
  • 网络priority inversion
  1. Linux内核可能被抢占并且常常出现优先级反转。

    The Linux kernel can be preempted and is subject to priority inversion .

  2. 嵌入式LINUX中就绪任务优先级反转问题研究

    Study of Priority Inversion in Embedded Linux

  3. 深入分析了μC/OS-Ⅱ的调度策略,为了防止优先级反转问题,在其中扩展了优先级顶置协议。

    In order to solve the priority inversion problem , priority ceiling protocol is implemented in μ C / OS - II .

  4. 这种情况就被称为优先级反转,因为M在H之前执行,即使H比M的优先级高。

    This situation is called priority inversion because M can starve H even though H has higher priority than M.

  5. 同时针对操作系统的优先级反转问题提出了解决方案,构建出基于ARM处理器和μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统的传感器节点平台。

    At the same time , solve the problem of priority inversion for operating system , build out the sensor node platform .

  6. 嵌入式RTOS中就绪任务查找算法和优先级反转的解决方案

    Implementation of Searching Algorithm of the Ready Task and Priority Inversion in Embedded RTOS

  7. 主要分析了嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ中的优先级反转问题,并就这个问题探讨了一些解决方案,最后详细叙述了修改μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统内核以支持优先级继承策略的方法。

    The priority inversion in μ C / OS - ⅱ mostly is analyzed , which is the real time OS in embedded system , and discussed some solution of the priority inversion . In the end , the implementing code of priority inheritance to solve the problem is given .

  8. 这种NHRT和基于堆的线程间的锁共享会致使垃圾收集器将NHRT作为优先级反转保护的副作用抢占。

    This sharing of locks between NHRTs and heap-based threads can cause the garbage collector to preempt the NHRTs as a side-effect of priority-inversion protection .

  9. 在这个优先级反转场景中,低优先级的任务占有着高优先级任务需要的资源(这个问题出现在使用风河公司VxWorks系统的火星开拓者探测器上)。

    In this priority inversion scenario , a lower-priority task holds a resource that a higher-priority task requires . ( This problem occurred on Mars in the Pathfinder probe using Wind River 's VxWorks . )

  10. 基于RTPA规范的实时任务调度器与时间和事件管理器协同可完成处理器上不同任务间的切换,有效解决实时系统中的优先级反转和多任务阻塞及死锁。

    The continuous switching between tasks in the processor is completed by task scheduler based on RTPA working in collaboration with the time manager and event manager . The problem of priority inversion and prevents multiple-blocking and deadlock is eliminated this technique from happening .

  11. 实时内核采用了互斥信号量避免优先级反转;

    Mutex exclusion semaphore is implemented for avoiding the priority inversion .

  12. 优先级反转协议及其对可调度性的影响。

    Condition of schedulable tasks taking priority inversion into account .

  13. 嵌入式系统优先级反转问题的分析

    Analysis of Priority Inversion Problem of Embedded System

  14. 优先级反转导致的延迟可能导致无法满足关键的时限。

    The delays caused by priority inversion could prevent critical deadlines from being met .

  15. 优先级反转将延迟低优先级线程和高优先级线程的执行。

    The inversion of priorities delays both the low-and the high-priority thread from making progress .

  16. 关于实时事务调度中的优先级反转

    On Priority Inversion in Real-Time Transaction Scheduling

  17. μC/OS-Ⅱ中解决优先级反转问题的设计模式及实现方法研究

    Design Mode and Implement Approach Study for Solving Inversion Problem in μ C / OS - ⅱ

  18. 通过实验验证,两种方法能够有效地抑制μC/OS-Ⅱ中的优先级反转。

    By experiment verification , the two methods reduce priority inversion effectively in μ C / OS - ⅱ .

  19. 优先级反转指的是阻塞高优先级线程的锁由低优先级线程持有。

    Priority inversion is a condition where a high-priority thread is blocked on a lock held by a low-priority thread .

  20. 无优先级反转:高优先级的线程不会因中优先级线程正在运行,而被持有其所需锁的低优先级线程阻塞。

    No priority inversions : High-priority threads cannot be blocked by low-priority threads holding locks they need because medium-priority threads are running .

  21. 分析了算法的可调度性,给出任务的可调度性条件。(3)优先级反转协议及其对可调度性的影响。

    The schedulability of the algorithm is analyzed and the schedulable condition is given . ( 3 ) condition of schedulable tasks taking priority inversion into account .

  22. 此外,实时系统中,多任务共享资源时很容易出现无限优先级反转现象,最终可能导致系统崩溃。

    Otherwise , in real-time system , priority inversion phenomenon may occur frequently under condition of multiple tasks sharing resources , and it will lead to system failure .

  23. 对实时内核所采用的两种实时调度算法:速率单调性分析算法和最早期限优先算法进行了描述,并提出了防止优先级反转的解决方法。

    The paper discusses two real time schedule arithmetic adopted by real time kernel such as rate monotonic analysis arithmetic and earlier deadline first arithmetic , and the resolvent of preventing priority inversion is made out .

  24. 在抢占式多任务实时操作系统中,由于任务的并发执行以及对共享资源的使用,必然存在优先级反转的危险,从而会影响到高优先级任务的响应时间。

    In preemptive and multitasking Real-Time Operation System , as a result of task subsequent execute as well as uses of shared resources , inevitable exists the danger of priority inversion which can affect the response time of high priority task .

  25. 其次分析了与优先级反转相关的实时内核结构,包括μC/OS-Ⅱ实时内核的五大功能模块:任务管理模块、时间管理模块、内存管理模块、任务间同步与通信模块及与移植相关的模块。

    Secondly it analyses the structure of kernel which is related to reservation of priority , including five functional module of μ C / OS - ⅱ: task management module , time management module , memory management module , task synchronization and communication module , transplantation module .

  26. 使用优先级天花板策略解决了优先级反转问题,而这些问题是现今大多数嵌入式操作系统所没有解决的。

    Priority ceiling policy is applied to solve the priority inversion problem .

  27. 优先级继承是一种用于避免优先级反转的技术。

    Priority inheritance is a technique for avoiding priority inversion .

  28. 优先级继承技术可以避免常见的优先级反转问题。

    Priority inheritance is a technique for avoiding the classic priority inversion problem .

  29. 优先级继承协议可解决实时系统中优先级反转。

    The priority inversion in real-time system is solved with priority inheritance protocol .

  30. 结合μC/OS-Ⅱ提供的互斥信号量工具实现了类似于优先级天花板协议的μC/OS-Ⅱ解决优先级反转问题的解决方案。

    The solution scheme to solve priority inversion problem in uC / OS-II , which is similar to the priority ceiling protocol , is realized by employ μ C / OS - ⅱ 's Mutex signal mechanism .