
  • 网络Electoral Commission;election commission;CNE;Comelec;spr
  1. 该国的选举委员会将议会选举日期提前了3天。

    The country 's election commission has advanced the date of parliamentary elections by three days .

  2. 然后卡姆纳尔先生凭直觉在联邦选举委员会的计算机系统中进行了查询。

    Then Mr. Kamenar , acting on a hunch , ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission .

  3. 全国选举委员会应对选举结果出具证明。

    The National Election Council is supposed to certify the results of the election

  4. 选举委员会宣布,所有有资格者都将获得投票的机会。

    The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote

  5. 选举委员会将人工计票。

    Election boards will count the ballots by hand

  6. 比尔被任命为选举委员会主席。

    Bill was appointed head of the election committee .

  7. 选举委员会由四名女委员组成,她们都是本地人。

    The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives .

  8. RichardsonDumel是全国选举委员会的发言人。

    Richardson Dumel is the spokesperson for the National Election Committee .

  9. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,自由伙伴行动基金会已经向联邦选举委员会提交了注册文件。

    NPR 's Peter Overby says the Freedom Partners Action Fund has filed registration papers with the Federal Election Commission .

  10. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,这个案件将迫使联邦选举委员会将十字路口组织调整为政治委员会。

    NPR 's Peter Overby says the suit will force the federal election commission to regulate Crossroad as a political committee .

  11. 选举委员会(SPR)和国民登记局(JPN)大规模掩盖行动被揭发!

    Massive Cover-up by Election Commission ( SPR ) and National Registration Department ( JPN ) was detected !

  12. 在政治方面,63岁的馨祥博士称自己是“典型的独立派”。据联邦选举委员会(FederalElectionCommission)称,他总共为竞选捐款8.24万美元,其中6万捐给了民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)。

    On politics , Dr. Soon-Shiong , 63 , called himself the " quintessential independent . " He has donated $ 82400 to campaigns , according to the Federal Election Commission , including $ 60000 to the Democratic National Committee .

  13. 在被问到最近是否有更多的捐赠没有被联邦选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼在一封邮件中措辞隐晦地回应道,正在看一些PAC之类的。

    Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records , Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email , Looking at some PACs , etc.

  14. 他说:我们必须关注社会影响和社会成本,而不仅仅是私人利益和私人成本。经过与唐英年(HenryTang)的激烈角逐,梁振英上月被1200名委员组成的选举委员会选为新任特首。

    We will have to look at social implications and social costs and not just private benefits and private costs , said Mr Leung , who was chosen last month by a 1,200-member election committee in a hard-fought contest with Henry Tang .

  15. 在选举委员会的1200名成员中,超过半数起初瞩意出身富贵家族的唐英年(HenryTang),但后来传出了唐英年在自己家里违规建造酒窖的消息,此后,唐英年被迫退出竞选。

    More than half the 1,200 members of the committee that picks the leader favoured Henry Tang , the scion of a wealthy family who was later forced to drop his campaign after it emerged that he had built an illegal wine cellar in his house .

  16. 但是选举委员会发言人Qassimal-Aboudi表示,他们没有提供有力的证据证明这一点。

    But a spokesman for the commission Qassim al-Aboudi said no strong evidence had been provided .

  17. 斯卡拉是由FIFA选出的独立审计委员会的主席,他也是临时选举委员会的主席,会监督我的继任者的选举过程。

    Mr. Scala is the Independent Chairman of our Audit and Compliance Committee elected by the FIFA Congress . He is also the Chairman of the ad hoc Electoral Committee and , as such , he will oversee the election of my successor .

  18. 57岁的梁振英(LeungChun-ying)周日在选举委员会委员投下的1132张选票中赢得61%的票数,该委员会主要由亲北京的政治阵营以及香港商界的高层人士组成。

    Leung Chun-ying , 57 , on Sunday clinched 61 per cent of the 1,132 votes cast by members of the election committee comprising mostly senior members of the pro-Beijing political camp and Hong Kong business community .

  19. 同时,联邦选举委员会仍然没有批准三个克钦政党包括克钦邦进步党(KSPP)登记竞选2010年的大选。

    Meanwhile , the UEC is still sitting over the approval of three Kachin political parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ) to contest the2010 general election .

  20. Diallo说,他们审查了选举委员会规则,全国选举规范以及宪法,准备为全国走出危机进行评估并提出建议。

    Diallo says they examined the internal rules of the electoral commission , the country 's electoral code and the constitution , and prepared an assessment and recommendations to get the country out of crisis .

  21. 印度选举委员会主席指责他的副手NavinChawla有支持领导印度执政联盟的国大党的倾向,一直试图将他炒鱿鱼。

    Gopalaswami , head of India 's Election Commission , has been trying to sack his deputy , Navin Chawla , whom he accuses of bias in favour of the Congress party , which leads India 's ruling coalition .

  22. 乔纳森在阿布贾告诉记者,INEC的决定应该使尼日利亚人安心,选举委员会致力于举办公平的投票。

    Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said the head of the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission , Attahiru Jega , made the right call in postponing Nigeria 's election to allow for logistical problems to be Jonathan told reporters in Abuja the INEC 's decision should Nigerians the body is committed to holding a fair poll .

  23. 联邦选举委员会还负责更新选民名单。

    The commission is also responsible for updating the voter lists .

  24. 清点选票由阿富汗政府指定的独立选举委员会进行。

    The votes were counted by the government-appointed Independent Election Commission .

  25. 选举委员会裁定选举程序很光明磊落。

    The Electoral Commission has ruled that the procedure was aboveboard .

  26. 中央选举委员会主席丘罗夫说,参加投票的选民人数创全国历史记录。

    Election chief Churov says voter participation set a nationwide record .

  27. 阿富汗选举委员会目前还未对该法令进行官方评论。adj.可信的,可靠的后勤

    Afghanistan 's election commission has not formally commented on the decree .

  28. 独立选举委员会没有宣布推迟公布结果的原因。

    The Independent Election Commission has announced no reason for the delay .

  29. 赫德森被怀疑对选举委员会撒谎。

    Hudson is suspected of lying to the election committee .

  30. 如果问,选举委员会将提供有关申请文件草案的意见。

    The Electoral Commission will provide comment on draft application documents if asked .