
The bumper sticker chosen will then be " put into production " and sent to Dan , as well as the fan that designed it .
Freewill operates whatever choices a soul makes , because it is known that if there is a negative situation involved you will always bounce back .
Coerced accomplice should possess constitutive elements of joint crime , limited freedom of the will , and behavior according to the duress .
In the modernized west , our decisions about technology are not made by the group , but by individuals .
In the criminal procedure law in our country , personal freedom has been allowed and promoted and personal will is respected now .
The other is ," profiting benefits for unit " should be used as the choice item of the unit crime , the unit will is just necessary item for unit crime .
The government itself , which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will , is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it .