
  1. 选调生制度是我国一项重要的干部人事制度。

    Selected graduates system is an important cadre and personnel system in China .

  2. 为此,本文将当前长春市乡镇选调生培养的问题作为研究的对象,指出当前选调生培养存在的问题,分析产生这些问题的原因。

    For these reasons , Changchun Township transferring students training as an object of study .

  3. 但是,选调生的培养仍存在着一些亟待解决问题。

    However , transferring students training there are still some problems to solve the problem .

  4. 那么,对于改进山东省选调生工作的建议也主要包括认识理念层面和制度建设层面。

    So , the proposals for improving the selected graduates work lie in the conceptual level and system-building level .

  5. 特别是在选调生培养使用机制方面存在的问题,亟需在理论层面上进行研究,并制订解决这些问题的政策和措施。

    In the transferring mechanism , we urgently need to conduct a study on a deeper level and to develop policies and measures to address these issues .

  6. 但选调生的管理工作在各个环节仍然存在着许多的问题和不足,急需进一步研究、制订、解决这些问题的政策措施。

    But there are still many problems and deficiencies in selected graduates ' management in various links . It is urgent to further research , develop , and solve these problems of policy measures .

  7. 本文以山东省为例,山东省选调生工作存在的问题主要是制度设计本身的缺陷、制度执行过程中的不足,以及选调生群体自身存在的弱点。

    This paper takes Shandong Province as an example , its key problems mainly are flaws of the system design , deficiencies of system implementation process , as well as weakness of selected graduates group .

  8. 在坚持选调生工作正确方向的同时,对工作中一些不完善、与新的形势要求不适应的方面,进行积极的探索和改革。

    Selected graduates work in upholding the right direction at the same time , the work of some imperfections , with the new situation demands are not suited , to actively carry out exploration and reform .

  9. 本文虽然从一个侧面对选调生培养使用机制问题进行了探讨,但对存在问题的解决方法没有提出足够详细具体的有针对性的政策改进措施,这一方面还有待于进一步加以研究。

    Although this paper only covers one side of the issues , however , it lacks enough detailed , specific and targeted policy measures for the solution of problems . This regard has yet to be studied further .

  10. 近几年,虽然出现了一些关于选调生培养问题方面的研究,但是大多停留在理论或宏观方面,深入研究乡镇基层选调生培养方面研究的却还很少。

    In recent years , although there a number of issues about transferring college students training , but most remain in the theory or macro-depth study of rural primary transferring students to cultivate , but very few of the aspects of research .