越大,当摆动被校正时就导致越多的洪水。

    Conversely , the farther from the equator , the greater the rise in the water tables causing more flooding as the wobble upon Earth is corrected .

  22. 在实现常相位校正时,在记录的相位谱上加一个常数与在记录的瞬时相位上加同一个常数,结果是相同的。

    In constant phase correction of seismic record , the phase spectrum plus a constant and the instantaneous phase plus the same constant can bring the same result .

  23. 研究了自适应电流速断保护中实时计算系统等值参数的一种傅氏算法。提出了用于功率因数校正时主要储能元件参数的计算方法。

    The algorithms of real-time calculating system parameters are studied for adaptive current fast-tripping protection of power system . The calculating method to identify the system parameters is recommended .

  24. 研究发现,对实际危险性分析模型来说,客观不确定性往往伴同主观不确定性一起出现,因而在对客观不确定性作校正时应重视减小其中主观不确定性的影响;

    For practical seismic hazard analysis models , objective uncertainties are often accompanied by subjective uncertainties . So attention should be paid to reduce the influence of subjective uncertainties while making correction to objective uncertainties .

  25. 在对倾斜的文本行进行倾斜校正时,本文提出了一种用一组等距平行线探测倾斜角的方法,再根据倾斜角进行校正。

    As to the tilt correction , a method using a group of parallel lines to get the tilt angle is used , and then we can correct the lean text lines based on the tilt angle .

  26. 但是,由于地质与井眼情况复杂,各种环境影响的随机性和复杂性,致使应用这些图版和公式进行环境影响校正时,难以取得良好的效果。

    But , it is complicated with the hole circumstance and the geological circumstance of a well , all kinds of environmental influence made it complexity , so using the plates and formula to correct the well-logging curves usually can 't get the right answer .

  27. 关于计量装置的检验无论采用何种方法,都应考虑到正在使用的流量计精度与校正时精度的一致性,会随着环境变化和时间的变化而有所差异。

    Whichever method is to be taken for checking the metering units , consideration should be given to the agreement between the accuracy of the meter in use and that of the one being proved , which may very a little with the change of environment and time .

  28. 但采用Forman相位校正法时,不同切趾函数对校正结果的影响明显不同。

    The best result is obtained with cosine function of Forman method .

  29. 本文将集中讨论局部收敛性,特别是证明了在使用DFP或PSB等矩阵校正公式时,修正后的方法在一定的条件下是超线性收敛的。

    Particularly , it is proved that if DFP or PSB matrix updating formulae are used , then our method will be convergent superlinearly under some conditions .

  30. 校正正时,可能会损坏发动机!

    By altering the timing , damage to the engine may occur !