
  1. 我们只有一个地球。

    We have only one earth .

  2. 人类只有一个地球,各国共处一个世界。

    Mankind has only one earth , and it is home to all countries .

  3. 但不幸的是,我们没有这种奢侈:我们只有一个地球。

    Unfortunately we do not have that luxury : we have only one planet .

  4. 地球是人类唯一能够生存的地方,我们只有一个地球。

    Earth is the only human to survive , we have only one Earth .

  5. 我们只有一个地球,爱护地球就是爱护自己。

    We have only one earth , caring for the earth is love itself .

  6. 环境与发展:只有一个地球

    Environment and Development : Only One Earth

  7. 因为我们只有一个地球。

    Because there is only one Earth .

  8. 我们只有一个地球,要尽力保护它。

    We have only one earth , so we should do our best to protect it .

  9. 照顾;注意;抚养我们只有一个地球,所以我们必须要好好的照顾她。

    eg. We only have one earth , so we need to take care of her .

  10. 人类只有一个地球,皮之不存,毛将安附焉?

    There is only one earth . Keep the skin , hair , how will be attached ?

  11. 我们只有一个地球,为了中华民族可持续发展,保护耕地就是保护我们的生命线;人多地少、环境污染是制约我国土地利用可持续发展的主要因素;

    Large population , limited land resources and environmental pollution are the main constraints for sustainable land use in China .

  12. 我们生活在同一个地球,我们只有一个地球,地球是我们共同的家。

    We live in the same planet , we have only one earth , the earth is our common home .

  13. 我们只有一个地球,地球给了我们生存的条件,我们也只能在地球上生存。

    We have only one earth and the earth we live to the conditions , we could only survive on Earth .

  14. 本文通过《只有一个地球》的教案及评析说明了朗读在教学中的重要性。

    This paper tell us the importance of reading in teaching by the case and appraisement of there is only one globe .

  15. 对于人类而言,只有一个地球母亲,因此,就事论事地讲,保护地球亦即意味着保护人类自身。

    There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and , literally speaking , preserving the Earth means preserving humanity itself .

  16. 毕竟,我们只有一个地球可以居住,保护环境非常重要。

    After all , we have only one earth to live on , and it is very important to take care of environment .

  17. 我们只有一个地球,地球是我们唯一的家,任何破坏地球的行为都是在伤害人类自己。

    We have only one earth , the earth is our only home , any damage the earth 's behavior in harm humans .

  18. 我们只有一个地球,共在一片蓝天下,让我们采取新行动保护和净化我们的地球。

    We have only one earth , and all live under the blue sky , let 's move on to protect and clean our planet !

  19. 许多年前,作者在《只有一个地球》一书里借助宇航员的感叹表达了他们内心深处的呼唤。

    Many years ago , The writer expressed their innermost thoughts in the book named The Only One Earth with the aid of the astronauts ' exclamation .

  20. 我们会有更多的人口,更多的钱,消耗的也更多,但是我们只有一个地球。

    There will be more population , more money , and more consumption as well , but there is only one earth for us to live in .

  21. 人类只有一个地球给人类提出了挑战,也是生态伦理学产生和发展的基础。

    There is the unique earth for us , which is the cornerstone of ecological ethics , and is also the foundation of shaping and developing the ecological ethics .

  22. 我们只有一个地球,有限资源的合理利用和全球环境的保护,是21世纪初人类最为关切的问题中的两个。

    We have only one earth . The rational utilization of limited resources and the protection of the natural environment are two of the questions that concern the human being .

  23. 我们只有一个地球,保护人类共同的生存与发展的环境已经成为了全球的共识。

    We have only one Earth and we should work together to protect the global environment because we as human beings depend upon the common environment to sustain and develop .

  24. 工业文明给人类带来的生态危机,日渐引起了人类的深刻反思,达成了人类只有一个地球,人类与环境是不可分割的共同体的共识。

    Industrial civilization brings human ecological crisis , that attracted human reflection increasingly , reach a consensus that the only one earth , Human and the ecological environment are indivisible community .

  25. 每个人都应该清楚人类只有一个地球。如果我们继续这样对待她,她将不再适合我们居住了。

    Everyone should know that there is only one earth , lf we go on treating her like this , it won 't be fit for us to live in any longer .

  26. 克莱对法新社说:我们会有更多的人口,更多的钱,消耗的也更多,但是我们只有一个地球。克莱认为科学家和政府应该尽快开始研究转变生产食物的方法。

    " More people , more money , more consumption , but the same planet ," Clay told AFP , urging scientists and governments to start making changes now to how food is produced .

  27. 当今,伴随着国际政治经济一体化及地球环境的变化,人们普遍认识到:我们只有一个地球,我们同住在一个地球村。

    Nowadays , with the economic and political globalization and the environmental changes on Earth , generally speaking , people realize that we have only one Earth and we live in the same global village .

  28. 我们只有一个星球地球其资源很快便会消耗殆尽。

    We have just one planet-earth-and her resources are rapidly being depleted .