
lùn yuán
  • argument
  1. 很多语言学家集中讨论了英语中的一些论元变换,如spray/load变换和swarm变换。

    Many linguists have concentrated on argument alternations in English , such as spray / load-alternation and swarm-alternation .

  2. 论元结构是从词汇语义结构中投射出来的,而深层结构是根据论元结构和X-bar理论投射出来的。

    Argument structure is projected from lexical semantic structure , and d-structure is projected from argument structure and principles of X-bar theory .

  3. 域外论元由功能性投射Voice引入句法操作。

    The external argument is introduced by the functional projection Voice .

  4. 首先,every和每不同于其它全称量词如all/所有,后面不能直接接论元如不可数名词或光杆复数名词。

    Firstly , different from other universal quantifier such as all / suo you , both every and mei cannot be followed by arguments such as mass noun or bare plural nouns directly .

  5. 研究认为,连词是一种虚谓词,其支配两个V(-N)论元。

    The study holds that conjunction is one type of functional predicates , which dominates two arguments of V ( - N ) property .

  6. Johan还解释了本体论元模型层次(hierarchies)的重要性。

    Johan also explains the importance of ontological metamodel hierarchies .

  7. 在存现结构LP+V+NP中,LP是存现动词的一论元,是句法主语。

    In the construction LP + V + NP , it is a subject and also one argument of existential verbs .

  8. 研究了基于CRF模型的事件论元角色抽取任务中多种特征的表现,并将其归纳为词法、语义、依存特征、句法和相对位置等五大类别。

    This dissertation explores the CRF-based event argument extraction approach and summarizes all features into five categories : lexical , semantic , dependency , syntactic and relative-position features .

  9. 第一,McRaeetal.(1997)提出动词-特有概念假说(theverb-specificconceptshypothesis)认为,动词论元结构是基于日常生活经验而形成的概念知识。

    First , the verb-specific concepts hypothesis proposed by McRae et al . ( 1997 ) suggests that verb-argument structure is conceptually shaped through everyday experience .

  10. 在此基础上论文认为小心NP取什么语义类型取决于NP在其所在的论元结构中所扮演的语义角色及NP的语义特征。

    On the base of the analyses , it comes to a conclusion that which semantic type " xiaoxin NP " imperative sentence conveys depends on the semantic role that NP acts and the semantic feature of NP .

  11. 在带有两个名词短语的非宾格结构中,动词前的非论元名词短语是句子的话题,在CP的指示语位置基础生,被称为悬垂话题。

    In the Chinese surface unaccusative sentence with two NPs , the non-argument NP before the verb is no longer the subject of the sentence but it is a base-generated topic at the Spec of CP. It is named the dangling topic .

  12. Davis通过把Dowty的论元选择从一个抽象过程实现为特征结构表达式,成功地将词汇语义蕴涵引入到HPSG框架之内。

    By rendering Dowty 's argument selection from an abstract procedure into a concrete feature structure presentation , Davis has successfully introduced the lexical entailments into HPSG ( Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar ) .

  13. 其中,基于学习矢量量化的框架激活机制将视频所凸显的认知视角与动词框架相关联;而对论元词汇则通过SOM网络训练,神经元聚类和语言概念习得将其在视觉空间中实现范畴化。

    The association between verb frames and cognitive perspectives highlighted by video information is realized through frame activation mechanism based on Learning Vector Quantization algorithm . The arguments lexicons dominated by verb frames are categorized in visual spaces through SOM network training , neuron clustering and language concept acquisition .

  14. 实验结果表明,一旦学习者能够习得零词素CAUS,他们就能正确掌握EO心理动词的论元结构。

    The results obtained through the experiment are discussed with respect to the issues in SLA . It was found that once learners acquire the ZERO CAUS , they are able to work out the correct argument structure of EO verbs .

  15. 述谓结构由论元和谓词组成。

    A predication consists of argument ( s ) and predicate .

  16. 论元杂剧的悲剧蕴涵

    Connotation of the Tragedies of Poetic Dramas of the Yuan Dynasty

  17. 本文为论元结构理论问题的专题论文。

    This is a dissertation on the Theory of Argument Structure .

  18. 一套汉语动词论元角色的语法指标

    A set of grammatical guidelines to the thematic roles in Chinese

  19. 论元明清时期的文学目录

    Catalogues of Literature of the Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties

  20. 汉语空间方位场景与论元的凸显

    The spatial and locative scenes and the argument dominance in Chinese

  21. 根据语义关系的不同,话题结构可分为:论元式、语域式、同一式、分裂式、分句式五种结构类型。

    Topic-comment structure can be classified into five types from semantic relationship .

  22. 论元结构是两个不同表征的交接面。

    Argument structure interface with two other kinds of representation .

  23. 基于决策树的中文事件论元值的抽取

    Event Argument Values Extraction from Chinese Text Based on the Decision Tree

  24. 配价、论元隐现与基干宾语模式

    Valance , Appearance and Disappearance of Argument and Basic Model of Object

  25. 论元、明山水画中的形、神关系

    Discussion on the Shape and Spirit of Landscape in Yuan and Ming

  26. 论元杂剧中的权力崇拜情结

    On Power Worship Complex in Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty

  27. 略论元杂剧文体的诗化特征

    On the Poetic Characteristics of Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty

  28. 论元认知能力在医学生临床实习中的培养

    Foster medical students ' metacognitive ability in the clinical practice

  29. 每种方法侧重论元结构的不同方面。

    Each approach emphasizes different aspects of the argument structure .

  30. 有时则需要三个论元角色共同参与。

    Sometimes needs three to discuss a Yuan role to participation together .