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  1. 采用PI算法,实现电源恒流外特性控制。

    The constant current generator characteristic of source is realized by proportional integral ( PI ) algorithm .

  2. 用于TIG焊,该机有恒流外特性,内置自动引弧、气体控制、电流衰减等功能。

    It has functions of constant current exter - nal characteristic , internal arc automatic starting , gas control , current attenuation ere .

  3. 提出了采用双阶梯恒流外特性配合等速送丝,实现CO2气保焊双阶梯恒流外特性的8098单片机等硬件结构和软件组成。

    Basic principle of CO2 arc welding by using dual-step like constant current external characteristics in coordination with uniform wire-feed was put forward . Hardware structure and software form of dual-step like constant current external characteristics realizing CO2 arc welding with 8098-MCS were discussed .

  4. 该系统的工作特点为,在焊接电弧正常工作时采用PWM控制方式,设定逆变频率为20kHZ,并进行恒流外特性控制;

    The operational features of the system indicate that 1.PWM control mode is employed during normal operation , in which the inverter frequency is set of 20 kHz , to control the external characteristics at constant current .

  5. 结论豚鼠耳蜗传出神经递质ACh通过兴奋N受体,开放OHC的细胞膜钙离子通道,使细胞外Ca2+内流外毛细胞内;[Ca2+]i增加需要细胞外液中钙离子存在。

    Conclusion The data indicate that ACh , the neurotransmitter of efferent auditory nerve in cochlea , activates the nicotinic receptor to open the calcium channel in OHC membrane and increase [ Ca 2 + ] I of OHCs , which is extracellular Ca 2 + - dependent .

  6. 获得的电源外特性为恒流外特性。

    The voltage & current curve of the power is constant current characteristic .

  7. 除1例仍为中度反流外,术后主动脉瓣反流均明显改善。

    Aortic valve regurgitation was all improved .

  8. 北朝流外官的构成情况与阶级来源现在只能进行片面的推断。

    Now we can only infer one-sidedly the composition and class origin of officials out of Liu .

  9. 结果表明,利用单片机能很好地实现所需的外特性,恒流外特性电源比平特性电源具有更好的焊接性能。

    It is found that the external characteristics can be well realized by using the single chip microcomputer .

  10. 重点讨论了各种外特性的模糊方法实现,最后,对恒压、恒流外特性进行了模拟调试,得到了较为理想的结果。

    This article highlights the realization of the fuzzy method . Finally , the good result is obtained by debugging .

  11. 隋唐时期流外官与明清时期吏员的渊源关系

    The Original Relationship Between the Outpost Officers in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Officials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  12. 堪萨斯卢卡斯:“流外艺术”是指传统文化界限之外创作的作品。这种艺术在小小的卢卡斯开花了。

    Lucas , Kansas : 'Outsider art , 'meaning works created outside the bounds of traditional culture , has blossomed in tiny Lucas .

  13. 研究隋唐时期流外官及其相关制度时,既应该注意考察其与吏员之间在政治身份上的渊源,又不能不加区别地把它们混为一谈。

    In the study of the outpost officers and some pertinent systems , these officers and the formal officials are different and not confused .

  14. 本文在给定的设计波参数和海况条件下,对南海北部湾和渤海地区的自升式综合平台(方案)进行了风、浪、流外载计算。

    The wave loading , current forces and wind forces on jack-up platform with / without mat are calculated under the environmental and design wave conditions in the Beibu Bay of the South China Sea and the Bohai Sea .

  15. 结果灌流人工外淋巴液前、后CM及CAP无改变;

    Results There were no significant DPOAE changes before and after glutamate perfusion .

  16. HA型血液灌流患者外周血细胞成分的变化及意义

    Effects of HA hemoperfusion on the changes of blood cell

  17. 除用于描述业务流程的流模型外,WSFL还应用于全局模型以描述整个伙伴交互。

    In addition to the flow model used to describe business processes , WSFL also applies to the global model to describe overall partner interactions .

  18. 折流板式外压管超滤器的传质研究

    Study on Mass Transfer of Baffled External Pressure Tubular Ultrafiltration Equipment

  19. 高效液相色谱的停流紫外光谱扫描

    UV wavelength scanning of the chromatographic peak of a drug after stopping the column flow

  20. 本文用N&S方程描述了中心射流为直射流、外射流为旋转射流同时进入扩张燃烧室的轴对称气体流动。

    This paper describes the swirling flowfield in a big combustor with N & S equations .

  21. 胆汁转流性外引流术对恶性梗阻性黄疸血内毒素水平的影响

    Effect of external biliary drainage with bile extracorporeal bypass on blood endotoxin level in patients with malignant obstructive jaundice

  22. 除油流结果外,其它结果都表明椭球体模型背风面上的流动是不对称的。

    Except oil flow patterns , all other results indicate that flows are asymmetric on the leeside of the ellipsoid model .

  23. 低温地板辐射供暖地板与外围护结构内表面存在辐射换热,散热器供暖房间的散热器附近以及散热器上部热气流与外围护结构存在热流短路。

    The composing of heating load in a typical room with radiant floor heating system or radiator heating system was analyzed .

  24. 检测仪器除了恒流源外,主要还有温度补偿、脉冲形成、脉宽鉴别以及编码、译码等电路。

    In addition to the current source , the detecting instrument mainly contains the circuits for temperature compensation , pulse formation , pulse duration discrimination and encode , decode .

  25. 9例中除1例行静脉转流辅助外,其余8例均未行转流。供肝的流出道均采用受体的肝中肝左静脉共干与供肝的肝上下腔静脉端端吻合。

    Suprahepatic inferior vena cava ( IVC ) of the homograft was end to end anastomosed to the common trunk of middle and left hepatic vein for all the cases .

  26. 常用的叙述技巧除了内心独白、自由联想等意识流技巧外,还有非线性叙述、时空转换、视角变换、象征、梦境与幻觉等。

    The narrative techniques they usually adopt include : non-serial chronological narration , time-space shift , frequent shift of focalizations , symbolism , dreams and hallucinations , in addition to the two most important stream of consciousness devices : interior monologue and free association .

  27. CO2在交叉流(管外血流式)中空纤维膜式人工肺中传递的数学模型与实验研究

    Modelling and Experimental Research on CO_2 Transfer in a Cross-Flow ( ELF ) Hollow Fibre Artificial Lung

  28. 地表水较之大气降水pH值有所升高,然而阳离子含量高,大量的营养离子流往林外。

    Compared with the atmospheric rainfall , the runoff had higher pH value , but it had a lot of exchangeable ions leaching out of forests .

  29. 目的探讨乳糜返流导致乳糜外瘘的诊断与治疗。

    Objective To discuss the diagnosis and therapy of chylous reflux and external chylous fistula .

  30. 胃食管反流病食管外并发症研究进展体位干预联合抚触对新生儿胃食管返流的影响

    Study for the effect for neonatal gastroesophageal reflux by body position intervention combined with caresses touching