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  1. 接下来的六局中双方均颗粒无收。

    The next six innings were scoreless .

  2. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .

  3. 每天赛过六局之后,就去汉堡王快餐店了。

    Then , after six innings , back to Burger king .

  4. 第六局《冷板凳队》落后一分。

    It 's sixth inning and the benchwarmers are down by one run .

  5. 一般来说,先胜六局的运动员算胜一盘。

    Generally speaking , set is won by the first player is to win six games .

  6. 告诉我,卢斯基,你怎么能识破两位经验丰富的军情六局特工?

    So tell me , Luski , how was it that you recognized two experienced MI-6 operators ?

  7. 大门,生鲜到位的开路先锋,在第三局和第六局展开得分场景。

    Johnny damon , the new leadoff batter , started scoring rallies in the third and sixth innings .

  8. 他在第三局和第六局的两分安打帮助了洋基队取得领先的局面,然后就在有没有落后过了。

    His two-run hits in the third and sixth innings helped New York jump out to a lead it would never relinquish .

  9. 跑垒上的问题仍然在第六局和第七局困扰洋基队,但是在王建民的掌控之下,很难发生问题。

    Base-running problems would stifle Yankees rallies in the sixth and seventh innings , but with Wang in control , it hardly mattered .

  10. 贝克尔在第六局也浪费了五次破掉对方发球局的机会,之后,他再也没有机会突破这位南非选手的发球局。

    Backer had also wasted five break points in the sixth game and he was never able to break the South African 's serve .

  11. 第七局的休息:棒球比赛中的过渡时间,通常第六局半之后,此时球迷走出座位伸伸腿。

    A juncture in a game , usually after six and one-half innings of play , when the fans get out of their seats to stretch their legs .

  12. 罗文第六局表现完美,第七局被击出二垒安打,在三振两人之后以一个高飞球结束了他今晚的工作。

    Loewen pitched a perfect sixth and allowed a leadoff double in the seventh , but he struck out two batters and ended his night on a fly ball .

  13. 李娜作为第一位获得世界排名前20位的中国选手直落六局获得了第二盘的胜利。在第十局的比赛中双方在打到5-5平的情况下出现了两次赛点。

    Li , who is the first Chinese to be ranked in the top20 in the world , won six straight games to finish off the second set , fighting off two set points in the tenth game to level the set at5-5 .

  14. 此方法已在六枝矿务局木岗煤矿进行了试用。

    Trials were made in Mugang Mine , Liuzhi Bureau .

  15. 另外六名原为决策局局长,现将离开公务员体系成为政治任命官员。

    The other six are incumbent policy secretaries who will leave the bureaucracy to become political appointees .

  16. (六)国家外汇局要求的其他文件。此类合法目标特别包括:国家安全要求;

    Other documents as required by SAFE . Such legitimate objectives are , inter alia : national security requirements ;