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liú mín
  • refugee;exiled person
流民 [liú mín]
  • [refugee] 因受灾而流亡外地、生活没有着落的人

流民[liú mín]
  1. 16、17世纪英国流民产生的原因

    Reasons of Britain Refugee Came Into Being in 16 ~ 17th Century

  2. 明代前期北方地区流民成因研究

    Research on the Reasons of Refugee of Early Ming Dynasty in Northern Area

  3. 第二章:分析赋役与流民产生的关系。

    Second chapter : to analyze relations of taxes and refugees .

  4. 以下所有的都是流民的角色特征。

    All of the following are Class features of the Knave .

  5. 流民是中国历代社会所普遍存在的群体。

    The group of refugees existed commonly in past Chinese dynasties .

  6. 历史上把这类移民称作流民。

    In historically , this type of immigrants called " displaced " .

  7. 桓温依靠的是襄阳流民兵团。

    Huan Wen Xiangyang displaced persons relying on the Corps .

  8. 这种互助的关系也反映在流民立法上。

    This kind of relationship reflected on the Vagrant Law .

  9. 五代十国的流民问题

    The Problem of the Floating Population in the Five-dynasty Period

  10. 晋永嘉乱后南迁流民地域选择述论

    Regional Selection of the southward Immigrants after Yongjia Turmoil

  11. 流民问题是古今中国的一大社会问题。

    The floating population has always been a big social problem in China .

  12. 安置流民,使其安心生产。鼓励民间力量救济灾民。

    E. settling down the civilians to ensure them to produce at ease .

  13. 近代中国社会流民产生的原因及其影响

    Cause and Effect of Chinese Vagrants in Modern History

  14. 19世纪60年代上海流民离沪原因探析

    The Reason for Refugees ' Leaving Shanghai in 1860s

  15. 这是从社会学意义上来看流民。

    This is the " Refugee Painting " from a sociological point of view .

  16. 近代早期英国流民问题及流民政策

    The Problem of Vagrants in Britain during the Early Modern Times and the Countermeasures

  17. “流民图像”对历史文化生态的记录与还原;

    Secondly , it is the recording and reverting about the historical cultural ecology ;

  18. 流民问题不仅是社会问题,也是经济问题和政治问题。

    The vagrant problem was an economic and political as well as social issue .

  19. 为求生存,破产的农民被迫盲目地流动,成为流民。

    The bankrupt peasants were forced to flow without destinations and become displaced people .

  20. 宋朝流民问题及其社会调控

    Song Dynastic Refugee Problem and Social Control

  21. 论东州流民与刘焉刘璋的关系

    A Discussion about the Relationship Between the East State Refugees and Liu Yan and Liu Zhang

  22. 近代农业生产条件的恶化与流民现象&以淮北地区为例

    Deterioration of modern agricultural productive condition and the refugee phenomenon ── demonstrated by northern Huaihe aera

  23. 花鼓表演成为流民觅食乞钱的手段之一。

    So , Flower-Drum performance became a main means using of finding food or begging money .

  24. 由于天灾人祸,造成了大量的流民。

    Because of the natural and man-made calamities , had caused a large number of vagrants .

  25. 在中国传统社会中,流民向来都是一个很突出、很重要的问题。

    In traditional Chinese society , displaced persons has always been a very prominent , very important issue .

  26. 晚清内蒙古地区流民问题研究

    A Study Upon the Refugee Matter in the Inner Mongolia Area During the Last Period of Qing Dynasty

  27. 晚清内蒙古地区的流民问题研究是社会科学研究的重要课题之一。

    Study on the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian Flora and Palaeoecology of Hulusitai Area in Inner Mongolia ;

  28. 追求单位时间上效果最大化是流民行为选择的普遍趋势。

    It is widespread trend to flowing people 's behavior choose that pursuing unit time top result maximize .

  29. 灾荒、社会变迁与流民&以19、20世纪之交的直隶为中心

    Disasters , social changes and refugees & a focus on modern Hebei at the turn of the 20th century

  30. 在那里他们发现有人在进行宣传鼓动,想要劝阻流民不去上工,因为农场所给的工资不公道。

    There they found agitators attempting to keep the migrants from taking the work because of unfair wages offered .