
  • 网络action systems
  1. 体操摆动动作系统的结构分析

    An analysis about the swing movement system structure on the gymnastics

  2. 动作系统的结构及其发展过程中相关关系的探讨

    Discussion on Structure of Movements System and Some Relationships During the Development

  3. 体育动作系统的特性探讨

    Basic Discussion on Specific Property of Movements System

  4. 水箱配件寿命自动检测动作系统设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Motion Control in Auto Detection of Tank Parts ' Life System

  5. 在简化操作者动作系统的基础上,分析了操作者信息接收和动作发动过程的三个环节:信息接收、个人判断、动作发动。

    Based on simplified the action system , which include receive information , individual judgments , action start .

  6. 通过研究本文确定了一个能准确、全面反映各项素质的测试动作系统,并建立一个评价指标体系,为科学训练和选材提供了理论依据。

    Accordingly , a set of actions to test all kinds of qualities and an evaluating index system was posed based on study .

  7. 研究目的:深入认识短跑途中跑支撑摆动动作系统中各环节协同的关系,完善短跑技术和专项力量训练理论。

    The main purpose was to deeply understand relation between each connection of supporting movement in running , perfect running technique and specific strength training theory .

  8. 对动作系统的特性如整体性、综合性、层次性、结构性、环境关联性、功能性、动态稳定性进行了理论诠释和探讨,以期为体育动作学习与竞技技术训练提供理论上的参考。

    The entirety , multiplicity , levels , structures , connection , function , dynamic stability of movement system were explained and discussed in this paper , the aim is to provide theoretical reference for movement learning and skills training of sports .

  9. 汉字的书写体系和书写规则具有较大的宽容性和多样性,书写人出于审美喜好,往往练就特性差异较大的多种书写技能,不同技能的书写动作系统承载着不同的书写动作习惯类型。

    Since the writing rules of Chinese characters are various and diverse , the hand-writer tends to obtain various writing skills with great differences for aesthetic preferences , disguise , imitation or other considerations . Writing systems with different skills could lead to varied styles of writing habits .

  10. 在分析虚拟企业中的信息需求、相关实现方法的基础上,给出了一个基于CORBA的虚拟企业组建与动作原型系统实例。

    Lastly , on the basis of analyzing information requirement and interrelated achievement method of virtual enterprise , this paper gives an example of information system of virtual enterprise creation based on CORBA .

  11. 据介绍,Mahru在一个高级动作捕捉系统的远程控制下,能够做出人的各种动作,而且能灵活地运用双手来应对障碍和干扰。

    Mahru is programmed to follow various human movements through an advanced motion capture system , he said , adding it can move its hands freely to cope with any interference or obstacles .

  12. 一个智能机器人动作规划系统的典型发展结果

    The Typical Development of an Intelligent Robotic Actions Planning System

  13. 如无任何动作,系统在15分钟后将自动登出!

    If no interactions in15 minutes , the system will logout you automatically !

  14. 基于微惯性测量单元的人体动作检测系统设计

    Design of Human Motion Acquisition System Based on MIMU

  15. 供电网继电保护可视化整定计算与动作仿真系统

    Visualized system of setting calculation and action simulation for protective relaying in power supply network

  16. 目前,多数运动动作分析系统在使用中都存在一些缺陷。

    Currently , there are some defects exist in the applying for the most sports motion analysis system .

  17. 他们为10名志愿者安装了动作捕捉系统,然后观察他们在走步机上走路的样子。

    They fitted 10 volunteers with motion caption markers and then watched as the subjects walked on a treadmill .

  18. 针对攻击图是从攻击者角度去分析建模,仅反映了攻击动作和系统状态变化情况,没有考虑防御者的因素。

    The attack graph model reflects only attack actions and system state changes , without considering the perspective of the defenders .

  19. 继电保护装置的输入量为连续动态层状态变量,继电保护装置的动作属于系统离散状态逻辑层的变化。

    The inputs of relay are variables of continuous state and the operations of relay are discrete events of discrete state .

  20. 改造后装置运行稳定,无一例误报警和误动作,系统改造取得了较好的效果。

    It is proven by practical production that the plant operates stably , without any erroneous alarming and malfunctioning , achieving good results .

  21. 近几十年来研制的智能机器人动作规划系统比照于上述系统,并未取得显著的突破。

    However , the intelligent robotic actions planning systems developed during the recent decades have failed to have made a breakthrough over that system .

  22. 基于保护不正确动作对系统风险的贡献定义保护重要度指标;

    Secondly , a protection importance degree index is defined based on the contribution to the integrated system risk caused by the incorrect action of protection .

  23. 我们建立一个可以自动地辨识出十种不同动作的系统,这个系统分成两种情况对人类动作影片作测试。

    We implement a system to automatically recognize ten different types of actions , and the system has been tested on real human action videos in two cases .

  24. 同时,结合实际应用的需求,我们对于一些方法进行了改进和整合。首先,本文系统地阐述了动作识别系统的主要流程和涉及的技术领域。

    According to requirements of applications , we improve and integrate some methods . Firstly , this paper gives a full summarization of main steps and related domain on human action recognition system .

  25. 首先,大型精确的运动动作分析系统多数被安置在实验室中,运动数据采集时,由于没有比赛的现场感,采集的数据无法反映比赛场景中的实际情况。

    First , the majority of the large-scale precision motion analysis system is placed in the laboratory , which the data collected does not reflect the actual situation for competition is not live .

  26. 而可控型电抗器可以依据线路的工作状态作出相应的动作,系统正常运行时不予动作,当检测到系统无功不平衡时给予动作。

    The controllable reactor can give the corresponding actions based on the state of system . The controllable reactor will not work during normal state , and it gives action during abnormal state .

  27. 结合电力网的实际结构及运行特点,利用定值判断法,采用面向对象的程序设计思想开发了基于图形界面的电网继电保护动作仿真系统。

    Combined with the actual structure and operating features of electric power system , a graphic action simulation system of relay protection is developed , which applies fixed value estimation method and object-oriented technique .

  28. 然后,是特定三维人脸模型的表情合成阶段,根据面部动作编码系统,本课题研究了特定三维人脸的表情合成,并能使用户输入预定义的情感词语,控制特定人脸生成相应的表情。

    According to face action code system , we study facial expression synthesis of specific 3D face , and thereby users can control specific 3D face to generate corresponding facial expression by inputting predefined words .

  29. 其次,一些小型的动作分析系统可以做到现场采集,但数据精度又不高,并且需要架设设备,干扰比赛。

    Second , some small motion analysis system can be done on-site collection , but the data accuracy is not high , moreover it is necessary to set up the devices that maybe interfere with competition .

  30. 然而这种综合分析训练系统构建的核心问题就是:如何实现动作分析系统和虚拟运动场景之间实现信息的交互传递。本研究就是为了解决上述核心问题而进行的。

    However , the core issue to build this integrated system is : how to achieve the information interactive transfer between " Motion Analysis System " and " virtual sports scenes " . This study is to solve this core issue .