
dòng luàn
  • unrest;turmoil;disturbance;upheaval;disorder;turbulence;convulsion;in a ferment
动乱 [dòng luàn]
  • (1) [turbulence;turmoil;disturbance]∶[社会]骚动变乱

  • (2) [in a ferment;upheaval]∶极度紊乱不安或剧烈的变化的情况

  • 世界各民族正卷入了历史上最大的动乱和变革中

动乱[dòng luàn]
  1. 经过一切冲突和动乱,他却异乎寻常地依然故我。

    Throughout the conflict and turmoil he remained remarkably the same man .

  2. 这次动乱中看得更清楚。

    This could be clearly seen during the recent turmoil .

  3. 动乱之后是令人不安的短暂平静。

    There was a short period of uneasy calm after the riot .

  4. 他们指控他煽动政治动乱。

    They accused him of fomenting political unrest .

  5. 政府没有制止住动乱。

    The government failed to stifle the unrest .

  6. 昔日的政治动乱可能会重演。

    There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return .

  7. 动乱爆发为革命。

    The unrest erupted into revolution .

  8. 在洛杉矶,一个叫做沃茨的街区爆发了动乱。

    In Los Angeles , the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots

  9. 真正的危险是该国东部地区的民众动乱。

    The real danger is civil unrest in the east of the country

  10. 他断言,如果他失败将会爆发动乱。

    He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses

  11. 这个国家经历了无异于内战的动乱局势。

    The country had witnessed scenes of tumult not far removed from civil war

  12. 政府警告说,警方将采取更为强硬的措施来遏制动乱。

    The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble

  13. 更加危险的动乱区在首都之外。

    The more serious flashpoints are outside the capital

  14. 他非常清楚这种转变伴随着社会动乱的危险。

    He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of social unrest .

  15. 他的辞职引发了该国的政治动乱。

    His resignation triggered political chaos in the country .

  16. 这条消息引起剧烈的动乱。

    The announcement led to violent civil disorders .

  17. 在这种情况下,任何国家内部的大动乱都可能引起国际阵容的重大改革。

    In such conditions a domestic upheaval in any country can cause a major shift in international alignments .

  18. 他断言,如果他失败将会爆发动乱

    He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses .

  19. 这些政治动乱很可能会破坏整个社会结构。

    These political upheavals might well destroy the whole framework of society .

  20. 它面临第二次世界大战以来最大的社会动乱。

    It was faced with the greatest social upheaval since World War Ⅱ .

  21. 团结稳定是福、分裂动乱是祸

    unity and stability are a blessing while secession and riots are a scourge

  22. 对西班牙人民来说,30年代的政治动乱是苦难的岁月

    The political turmoils of the 1930s were dark days for the Spanish people .

  23. 不管每天从报纸上读到多少坏消息,我依然对国家充满信心。我祈祷着和平与理解降临到这个动乱的世界,让我的孩子们能够在一个幸福而非血腥冲突的世界中生活。

    In spite of what we read in the newspapers , I have a great faith in this country and I pray that a peaceful understanding will come to this unsettled world , so that my children can grow up in a world that will give them happiness instead of bloodshed .

  24. Johnson举例称,中非共和国的儿童遭受动乱,缺乏基本服务。

    Johnson cites the Central African Republic as one country where children suffer from instability and lack of basic services .

  25. 北爱尔兰问题是一个复杂的历史问题,这一问题在20世纪60年代末逐步升级并演变为所谓的北爱尔兰动乱(theTroubles)。

    The Northern Ireland problem was historically a complicated issue , which gradually evolved into the Troubles at the end of 1960s .

  26. Guo先生说,在动乱之前,他跟维吾尔族人相处的时候一点也不紧张,但是现在,他有些害怕了。

    Mr Guo says he never felt tension with his Uighur neighbours before the riot but that he is a bit afraid now .

  27. 8.destabilizevt.破坏政府的稳定印尼耶诞前夕的爆炸案企图掀起宗教冲突、国家动乱。

    Indonesia says bombs aim to stir religious tension , destabilize nation .

  28. 年初的“阿拉伯之春(arabspring)”为全年定下了基调:在突尼斯和埃及政权垮台后,如今,利比亚的穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)被赶下了台,而叙利亚也爆发了动乱。

    The Arab Spring at the beginning of the year set the tone with the fall of the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes , now followed by the ousting of muammer Gaddafi in Libya and the insurrection in Syria .

  29. 以色列军方女发言人AvitalLeibovich上校谴责叙利亚组织了这次动乱。

    An Israeli army spokeswoman , Colonel Avital Leibovich , accused Syria of organising the unrest .

  30. AZUZ:在中国的西部,你会看到吉尔吉斯斯坦。我们昨天说过,吉尔吉斯斯坦发生了一些动乱。

    AZUZ : Well , over on the western side of China , you 'll find the country of Krgyzstan , a country that , as we told you yesterday , is going through some .