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  1. 北朝流外官的构成情况与阶级来源现在只能进行片面的推断。

    Now we can only infer one-sidedly the composition and class origin of officials out of Liu .

  2. 隋唐时期流外官与明清时期吏员的渊源关系

    The Original Relationship Between the Outpost Officers in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Officials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  3. 研究隋唐时期流外官及其相关制度时,既应该注意考察其与吏员之间在政治身份上的渊源,又不能不加区别地把它们混为一谈。

    In the study of the outpost officers and some pertinent systems , these officers and the formal officials are different and not confused .