
  1. 广西优势矿产资源开发利用评价

    Evaluation about the exploitation and utilization of Guangxi Superior Mineral Resources

  2. 怀化地区优势矿产资源及发展矿业的建议

    Superior Mineral Resources and Development Proposal of Mining in Huaihua Area

  3. 山东省优势矿产资源转化战略探讨

    The Strategies of Dominant Mineral Resources Transformation in Shandong Province

  4. 重庆市优势矿产资源加工业发展探讨

    Inquiring into Development of Processing Industry of Superior Mineral Resources in Chongqing

  5. 我国重要优势矿产资源国际竞争力研究

    International competitiveness research of preponderant mineral resources of China

  6. 南京市优势矿产资源及其开发利用战略

    Dominant Mineral Resources and Development of Naming City

  7. 赣南地区优势矿产资源与矿业可持续发展战略

    Sustainable Developing Strategy of Superior Mineral Resources and Mineralogy in South of Jiangxi Province

  8. 湖南省优势矿产资源开发战略初步研究

    The present situation and development strategic initially study on the superiority mineral resources in Hunan

  9. 多准则决策模型在新疆优势矿产资源评价中的应用

    The Application of the Multi-norm Strategic Model in the Superiority Mineral Resources Evaluation of Xinjiang

  10. 依托优势矿产资源发展基础工业

    Develop Basic Industry upon Superior Mineral Resources

  11. 贵州松桃优势矿产资源及其可持续发展对策

    A Study on Predominant Mineral Resources and the Countermeasures for Sustainable Development in Songtao , Guizhou

  12. 攀枝花市优势矿产资源潜力及找矿方向矿用大倾角胶带机运输的优势及现状

    The Potential and Prospecting Direction of Preponderant Mineral Resources in PanZhiHua Advantage and current status of mine steep belt conveyer

  13. 钨矿是我国的优势矿产资源,但我国80%以上的钨资源集中在华南钨锡成矿带。

    Tungsten is one of preponderant mineral resources in china , but among these ores 80 % were found in Southern China tungsten-tin metallogenetic belt .

  14. 因此,寻找一个较为适合的评价方法,对新疆优势矿产资源进行评价,为编制国土开发、整治、规划、制订国民经济发展计划和长远规划以及确定资源产业政策提供参考依据是本文研究的目的。

    Therefore , the investigative purpose of this text is to looking for a suitable evaluation method , evaluating the superiority mineral resources of Xinjiang .

  15. 分析了云南的优势矿产资源,探讨了发展云南矿业的重点和目标,提出了一些建议。

    This paper analyses the superior mineral resources in Yunnan Province , inquires into important fields in local mining industry , and puts forward some advices .

  16. 摘要文章介绍了对中国西部优势矿产资源潜力评价示范技术总体框架的研究思路。

    This paper mainly describes the train of thought for studying the general frames concerning the demonstration technique for the assessment of predominant mineral resource potentials in Western china .

  17. 非金属矿是四川优势矿产资源,主要矿种齐全、储量丰富,建材资源、化工原料资源优势突出,常用矿产与优势矿产吻合程度高;

    Nonmetal minerals are the predominant mineral resource of Sichuan , where there are all kinds of major mines of abundant reserves and predominant building materials and chemical materials .

  18. 本文在对山东省主要成矿区域的地质特征、自然地理条件、经济社会发展水平概略评估之后,结合矿产资源特点、矿业发展现状等因素,确定了山东省16种优势矿产资源。

    On the basis of outlining the geological features , the physical geographic conditions and the socio economic development level of Shandong province , its 16 predominant mineral resources are determined in this paper .

  19. 贵州实施优势矿产资源转换战略,就是要充分发挥资源比较优势,形成产业优势和经济优势,加快发展具有贵州特色的能源、原材料工业;

    To implement the strategy of switching advantages in mineral resources in Guizhou , it should make full use of its comparative advantages in resources , form the advantages in industry and economy , and develop the energy and raw material industries with Guizhou characteristics .

  20. 本文在阐述我省优势矿产资源特点、简况及其开发利用历史、现状与发展的基础上,对我省优势矿产矿业的发展战略作了初步探讨。

    This paper , bassing on expounding the characteristic of mineral resources , brief situation of the superiority mineral resources , history , present and suggestion of development and utilization in Hunan , initially discusses the development strategy of the main superiority mineral resources and mine industry in Hunan .

  21. 为此,必须以经济效益为中心,市场为导向,相对优势矿产资源为基础,结合矿业及相关制品加工业现状为原则,加快对其矿业产业结构的调整优化。

    So based on the preponderant mineral resources , we must quicken optimizing and readjusting the mining industrial structure . At the same time , we should take the status quo of the mining industry and product matching industry into account , and place the economical efficiency at the center .

  22. 对我国优势战略矿产资源出口控制问题的探讨

    Discussion on output control problem of Chinese preponderant strategic mineral resources

  23. 本文把战略矿产资源的保障问题分为保持优势战略矿产资源的优势地位和保障劣势战略矿产资源的安全供应两个方面。

    The sustainment problem of the strategic resources includes two respects : keeping the predominance of predominant strategic mineral resources and guaranteeing sustainable supply of deficient strategic mineral resources .

  24. 文章分析了西部地区矿产资源的比较优势及矿产资源开发在西部地区经济发展中具有重要的地位和作用。

    The paper analyses comparative advantages of mineral resources in western areas and the position and role of the development of mineral resources in economic development of western areas .

  25. 我国几种优势有色金属矿产资源开发形势及持续发展策略

    The development situation and tactics of continuous development of superior nonferrous mineral resources in China

  26. 湖北省矿产资源战略区包括基于国家战略的矿产资源战略区和基于省域优势矿产的矿产资源战略区。

    Hubei strategic zone of mineral resource including national strategy based mineral resource zone and provincial advantages based mineral resources zone .

  27. 河南省作为中部崛起的隆起地带,区位优势突出,矿产资源丰富,文化底蕴厚重。

    Henan province , as the important area of " Central Rise ", which is of location advantage prominent , rich mineral resources and culture massiness .

  28. 广西农业自然资源开发潜力大,水资源优势显著,矿产资源丰富,海洋资源和旅游资源得天独厚。

    Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in Southwest China is characterized by great potential in the exploitation of agricultural resources , distinguished structural superiority of rich water and mineral resources , as well as unique marine and tourist resources .

  29. 我国钾长石矿产资源丰富,分布广泛,其中安徽、内蒙古、新疆、四川、山西等省(区)的钾长石分布相对集中,储量丰富,成为当地的优势非金属矿产资源。

    Potash feldspar resources were very abundant all over our country , and the distribution of potash feldspar resources among Anhui , Mongolia , Xinjiang , Sichuan , Shanxi provinces were alternatively concentrated , so it became local important non-metallic ore resources .

  30. 钨是一种具有特殊军事战略资源和重要的工业原材料,也是我国在国际上最具有优势地位的矿产资源之一,赣南享有世界钨都美誉。

    The wolfram is a kind of mineral resources having peculiar military strategy and important industry raw material , Chinese tungsten is the most dominant position of the mineral resources in international . Gannan has enjoyed the good reputation " world capital of wolfram " .