
  • 网络Hotel;Sleep Here
  1. 《大酒店》:能对我杂志为您推荐的下榻酒店讲些意见和感受吗?

    Grand hotels : what do you think of the hotels where you stay which were recommended by our magazine ?

  2. 巴西奥运代表团下榻酒店内多人感染一名市政府官员称,东京西南部滨松市的一家酒店内7名员工新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。

    Seven staff at the hotel in Hamamatsu , located southwest of Tokyo , had tested positive for the coronavirus , a city official said .

  3. 我们将为您介绍下榻酒店附近的娱乐设施,供你选择。

    We will introduce you stayed close to the hotel entertainment facilities , for your choice .

  4. 我们将根据参会人员的具体情况以及会场和下榻酒店的地点,为您推荐不同的用餐地点。

    We will according to the specific circumstances of participants and venue and stayed hotel site , to recommend the different dining place .

  5. 据一名微信用户爆料,这对夫妻是跟随一个中国旅行团前往日本旅游的,他们偷走了下榻酒店房间内的一个多功能马桶盖。

    According to a WeChat user , the couple , who was part of a Chinese tour group , took a multi-function toilet seat from their room .

  6. 智慧化的管理,个性化的服务,让下榻酒店的海内外宾客尽显帝皇尊崇、感受温馨关怀。

    Management with intelligence and service with personality would make any guest at Nanan Hotel , national or international , perceive homage like an emperor , and feel warmly service .

  7. 我来到洛杉矶时,问下榻酒店的服务台人员海滩在哪儿,他说只要沿着威尼斯大道往下走到威尼斯,就会找到海滩了。

    When I came to Los Angeles , I asked the concierge at the hotel where I was staying , " Where 's the beach ? " He said just take Venice Boulevard down to Venice , and you will find the beach .

  8. 经过了海关和行李的例行检查,我终于找到了来自中国NBA的朋友,他们开着面包车经过一个小时的行程把我接送到了下榻的酒店。

    After going through another hour of customs and baggage claim , I finally found my friends from NBA China who escorted me to a van and we embarked on another hour ride to the hotel .

  9. 他下榻的酒店舒适但不豪华。他穿着朴素的拉链夹克,不停地抽着大卫杜夫(Davidoff)的香烟——这在中国属于中端品牌。

    His hotel is comfortable but hardly luxurious , he wears a simple jacket with a zipper front and he chain-smokes Davidoff cigarettes - a midrange brand in China .

  10. 他下榻的酒店舒适但不豪华。他穿着朴素的拉链夹克,不停地抽着大卫杜夫(Davidoff)的香烟&这在中国属于中端品牌。

    His hotel is comfortable but hardly luxurious , he wears a simple jacket with a zipper front and he chain-smokes Davidoff cigarettes – a midrange brand in China .

  11. 不用客气,感谢您下榻本酒店。

    You are welcome . Thanks for staying in our hotel .

  12. 欢迎您下榻我们酒店。

    I 'm calling to welcome you to our hotel .

  13. 再次感谢下榻喜来登酒店。

    Thank you again for staying at Sheraton Hotel .

  14. 他被安全护送到下榻的酒店。

    He was safely delivered to his hotel .

  15. 我们钻进出租车,报上下榻的酒店名,希望碰到个识路的司机。

    We got in our cabs , gave the names of our hotels and hoped for the best .

  16. 不过,我们还得乘坐出租车穿过丛林,才能到达下榻的酒店。

    But we had to go back out into the jungle again by taxi to get to our hotel .

  17. 布兰妮与男友下榻的酒店是新港海滨酒店,还有一些亲密朋友参加婚礼。

    The pair stayed at the Newport Beachside Hotel , alongside several other friends who were part of the wedding party .

  18. 在您下榻本酒店期间,如有任何问题,请随时与大堂副理联系。

    During your stay at this hotel , if you have any questions , please feel free to contact Assistant Manager .

  19. 下榻在酒店就可尽情领略令人叹为观止的南中国至尊海景,或者赏心俯瞰尊贵大气的热带绿地景观。

    Each of the hotel's404 tastefully-appointed rooms and suites overlooks the stunning vistas of the South China Sea or lush greenery .

  20. 东方宾馆也就是所有外国人必须下榻的酒店绝不会透露客人的房号。

    The Dong Fang Hotel where all foreigners were mandated to stay would not divulge the room numbers of its guests .

  21. 沿着山谷去我们下榻的酒店才20分钟行程,但途中我们停下来看了一场射箭比赛。

    The journey along the valley to our hotel was only 20 minutes but we broke it to watch an archery contest .

  22. 两位总统星期天会谈了数小时,会议结束有人看到两人在下榻的酒店友好交谈。

    They met for several hours Sunday and were seen holding a friendly chat outside the hotel room after the meeting broke up .

  23. 根据线报,情报人员发现他在下榻的酒店房间内藏有高能武器及2500发弹药。

    Acting on a tip , the Secret Service observed that Vallee had high-powered weapons and 2500 rounds of ammo at his hotel room .

  24. 这些机构会酌量收取手续费,并把门票送递到您下榻的酒店或香港办公室。

    For a modest handling fee in addition to the price of the ticket , these agencies can deliver tickets to hotels or offices in Hong kong .

  25. 救兵终于来了,我们被一股脑地送到了下榻的酒店。(事实证明)这个酒店确实如向我们承诺的那样富丽堂皇。

    Help arrived at last and we were swept off to our hotel , which did indeed turn out to be the glorious location we had been promised .

  26. 这时,你看见一个公交车站,公交也许可以把你带到附近的酒店。与此同时,还有一辆的士出现,打的烧钱,但肯定能把你带到你所下榻的酒店。

    You see a bus stop that might take you near your hotelandyou see a taxi that will cost big bucks but will certainly take you to your hotel .

  27. 曼联的美国行没有亚洲行那么火爆,但还是有多球迷在球队下榻的酒店外面围观。

    And while the reception United have received does not compare to an Asian tour , the sight of fans maintaining a constant presence outside the team hotel is novel .

  28. 之后球员上了大巴,驶往球队在之后六天所下榻的酒店。贾米森,作为奇才的新球员,在六月份的惊天大交易后加盟了奇才队。

    A coach was then waiting to whisk the team off to the hotel which will be their base for the next six days . Jamison , a new addition to the Wizards , joined the Wizards after a blockbuster trade last June .

  29. 我下榻上海四季酒店(ShanghaiFourSeasons),当晚在顶层的酒吧里喝了杯酒,一边俯看周围灯光绚丽多彩的摩天大楼,一边倾听一支中国摇滚翻唱乐队的演奏。

    I stayed at the Shanghai four seasons , where I had a drink that night in the top-floor bar overlooking colorfully lit skyscrapers and listening to a Chinese rock-and-roll cover band .

  30. 她和她的喜剧演员未婚夫&今年34岁的鲁赛尔分开下榻在W酒店共赴约会,很明显,这位酷爱穿着“复古风”衣服的明星很希望吸引众人目光。

    She and fianc é, comic Russell , 34 , were seen arriving at the W hotel separately for a rendezvous , and clearly the singer who is known for her outr é retro style was keen to impress .