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  • 网络The Alternative Question
  1. 这八个主要类型的问题有特殊疑问句,陈述疑问句,正向是非问句,反向是非问句,含有情态词的是非问句,正反问句,附加疑问句,选择疑问句。

    The eight major types of questions are : wh-question , declarative question , positive yes-no question , negative yes-no question , yes-no question with modal auxiliaries , X not X question , tag question , and alternative question .

  2. 选择疑问句的认知研究

    Choice A Cognitive Study of the Selective Question Sentence

  3. 选择疑问句是一种较特殊的标记性句式,在日常交际和书面表达中具有特定的社会和认知功能。

    Selective question sentence is a special marked sentence pattern , which has unique social and cognitive functions in the daily conversation and writing expression .

  4. 由于一般疑问句有四种类型,并且数量多,因此第二章至第五章逐次分析说明一般疑问句,依次是:特指疑问句、是非疑问句、正反疑问句、选择疑问句。

    Because of the general questions have four types , and quantity , and therefore Chapter II to Chapter V of successive analysis of the general questions , are : specific questions , the non-interrogative sentence , the positive and negative questions , select questions .