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xuǎn bá
  • select;choose
选拔 [xuǎn bá]
  • [select;choose] 按条件进行挑选

  • 在选拔赛中合格的队

选拔[xuǎn bá]
  1. MBA招生的目的是选拔优秀的、具有管理潜质的管理人才。

    MBA recruitment purpose is to select outstanding , with management potential management personnel .

  2. 基于胜任力模型的SW公司营销经理选拔方案设计

    A Select Scheme Based on Competency-model to Sales Manager of SW Corporation

  3. 在奥运会选拔赛之前,他需要进一步提高自己。

    He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials .

  4. 她在选拔赛中的表现得到了赞赏。

    She won admiration for her comportment during the trial .

  5. 学校对新生的选拔有趋严之势。

    Schools are tending towards greater selectivity .

  6. 选拔唯贤。

    Selection is based solely on merit .

  7. 这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。

    This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies

  8. 他本该参加奥运会百米赛跑的选拔。

    He should have tried out for the Olympic 100 metres squad .

  9. 评判小组现在正选拔参加决赛的选手。

    A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists .

  10. 孩子们必须参加一次严格的选拔测试。

    The children have to sit a tough selection test .

  11. 他参加赛马选拔赛还不到一年。

    He has been riding in horse trials for less than a year .

  12. 选拔过程是基于对能力和经验的严格测试。

    The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience .

  13. 英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。

    The England selectors must start introducing young blood .

  14. 你应该参加最高法院法官的选拔。

    You should go out for Supreme Court justice .

  15. 入选美国国家少年体育队的选拔赛

    tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

  16. 严格的选拔标准是否会造成精英主义,进而危及奥林匹克重在参与的理念呢?

    Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation ?

  17. 如果选拔赛双方打平,报界可能会使形势朝着不利于他们的方向倾斜。

    If the trial were evenly poised the newspapers might tip the balance against them .

  18. 当我听说选拔委员会原本决定不派英国队去参加今年的锦标赛时,我觉得很不安。

    I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year 's Championships .

  19. 这些候选人都是凭才能被选拔出来的。

    These candidates were selected solely on merit .

  20. 艾德选拔时全力以赴,但未被选上。

    Ade gave the try-outs the business but he failed to make the team .

  21. 数据学家卡西克·拉姆认为,在有些情况下,资深的同事——他们中很多都是选拔和晋升委员会的负责人能嘲讽他们认为是浪费精力的事情时,初级研究员也就很难信奉开放精神了。

    In some cases , says data scientist Karthik Ram , it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues — many of whom head selection and promotion committees — might ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies .

  22. 他试图从当地学校的球队中选拔出一批最好的球员。

    He tried to skim off the best players from the local school teams .

  23. 宋朝的政府体制在当时也是先进的。政府官员均通过竞争性考试选拔任用。

    The institution of Song dynasty was prominent at that time , the officials were employed through competitive examinations .

  24. 选得的F~-菌株是:E.试论干部的选拔与考核

    Thus , the selection is for E. ON CADRES SELECTION AND CHECK

  25. NBA的人力制衡机制包括新秀选拔、球员转会及球员薪金限制三项制衡制度。

    Labor power checks and balance mechanism includes NBA draft system , player trade system and player salary limitation system .

  26. 视动刺激和Coriolis加速度刺激时的胃电振幅的定量测定可做为飞行人员医学选拔、晕机病的诊断及其矫治效果评定的客观依据之一。

    And the changes of amplitude of EGG can be the criteria for medical selection of air crew and diagnosis and evaluation of therapy of air-sickness .

  27. 目的将自行研制的多功能双向式倾斜床和研究确定的倾斜试验(TTT)技术方案用于高性能战斗机飞行员心血管调节功能的专项医学选拔方面,以评价其实际应用效果和推广应用价值。

    Objective To assess the feasibility of using tilt table test ( TTT ) for medical selection of high performance fighter pilots .

  28. 特许连锁模式店的评价与选拔方法:以荣昌ILSA客户分析为例

    Method of Assessment and Selection of Franchising Chain Stores : A Case Study of Rongchang - Ilsa

  29. 为研究精神负荷对心率变异性(HRV)的影响,在选拔飞行员的心理生理储备测试中,对HRV进行了非线性动力学分析。

    Many reasearch works have been done on effects of mental load on Heart Rate Variability ( HRV ), however , the use of nonlinear dynamics in signal processing of HRV has not been reported before .

  30. 并且有选拔安置水面舰艇专业军士的参考常模,所以SVAT量表可以作为选拔安置?

    So , the SVAT can be used as a tool for selection and placement of the warship petty professional officers and eliminating the warship unqualified soldiers in service .