
  • 网络Just For You;For you;IT'S FOR YOU
  1. 你凋落了我会陪着你一起走,我的春天也只为了你的到来而添色,也只为了你到来而美丽。

    I will stay with your litter with you , I was in the spring only the arrival of Tim for your color , only for you come and beautiful .

  2. 我的爱,只为了你而存在

    MY love , but only you to the existence of

  3. 即使只为了你的一声惊叹。

    Even it is just for your delightful exclamation .

  4. 最后这样做的时候不要只为了你自己.

    And finally , as you do these things , do them not just for yourself .

  5. 他最终触犯了法律只为了满足你对物质的需求

    To satisfy your materialism , he ended up breaking the law

  6. 我穿越时间的瀚海,只为了找到你。

    I cross the ocean of time , to find you .

  7. 我愿意舍弃全世界,只为了保护你。

    I am willing to abandon the world just to protect you .

  8. 假如我远渡重洋只为了和你在一起。

    If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you .

  9. 只为了爱你,爱集真善美于一身的你。

    We are clinging to do everything for you because we loved you .

  10. 我愿将我所拥有的一切给你,只为了得到你对我的爱慕。

    All I own I would give just to have you adore me .

  11. 你朋友们来这只为了救你。

    Your friends are only hereto rescue you .

  12. 我放弃自由身只为了和你在一起,是不是?

    I 'm giving up my life to be with you , aren 't I ?

  13. 我们不可能只为了让你快活就去折腾善与恶的天平

    We are not tipping the scales of good and evil so you can be entertained .

  14. 小小贺卡穿越寒冷的冬日,只为了带给你春的气息。

    My card flies through the chilly sky of winter , just to send you smell of spring .

  15. 只为了让你知道我们完全理解你的感受

    I just don 't want you to think that we 're completely insensitive to what you 're feeling

  16. 你记得小时后我曾编出多少理由,只为了哄你洗澡…..

    Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented , in order that you wanted to bath ...

  17. 你记得小时候我曾编出多少个理由来追逐你,只为了哄你去洗澡吗?

    Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented , in order that you wanted to bathe .

  18. 我知道我的歌唱让你快乐。我也知道,我来到你的面前,只为了做你的歌者。

    I know thou takest pleasure in my singing . I know that only as a singer I come before thy presence .

  19. 这第二种选择可以称为“资产维持”承销,接受糟糕的业务只为了维持你目前现有的资产。

    This second option might properly be termed " asset maintenance " underwriting-the acceptance of terrible business just to keep the assets you now have .

  20. 爱你的男人会在半夜从城市南边开车到城市北边,就只为了看你一眼,和你说晚安。

    A man who loved you will drive from south part to north part at midnight just want to see you and say good night to you .

  21. 如果我登高峰,只为了抓紧你如果我告诉你,我会爱你一生一世你还会拒绝我吗?啊!

    If I climbed the highest mountain Just to hold you tight If I said that I would loved you Every single night Would you ever let me down ?

  22. 我也不喜欢那些对我的理解力品头论足的人,他们在和你一起走路时,总是试图缩短他们自己的步幅,只为了迎合你行走的速度。

    I also dislike people who try to talk down to my understanding . They are like people who when walking with you try to shorten their steps to suit yours ; the hypocrisy in both cases is equally exasperating .

  23. 逃课。/别开玩笑了!/考得很好。/爱上某人/为之疯狂。或者就跟你爱的人在一起,聊些毫不相关的事,只为了把你的注意力从使你烦恼的事中解脱出来。

    Have a crush on someone / Be crazy about . Or just get together with someone you love and talk about something else entirely , just to take your mind off whatever is haunting you , give it a break .

  24. 我离开EltonJohn家,那边有一大群半身赤裸的少女张着她们的嘴只为了能和你在圣诞节混混。

    I left Elton John 's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open in order to hang out with you at Christmas .

  25. 它们伤害其他人只为了要找到你?

    And they 're hurting people to get back at you ?

  26. 罗密欧,我被卡布利特人所伤,只为了他们和你家族的仇恨。

    Romeo , I 've been wounded by a Capulet because of the feud they have with your family !

  27. 只为了在半夜见你一面

    to drop down and see you in the middle of the night ?

  28. 如果你想真正地生活,真正地体验生活,最大程度地享受生活,而不是勉强度日只为了生存,那么你应该想办法打破常规。

    If you want to truly live life , to really experience it , to enjoy it to the fullest , instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence , then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life .

  29. 这样的日子其实过得并不好。如果你想真正地生活,真正地体验生活,最大程度地享受生活,而不是勉强度日只为了生存,那么你应该想办法打破常规。

    It 's not fine . If you want to truly live life , to really experience it , to enjoy it to the fullest , instead of barely scraping by and only living a life of existence , then you need to find ways to break free from the mold and drink from life .