
  • 网络Road network density;density of road network
  1. 公交线网密度是公交线网规划的关键指标,也是影响路网密度的重要因素。

    Density of City Bus Lines is the key index in the planning of City Bus Lines .

  2. 目前,专业人员对于路网密度、交叉口间距(路网间距)的研究较少。

    Presently , there are less research on road network density and intersection spacing ( road network spacing ) .

  3. 路网密度日益增大,交通流量不断增长,噪声危害日益加重。

    The network density enlarges increasingly , the transportation discharge increases continuously , so the noise endangers to aggravate increasingly .

  4. 选用单位面积火灾损失、人口密度、建筑密度、路网密度和消防力量建立城市火灾危险预测与评估的统计模型。

    The statistic model of fire risk assessment is based on fire losses , population density , buildings density , road density and fire protection force .

  5. 基于路网密度的要求下,对中心区支路网进行调整规划,并针对近期地块开发及区域交通组织,提出近期支路网实施规划;

    To meet the density requirement of the local road network , we modified the local road network plan of the central area and proposed a short-term implementation plan .

  6. 建立了居民平均出行距离、转向比例、交叉口间距之间的基本关系,结合交通信号控制系统的特性,对合理的交叉口间距、路网密度进行了分析。

    Relations between average trip distance , ratio of turning , distance between intersections were put forward . According to the traffic signal controls , the reasonable distance between intersections of arterial streets and the reasonable density were analyzed .

  7. 随着近年来公路铁路基础设施建设的快速发展,我国路网密度明显增加,新建桥梁与现有公路、铁路的立体交叉问题日益常见。

    With the rapid development of road and rail infrastructure in recent years , the density of the road network is significantly increased , which commonly leads to the flyover crossing between the new built bridge and the old roads and railways .

  8. 各种交通方式路网密度不断加大,集交通运输、商场、娱乐、休闲等多种功能于一体的大型交通枢纽综合体不断增多,其建筑形式也复杂多样。

    The road network density of various transportation modes continues to increase . Therefore , the number of the Transportation Hub Complex is increasing significantly . The Transportation Hub Complex ( THC ) integrates the transportation , shopping , entertainment , leisure and other functions .

  9. 城市的不同区位,单位面积所分布的路长、设立的公交站点数差别很大,故路网密度与公交站点密度是体现公交设施空间分布差异性的重要指标。

    Road net density and stations density are two important indications which can reflect the difference in the distribution of urban public traffic facilities , since there is great difference in the lengths of roads and in the number of bus stations per unit area in the urban different location .

  10. 事故点数量一定时,路网交通流密度变化对交通流平均速度的影响;

    Furthermore , the effect of the turn probability of car before accident to average speed is estimated .

  11. 依据租金距离衰减规律分析了临街深度对商业集聚和商业经营的影响,提出改善路网结构和路网密度是解决临街深度问题的主要途径。

    According as the law of the rent distance attenuation , this article analyzed that the depth of frontage effects on the clusters and the management of the business along with brought forward prime approaches to resolve the problems by improving the structure and density of the road-net .

  12. 并且,针对城市道路路网规划量化评价手段不足的现状,提出以道路路网密度、道路面积密度和交通可达性为主要评价指标的城市规划路网评价模型。

    And in addition , according to current situation of city road network sack digital appraising . We propose a model to appraise urban planning road network , in which road network density , road network area density and traffic accessibility are main evaluation index .