
  1. 《论语集解》的成就及影响。

    The achievements and influences of The Collected Notes on The Analects of Confucius .

  2. 从《论语笔解》看唐儒对汉儒的超越与儒学的革新

    Inquiry into the Tang-Confucians ' Transcending Han-Confucians and the Reform of Confucianism through the Pen-Conversation on the Analects

  3. 《论语笔解》是韩愈、李翱对《论语》的新解,今人研究甚少,忽视了其在经学史上的地位和意义。

    Few people study , let alone pursue the place and significance of An Anthology of Analects , Han Yu and Li Ao 's new understanding of the Analects .

  4. 《论语》何晏注是对汉魏《论语》训解的一个总结,对后世的影响远胜过汉魏说《论语》其他诸家。

    HE Yan 's Lexical Analysis of " the Analects of Confucius " is virtually a summary of its kind of commentary and explanation of the Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty .