
  • 网络write-only;WRITE;Write Only
  1. u表示该文件被打开并处于读取/写入模式,而不是只读(r)或只写(w)模式。

    The u means the file has been opened in read / write mode , rather than read-only ( r ) or write-only ( w ) .

  2. 只能以只写模式请求追加访问。

    Append access can be requested only in write-only mode .

  3. 那本书他目前只写了一个情节梗概。

    He has written only a skeletal plot for the book so far .

  4. 前3次他只写了一两行就把纸揉成了一团。

    He screwed up his first three efforts after only a line or two .

  5. 谁会发一封只写着“谢谢你”的电子邮件或短信?

    Who sends an e-mail or a text message that just says " Thank you " ?

  6. 我没法在回信中也写“非常爱你的”,只写“祝好”(Best)又显得冷冰冰。

    I can 't bring myself to write " Lots of love " back , but to write " Best " looks a bit chilly .

  7. 作为一个Java开发人员,我已经被“只写一次,到处运行(WriteOnce,RunAnywhere)”的承诺给宠坏了。

    As a Java developer , I 've been spoiled by the promise of Write Once , Run Anywhere .

  8. 较常见的统计问题有:只写P值而未注明所用统计学方法,用t检验代替方差分析进行多组均数间的比较,等级资料比较用χ2检验等。

    The most common errors were only the presence of P value without specifying the statistical methods used , multiple t test instead of ANOVA and χ 2 test instead of rank sum test .

  9. 在Facebook和Twitter的时代,应聘者喜欢去调查应聘经理的资料,简历上只写和他们一样的兴趣爱好。

    In the age of Facebook and Twitter , it can be tempting to research the hiring manager and only include interests that overlap with theirs .

  10. 其中一人只写过不到100K行的代码。

    That is , one that is less than100K lines of code .

  11. 使用新的C2.0的泛型,可以实现只写一次同样得代码。

    With the advent of C # 2.0 Generics , it is possible to write this code only once .

  12. Dolce&Gabbana在官网上列出了许多手表,却并未给出价格,上面只写着“按需定价”。但DS5金表倒是明码标价了,却相当惊人——34500欧元,约合37000美元。

    Dolce & Gabbana lists a number of watches on its website without a price tag . Rather , all it says is " prices upon request . " But the DS5 Gold 's price is listed : it is a whooping 34500 euros , or around $ 37000 .

  13. 四是只写能突出人物主要性格的细节。

    And the fourth , write only details stressing main character .

  14. 我没有答案,只写下了问题。

    I had no answers . I had only written questions .

  15. 请只写下你有把握的答案。

    Please only write down answers in which you are confident .

  16. 不要画地图,只写答案。

    Do not draw the map , just write the answer .

  17. 此前,张宇识只写过小品和相声。

    Zhang previously only wrote short sketches and comic dialogue .

  18. 玛丽昨晚只写了一封信。

    Mary did nothing but write a letter last night .

  19. 现在有的同志还是只写匿名信。

    Yet some comrades still feel they can only write anonymous letters .

  20. 他只写了第一部分,安妮说的。

    And then he only wrote the first part , Annie said .

  21. 报纸的报导只写了辩论的轮廓。

    The newspaper report gave only a skeletal account of the debate .

  22. 经我们劝说,他最终同意不再捐钱,只写了一封感谢信表达他的谢意。

    He eventually conceded to write a thank - you note instead .

  23. 所有文件必须按只读或只写打开。

    All files must be opened read-only or write-only .

  24. 所以我只写构型的。

    Cv So let me just right Cv configurational .

  25. 他写了几部独幕剧,但只写了一部正常长度的长剧。

    He has written several one-act plays , but only one full-length play .

  26. 这些诗十分短小,许多只写了四句话。

    They were very short poems . Many were only four lines long .

  27. 有些人只写下每部分演讲的标题。

    Some people write down just the title of each section of their talk .

  28. 只写着你能帮我忙吗?

    The words were just WILL YOU HELP ?

  29. 对于每个服务器,附件只写一次。

    Attachments are written once for each server .

  30. 不要只写“好文章”,而是赞美具体问题。

    Don 't just write " Great post !" Rather , praise specific points .