
  • 网络post-philosophy;after philosophy
  1. 罗蒂后哲学文化:科学与道德的对话与穿越

    Rorty about post-philosophy culture : dialogue and cut over of science and morality

  2. 哲学、科学等学科都成了后哲学文化中的平等成员。

    Philosophy and science and so on have become equal members of post-philosophy culture .

  3. 论罗蒂对后哲学文化的构建

    On Rorty 's Construction of " Post - philosophical Culture "

  4. 罗蒂的后哲学文化观

    On Richard Rorty 's Post-philosophical View on Culture

  5. 罗蒂以他的后哲学文化理论而闻名遐迩。

    Rorty is famous for his theory of " post - philosophical culture " .

  6. 罗蒂就是其中最引人注目的一员,他通过对传统形而上学的批判建构起他闻名遐迩的后哲学文化理论。

    He established his famous theory of post-philosophical culture through his critic on traditional metaphysics .

  7. 维特根斯坦后哲学游戏理论研究

    A study of post-philosophical game theory

  8. 第一部分:讨论罗蒂后哲学文化的逻辑起点,即他对传统镜式哲学的批判。

    It is divided into four parts : Part ⅰ : The logical starting point of post-philosophical culture : a critique of traditional western philosophy .

  9. 它无疑是一种教化哲学,体现了后哲学文化的精神向度和理论品格:坚持反基础论的观点;

    It doubtless is an edificatory philosophy , and embodies a spiritual direction and theory quality of post-philosophical culture : insists on the views of anti-basic theory ;

  10. 罗蒂哲学体系的基本框架是由后哲学文化、新实用主义、种族中心主义、自由反讽理论、反本质主义、反表象论、教化哲学等构成。

    The basic theoretical framework of Rortys philosophy consists of post philosophical culture , new pragmatism , racial centralism , free anti satirical theory , anti es .

  11. 罗蒂站在后哲学文化的视角说明真理的界线是不明确的,只要对社会产生有益效果,就实现了目标。

    Rorty says the boundaries of truth is not clear on cultural perspective of the post-philosophy , having a beneficial effect on society is the same as to achieve the target .

  12. 后哲学文化也是一种反讽文化,未来的社会是一个理想自由的社会,在这样的世界中人们所推崇的是像自由反讽人这样的全能的知识分子。

    The Post-philosophical culture is also a ironic culture . The future society is ideal and liberal . In such a society , the almighty intelligentsia who free irony would be admired .

  13. 为此他们各自提出了自己的改造方案。罗蒂的后哲学文化强调剥夺哲学的特权,使之融入文化的其他领域之中,成为一个平等的对话者;

    Rorty 's theory of culture of post-philosophy places stress on depriving the philosophy of privilege , and let the philosophy merge with other field of human culture and serve as an equal discourser .

  14. 美国新实用主义代表人物罗蒂提出的后哲学文化理论,宣称传统哲学终结的同时提出了在后哲学文化中一个新的哲学形象。

    The theory of " post-philosophical culture ", advanced by Rorty , a leading exponent of American new pragmatism , set forth a new philosophical image in post-philosophical culture while claiming to have put an end to the traditional philosophy .

  15. 而且这种反本质的观点,又是一种标准的后现代哲学语境。

    And the anti-essence view is a standard post-modernist philosophy context .

  16. 后现代哲学的挑战与系统哲学的回应

    The Challenge of Postmodern Philosophy and the Response of Systematic Philosophy

  17. 西方后现代哲学精神的近期扩展

    The Spread of Vision of Postmodern Philosophy in Western since Recent Time

  18. 后现代哲学之源&尼采的现代性批判理论

    The Origin of post - Modernism & Nietzche 's critical theory of Modernism

  19. 后分析哲学时代与英美-欧陆的哲学对话

    Period of Post-Analytic Philosophy and Discourse of Analytic-Continental Philosophy

  20. 生存命义的现代叙事方案及后现代哲学对它的颠覆

    Modern Narrative Program of the Existing Nature and its Subversion by Postmodern Philosophy

  21. 这表明了戴维森的意义理论具有了更多的后分析哲学的特征。

    This shows us that his theory of meaning has more post-analytic features .

  22. 后现代哲学思维方式的特征&从自组织动力学的观点看

    The Scientific Connotations in Approaching Postmodernism Mode of Thinking & From a Synergetical Perspective

  23. 后现代哲学全面解构了现代性,同时又以一种建设性的创造精神展示着生态后现代主义。

    Postmodern philosophy comprehensive deconstructed modernity , while demonstrating eco-postmodernism with a constructive creativity .

  24. 马克思颠覆形而上学的思想历程&兼对后现代哲学的一个批判性考察

    The Thought Process of Marx Subverting Tradition Metaphysics & Criticizing and Reviewing to Post-modernism

  25. 浅析后现代哲学的多元论思想

    On Pluralistic Ideology in Post - modern Philosophy

  26. 从实践哲学到后实践哲学

    From Practical Philosophy to Post Practical Philosophy

  27. 析后现代哲学的三大特征

    On three Features of the Postmodern Philosophy

  28. 一个后现代哲学语境中的神话&评马克思颠覆了形而上学

    A Myth in Post-Modernist Philosophy Context

  29. 从后现代哲学的向度看,全科医学反对还原论,强调效果历史;

    From the view of post-modern philosophy , it objects deoxidize and emphasizes the history of effect ;

  30. 后现代哲学的自然观

    On Natural-view of Postmodern Philosophy