
jiào shí
  • timing
校时[jiào shí]
  1. 用GPS校时的IRIG-B(DC)时间码产生器设计

    IRIG - B ( DC ) Clock Code Generator in GPS Timing

  2. 它与电能表系统联机可检定多功能电能表的日计时误差,同时还具有GPS自动校时、相位测定,频率测量和可调电压输出功能。

    It on-line may examine the multi-purpose electrical energy tables with the electrical energy table system when the daily reckoning error , meanwhile has the GPS automatic timing , the phase determination , the frequency measurement and the variable voltage output function .

  3. GPS校时功能:提供时钟同步接口,接收GPS校时信号。

    GPS function : offer synchro-clock port , receive GSP time-correct signal .

  4. 硬盘自动播出系统GPS校时器设计与实现

    Designing and Implementation of GPS Time Checkout in Hard Disk Auto-Broadcasting System

  5. 新一代天气雷达中GPS校时技术应用

    Application of Time Calibrating Technology with GPS in CINRAD / SA Radar

  6. 塔钟GPS自动校时系统的研制

    Development of GPS Automatic Correcting Time System for Tower Clock

  7. 基于GPS自动校时的数显时钟的设计

    The design of the digital display clock based on GPS automatic error correction

  8. PC机的GPS自动校时系统

    An Automatic System to Adjust Computer Time by GPS

  9. GPS校时的时间频率精密测量同步辐射时间分辨荧光光谱技术

    The Precise Measurement of Time and Frequency Based on Time Calibrating with GPS

  10. 基于GPS同步时钟的统一校时方案

    Time synchronization based on GPS clock

  11. 介绍一种利用GPS卫星接收机接收的时间信号,经单片机接收处理后进行自动校时的数显时钟的设计。

    The author introduces the design of digital display clock , the time signal received by GPS satellite receiver corrects time automatically after receiving and processing by single chip computer .

  12. 采用基于GPS时钟信号,通过NTP协议实现不同平台间校时的方法,提高了数字电视系统的整体安全可靠性。

    Based on GPS signal , through NTP protocol realize different platform time checkout , this way improves the security of DTV .

  13. IRIG-B码解码及网络校时的实现

    The Decode of IRIG-B and the Realization of Net Time Service

  14. 针对现场总线控制系统精确校时和时间统一的要求,提出了3种利用GPS授时功能对总线式系统进行校时的方案。

    Aiming at the requests of precise time synchronization and unification of time for field-bus control system , Three solutions were presented to precisely adjust time for field-bus control system by timing function of GPS .

  15. 讨论了一种基于GPS全球定位系统的校时方式,论述了工作于该方式下的同步时钟的硬件结构和工作原理,并对其在变电站自动化中的授时和SOE记录方面的应用加以介绍。

    The hardware structure of GPS synchronizing clock and its working principles are presented . Its applications of time synchronization and SOE in a typical substation automation system are introduced .

  16. 随后介绍了各个功能模块的实现过程中硬件的设计方法,包括ADC应用电路的设计、GPS定位校时、操作显示模块的设计,还谈及在硬件设计过程中应注意的问题。

    Whereafter it gives the means of hardware design , including the ADC application circuit , orientation and check time using GPS , operation and display interface , and the attendant problems when designing .

  17. 本论文主要讨论了IRIG-B时间码的解码以及建立在其基础之上的网络校时的实现。

    The paper mainly discusses decoding a kind of time code called IRIG-B and the realization of network time service based on the decode method .

  18. 本文简要介绍了研制GPS校时的IRIG-B(DC)时间码产生器的目的、意义、组成及设计要点,重点讨论了提高时间同步精度的技术措施及相应的设计方法。

    In this paper , we introduce the aim , system composition and design of IRIG-B ( DC ) clock code generator in Global Positioning System timing . Above all , we put forward the issues to improve precision in clock synchronization .

  19. 该电子钟设有三个按键:S1,S2和S3键,使之具备了校时、定时功能。

    This kind of electron clock is equipped with three keys , S1 , S2 and S3 , which enable the clock to adjust to keep accurate time and to buzz at the set time .

  20. 介绍了一种基于EWB软件设计电子钟的方法,系统由石英晶体振荡器、分频器、计数器、译码电路、LED显示电路、校时电路、整点报时电路组成。

    The paper introduces a method of digital electronic clock design based on EWB and the system is made up by silicon crystal oscillator , frequency divider , number counter , decoder circuit , LED display circuit , calibrated circuit , chirping circuit .

  21. RTU服务器不仅要实现多任务的数据采集、数据打包处理、本地存储和GPS校时的功能,还要拥有多用户通信能力,并保证数据传输的实时性和完整性。

    RTU servers are not only capable of multi-tasking data collecting , data package processing , local storage and GPS timing , also create a sound platform for multi-user communication , achieve the goal of real time data transmission and data integrity . Finally , two RTU experiments are presented .

  22. 此外,系统还能提供多种规约的校时串口数据,其中IRIG-B码是一种应用极其广泛的校时通讯规约,可以方便地与第三方设备兼容。

    In addition , the system can also provide a wide range of serial format data to amend other clocks , for instance , IRIG-B code is a widely-used communication protocol , which can be easily compatible with third-party equipment .

  23. 该方法以星间链路的上、下行信号传输延迟时间差为出发点进行分析以改善同步精度,并用贝叶斯估计对在轨运行的DMSS星间钟面差进行计算并校时。

    The method starts with difference between uplink and downlink signal delay to analyze how to increase timing precision , and applies Bayesian approach to compute satellite clock bias so as to calibrate it when DMSS is on orbit flying .

  24. 系统软件以Win2000为平台,采用VC++和Delphi编程语言,完成电话录音、监听、放音、查询、日志、报表、打印、校时等多种功能。

    Based on the Windows 2000 OS , VC + + and Delphi Programming language , the recording system software is implemented . Many functions are realized , such as telephone recording , listening in , replay , query , operation log , forming printing and system clock adjusting , etc.

  25. 地震前兆设备观测网络校时服务器部署方案设计

    Configuration scheme design of SNTP servers for earthquake observation device network

  26. 测控网络中的校时方法研究与应用

    Study and Application for Adjusting Time on Measurement and Control Network

  27. 自动校时实时日历时钟的设计

    The design of an automatic error correction real - time calendar clock

  28. 我有幸在女王访问我校时见到了她。

    I had the privilege of meeting the Queen when she visited our school .

  29. 在选校时还有其他需要考虑的学术因素。

    There are also other academic considerations to take into account when selecting a school .

  30. 自动校时电子钟的研制

    Development of Automatic Checking Time Electronic Clock