
yōu dài
  • give preferential treatment;give preferential treatment to;upgrade
优待 [yōu dài]
  • [give preferential treatment to] 给予良好的待遇;厚待

  • 优待军烈属

优待[yōu dài]
  1. 优待抗日军人的家属。

    Give preferential treatment to the families of the soldiers fighting the japanese .

  2. 国家和社会保障残废军人的生活,抚恤烈士家属,优待军人家属。

    The state and society ensure the livelihood of disabled members of the armed forces , provide pensions to the families of martyrs and give preferential treatment to the families of military personnel .

  3. 不要指望受到优待。

    Don 't expect to get preferential treatment .

  4. 虽然地位显赫,但是公爵夫人并不会得到优待。

    Despite her status , the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment .

  5. 他们优待少数几个人,使其他人处于不利的境地。

    They are privileging a tiny number to the disadvantage of the rest .

  6. 旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待。

    Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra .

  7. 在里根时代,一些关系硬的共和党人在这个机构中多受到了优待。

    In the Reagan era , well-connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization .

  8. 我们很优待俘虏。

    We are kind to captives .

  9. 撕下这张优待券,用它再买一瓶咖啡可省25便士。

    Tear off this coupon and use it to get25p off your next jar of coffee .

  10. 优待马来人的新经济政策(neweconomicpolicy)造成了这一趋势。

    The policy of preferential treatment for Malays , known as the new economic policy , has contributed to this trend .

  11. 我记得她喜欢听音乐,所以我送给她一些淘儿音乐城的CD优待券。

    I remember that she likes to listen to music , so I 'm sending her a few CD coupons from Tower Records .

  12. 并且,在这些指控中,议会中的某些立法者从其CEO安吉罗•莫奇洛那里获得了贷款的特殊优待。

    Also , there are accusations that some lawmakers in Congress got special treatment on loans through its chief , Angelo Mozilo .

  13. 检查DB的路网子公司DBNetz在多大程度上优待DB的运费,本地的运费和长途附加费来实现。

    How much does DB Netz , its network subsidiary , favour DB 's freight , local and long-distance subsidiaries ?

  14. 单独驾驶沃蓝达的车主现在可在加州使用拼车车道(carpoollane)&这在交通拥堵的加州可是极高的优待。

    Solo volt drivers are now allowed to use the carpool lanes there & a highly-valued option in the traffic-clogged Golden State .

  15. 一定要使用像foursquare等gps应用软件定位对购物者有优待的商铺,比如jcpenny(杰西潘尼,美国服装店)和toysrus(玩具反斗城)。

    Then make sure you are checking in on GPS apps , like foursquare . Jcpenny and Toys R US are among those with special perks for holiday shoppers .

  16. 一种贸易机制,规定发展中国家在特定货物上可付较低的关税而不需向OECD返还优待。这是GATT惯例所允许的。

    A trading system in which developing countries pay lower tariffs on certain products without having to return the favor to OECD countries , which is permitted under GATT rules .

  17. 作为一名女性MBA学员,我有种强烈的感觉,同班的一些男同学认为我受益于非正式的“特殊优待”,不如他们有资格在这里学习。

    As a female MBA student , I get a strong sense that some male classmates presume I have benefited from unofficial positive discrimination and do not deserve to be there as much as them .

  18. 有趣的是,另一方面谷歌又对英特尔优待有加。谷歌推出的基于Android系统的谷歌电视(GoogleTV)恰恰是由英特尔独家提供芯片&至少目前是这样。

    Interestingly , the exact opposite is true for Android-powered GoogleTV , which is Intel only , at least for the moment .

  19. 当A-level阅卷是,留学生没有任何额外优待,他们会和本国学生一样、用同样标准评分。

    And I know when you mark A-level , you make no allowance for international students , you have to mark international students as if they were British students .

  20. 将机动车辆中常见的无赔款优待NCD(No-ClaimDiscount)计费方法和信度理论应用到团险定价中,拓展了团险定价方法。

    The No-Claim Discount model and credibility theory are taken into the pricing of group life insurance with its application . These introductions developed the pricing method of group life insurance .

  21. 波纳若音乐节的门票也宣告售罄,音乐节普通票的价格从224至269美元不等,两张VIP门票(这种门票可享受停车和露营方面的特殊优待、专用休息室和观赏区)的售价为1449.50美元。

    Bonnaroo also sold out with regular tickets ranging from $ 224 to $ 269 , and a pair of VIP tickets -- which include parking and camping perks , exclusive lounges and viewing areas -- going for $ 1449.50 .

  22. double:双重的,两倍的standard:标准special:特别的,专门的treatment:对待,治疗你总觉得有双重标准,我这样的人总是特别优待。VanDerWoodsen小姐,你母亲派我来接你。

    But you still believe that there 's a double standard that people like me get special treatment - Driver : Ms. Van Der Woodsen , your mother sent me to pick you up pick up :

  23. 库克最近与印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(NarendraModi)的会面,为他提供了一次讨要优待的机会,这会让苹果在这场竞赛中获得更为有利的位置。

    Mr Cook 's recent meeting with Narendra Modi , India 's prime minister , gave him a chance to lobby for concessions that would strengthen Apple 's position in this race .

  24. 享受优惠税率的项目英联邦特惠税的优待

    Tax preference item preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System

  25. 在免税商店,你若使用本优待卷可折价5元。

    Off if you use this coupon at this duty-free shop .

  26. 如果你努力工作,就会得到优待。

    If you work hard , you will be treated well .

  27. 如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。

    We give a special discount of10 per cent for cash .

  28. 难道我们的人在安德森维尔集中营受到优待?

    Are our men treated that well in Anderson Ville camp ?

  29. 他工作十分努力,所以应得到国家的优待。

    He works very hard and deserves well of his country .

  30. 英联邦特惠税的优待选择性优惠关税制度

    Preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System selective system of preference