
  1. 针对码分多址接入(CDMA)系统中最优多用户检测器的指数计算复杂度问题,从组合优化的角度,提出了一种基于遗传算法和局部最小算法的次优多用户检测器。

    With respect to the exponential computation complexity of the optimal multiuser detection in CDMA systems , a new sub optimal multiuser detector which employs a genetic algorithm and a local minimization algorithm was proposed from a combinatorial optimization viewpoint .

  2. 为了解决其中矛盾,人类还在不断的寻求次优多用户检测方法。

    In order to solve the contradiction , people are searching for new sub-optimum MUD methods .

  3. 详细介绍了几种常用的次优多用户检测器的实现方法,并给出它们的性能仿真结果。

    Several commonly used suboptimal multiuser detectors are described . Lastly , the simulation results of these suboptimal detectors are given . 3 .

  4. 1996~1998年以Ⅱ优多恢57为材料,研究了移栽、深水、施氮与水稻环境敏感期分蘖芽生长的关系。

    During the 1996 to 1998 , the relationship between transplanting , deepwater , N application and growth of tiller bud of rice at environment sensitive stage were studied with rice variety ⅱ You 57 as material .

  5. 矿井开拓方案选优的多目标模糊优化决策方法

    The Fuzzy Multi-target Decision Procedure for Optimum Selection of Mine Development Schemes

  6. 提出一种适合于复杂函数寻优的多群体遗传算法。

    A multiple population genetic algorithms suited for the optimization of complex functions is presented .

  7. 猪肉品质改良一直是家畜育种工作者工作的主要目标之一,随着现代人民生活水平的不断提高,生产质优量多的猪肉显得尤为重要。

    Improvement of porcine meat quality is always one of the main goals for livestock genetics and breeding . At present .

  8. 联立算法可以处理状态变量的路径约束,仅在最优点处求解一次模型方程,其缺点是寻优变量多,产生非常大的非线性规划问题,需要特殊的求解策略和数学处理。

    Simultaneous approach can deal with state variables path constraints and only solves model equations at optimal point , but it generates a large nonlinear programming problem which requires special decomposition technique .

  9. 本文阐述正交试验分析的基本原则,提出多因素选优和多指标评价的具体实施方案,着重研究多指标正交试验的分析方法。

    This article elaborated the orthogonal experiment analysis basic principle , proposed the multi-factors choose superior and the multi-targets appraisal concrete implementation plan , studies the multi-targets orthogonal experiment emphatically the analysis method .

  10. 管桩是应用比较广泛的桩基础形式之一,其优点众多然而问题也是存在的,其中以水平向承载力偏低的问题较为突出。

    Pipe pile is one of most widely used forms of foundation . Though much advantage it owns , there also exist many problems , in which low horizontal bearing capacity seems more serious .

  11. 提出了一种全新的基于噪声变化量的燃烧噪声优化方法,采用单变量寻优,多变量最优组合验证的方法对全转速工况下柴油机的噪声性能进行了优化设计。

    An entirely new combustion noise optimization method based on the noise changes was proposed . By single-variable optimization , multivariable optimal combination verification method , the optimization design was carried out for the combustion noise performance of a diesel engine .

  12. 介绍了进程、线程的基本概念及其优缺点,多线程在程序设计中的应用,JAVA语言多线程的定义、实现、同步方法、解决冲突的措施以及在编程中注意的问题。

    The paper introduces thread , thread 's application in a program , thread 's definition and realization in Java language , synchronized method and measure of solving collision , and the attentive problem in a program .

  13. 长码DS/CDMA系统中的预优软判决多用户干扰消除

    The preconditioned soft decision multiuser interference cancellation in long-code used ds / cdma systems

  14. 所探测瓷石质量优、储量多,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The probed porcelain stone had not only the properties of advanced quality and large quantity , but also wide application market .

  15. 与经典优化算法不同的特点在于,遗传算法是从多个初始点开始寻优,沿多路径搜索实现全局或准全局最优。

    The GA uses a population of points at a time in contrast to the single point approach by the traditional ones , and will guarantee to find the global optimum .

  16. 基于混沌寻优的CDMA最佳多用户检测方法

    Chaos Search for Implementing an Optimal Multiuser Detection in CDMA System

  17. 针对这两种层析技术的优缺点,采取多参数(波速、吸收系数)综合地震层析成像的方法,使波速CT与吸收CT两者能相互印证、互为补充。

    According to the advantage and disadvantage of the two seismic tomography technology , we could take multiparameter integrate seismic tomography imaging method to confirm and makeup the the velocity CT and the absorption CT each other .

  18. 提出了一种多目标差分进化算法(MDE),典型函数试验结果表明该算法具有优秀的多目标寻优能力,满足多目标气动优化设计的要求。

    A new multi-objective optimization algorithm named as Multiobjective Differential Evo - lution ( MDE ) is proposed and the typical mathematical test demonstrates the excellent optimization performance of MDE .

  19. 纽约州州长签署法令严格限制Airbnb在该州的运营,而优步在美国多个城市遭遇其司机的抗争。

    The governor of New York has signed into law severe restrictions on Airbnb 's operations in the state and Uber has faced battles with its drivers in several US cities .

  20. 结果表明,SLH在高效与优波兼顾、多类负载适应性和抗负载扰动能力方面具有综合优化性能。

    The results show SLH has good synthetic performances such as both high efficiency and optimal waveforms , adaptability to multi-kinds of loads and resistivity against load disturbances .

  21. 目前,优步已经拥有多辆地图测绘车,在美国和墨西哥的各条道路上收集图像和数据。

    Uber already has mapping vehicles gathering images and data on roads in the US and Mexico .

  22. 篷布拼幅用热合机等,产品质优价廉,销往多个国家。

    Tarpaulin with a heat sealing machine fight site , the product quality and cheap , sold in many countries .

  23. 微机多段加热电阻炉的自寻优控制系统采用多段加热混合裂解制六氟丙烯新技术稳定了裂解工艺,克服了管式反应器的飞温现象,延长了裂解管寿命;

    Microcomputer Used Optimalizing Control System for Multistage Electric Resistance Furnace The paper studies the majorization reaction process to produce HFP through multistage heating-mixing pyrolysis .

  24. 本文采用启发式寻优策略优化任意多阶程序升温操作条件,克服了已报道的寻优方法的局限性。

    In order to eliminate the limits in reported optimization methods , a heuristic method was developed in optimization of any kind of multi-step temperature programmed gas chromatography .

  25. 优序数法是多目标评价与决策方法之一,是科学且比较实用的项目决策理论.目前被广泛地应用在各种工业工程项目决策过程中。

    Optimum sequential method as a kind of multi-objective evaluation and decision-making methods is a scientific and practical decision-making theory of project , which is widely applied for decision-making of various industrial engineering items .

  26. 本文利用优序法评价多指标正交设计试验结果,从而求出最佳试验方案,经生产实践验证比较理想。

    By making use of optimum seeking method , this paper evaluates the experiment results of Orthogonal design of analysis of several indexes so that the best experiment schemes , which have been proved ideal , can be obtained .

  27. 因为这些平台各别的优缺点实在太多,所以各阵营的拥护者就会吵个不停,永远无法接近「真相」。不过说实在的,这些争议挺有趣的。

    That 's because there are so many pros and cons of all these platforms that advocates of each side can debate and debate and never get any closer to the Truth , but it sure as heck is a fun debate .

  28. 以数控车削的切削用量优化为目标,采用主要目标法建立了多目标优化的数学模型,并用简便可靠的直接寻优方法实现了多目标优化的计算实例。

    Based on the target of optimizing the parameters of NC turning , the mathematical models of multi-goal optimization of cutting parameters are established , by using simple and reliable direct seeking optimum method , the calculating examples of multi-goal optimization are realized .

  29. 论文主要内容包括:首先,介绍遗传算法的原理,重点介绍现今经典的多目标遗传算法的优缺点,分析多目标遗传算法设计中所要解决的问题:适应度分配、多样性保持、收敛性。

    The main contents of this thesis are as follows : Introduction of genetic algorithm theory . We will introduce the short - comings of current multi-objective genetic algorithm , and discuss major issues waited to be overcome , such as the allocation of fitness , diversity maintenance and convergence .

  30. 然后,将各个目标要求下的优选决策矩阵进行了合成,考虑了综合效益对于优和劣之间多个等级的相对隶属度,建立了多性质、多目标模糊数学模型,得到了分级特征值矩阵。

    Then , integrate the optimization decision making matrices of all kinds of objectives , and establish multi-character multi-objective fuzzy mathematic model , considering the relative membership degree of integrated efficiency to all the rankings between " optimal " and " non-optimal ", obtaining the matrix of rank feature value .