
  • 网络Lin Bin;Lam Bun
  1. 18C指的是林彬生前居住的位于18层的公寓。

    The program 's title refers to the 18th-floor apartment Mr. Lam had lived in .

  2. 邱莉莉学校的咨询师林彬表示,如今来咨询的学生数量超过以往任何时候。

    Lin Bin , Qiu ` s consultant at the university , says he is seeing more students than ever before .

  3. 1967年8月,林彬和堂弟在自己的汽车里被人浇上汽油烧死,不过此案现在仍为悬案。

    In August 1967 , Mr. Lam was doused with gasoline and burned to death in his car alongside with his cousin , though the case remains unsolved .

  4. 随后采用林彬等报道的窦口不完全堵塞+窦腔留置棉絮的造模方法,建立兔慢性鼻窦炎模型。

    Then reported by Lin Bin , etc. " Do not completely plugged sinus + sinuses lien cotton " in the modeling method ,, rabbit model of chronic rhinosinusitis .

  5. 林彬说:年轻人认为这只是保持健康的一个途径。例如,邱莉莉还介绍两个朋友来咨询,鼓励他们用科学的方法解决问题。

    " The younger generation sees this as only one means to keep themselves healthy ," says Lin. Qiu , for instance , introduced two friends to Lin , encouraging them to deal with their problems in a " scientific way " .