
  • 网络International Travel Agency;International Travel Service;intourist
  1. 与我公司打交道的是高丽国际旅行社(KoreaInternationalTravelService),它虽然由政府运营,却也有着自己的一套经营规则。

    My company deals with the Korea International Travel Service ; it is government-run but it works in its own sphere .

  2. 成都铁路国际旅行社营销组合策略研究

    A Study on Marketing Mix Strategies of Chengdu Railway International Travel Service

  3. 我按照指示接洽了一位苏联国际旅行社官员。

    I approached an Intourist official , as per instructions .

  4. 贵州国际旅行社业的SCP范式分析

    The SCP analysis for international travel agency in Guizhou province

  5. 第四章对成都康辉国际旅行社所处的环境进行SWOT分析,明确康辉旅行社的优势和劣势及其面临的主要机会和威胁。

    Chapter Four carries out the SWOT analysis of market environment of Kanghui International Travel Agency , makes clear the strengths and weaknesses , the opportunities and threats .

  6. 运用计量经济学方法,对国际旅行社与国际旅游收入、入境旅游人数之间的关系进行Granger因果检验和协整分析,检验结果表明三变量间为正的因果增长反馈环。

    The Granger causality test and the cointegration analysis were used for the international travel agency and international tourism income , the number of inbound tourism by econometric methods . The test results show that the three variables for growth is a causal feedback loop .

  7. 您从哪里了解到辽宁康辉国际旅行社?

    How did you hear about Liaoning Comfort International Travel server ?

  8. 服务性企业怎样进入?&罗森布鲁斯国际旅行社的经验

    How Does Service Enterprise Employ Personnel ? Experience of Rosenbluth International

  9. 你好,中国国际旅行社广州公司吗?

    Hello , is that Guangzhou Branch , China International Travel Agency ?

  10. 我国国际旅行社发展的地区间差异分析

    The Analysis on the Regional Difference of Chinese International Travel Agency Development

  11. 暑假期间在北京国际旅行社当导游。

    Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service .

  12. 贺鑫凌(音译),27岁,就职于深圳市天海国际旅行社。

    He Xinling , 27 , who works for Shenzhen Tianhai Travel Agency

  13. 对国际旅行社行业跨国经营的思考

    Thoughts on the Transnational Management of International Travel Service

  14. 我来自中国国际旅行社。

    My name is * I come from the China International Tour Agency .

  15. 段红(音译)是中国国际旅行社四川分社的一名工作人员。

    Duan Hong is an official from China International Travel Service Sichuan Branch .

  16. 我叫王海,是中国国际旅行社的。

    My name is Wang Hai , I 'm form China International Travel Service .

  17. 去年夏天我曾经为北京国际旅行社做过导游。

    I served as a tour guide for Beijing International Travel Service last summer .

  18. 东莞康辉国际旅行社有限公司(简称:东莞康辉)。

    About Us Dongguan Comfort International Travel Service Co.

  19. 昆明缘分国际旅行社有限责任公司将竭诚为您服务!

    Kunming Destiny International Travel Co. , Ltd will serves for you with all sincerity !

  20. 中日旅行社营销策略比较&以中国国际旅行社总社和日本交通公社为例

    A Comparison of the Marketing Tactics between China International Travel Services and Japan Tourism Bureau

  21. 你可以在中国国际旅行社或中国民航总局的任何分理处办理旅行安排。

    You can make your travel arrangement in any branch of the CITS or caac .

  22. 上海春秋国际旅行社成功发展战略的启示

    A revelation of successful development strategy of Shanghai Spring and Autumn International Travel service , Ltd

  23. 由此证明,台湾会馆国旅已经成为了最具实力的国际旅行社之一。

    That proves that the TWGHITS has already become one of the most competitive international travel agencies .

  24. 感谢您选择青岛啤酒国际旅行社,因为它的特点得到您的认同。

    Thank you for choosing Tsingtao Beer International Travel Service , because of its features to get you recognized .

  25. 汉中国际旅行社直属于汉中市旅游局,是国旅集团成员之一。

    It 's subordination to Hanzhong Tourism Bureau and it is also a member of China International Travel Group .

  26. 中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的线路。

    China international travel service is offering you an interesting tour program that is characteristic of chinese national culture .

  27. 第五条旅行社按照经营业务范围,分为国际旅行社和国内旅行社。

    Article5Travel agencies shall be categorized into international travel agencies and domestic travel agencies according to their business scope .

  28. 中国国际旅行社也为各种大小的国际会议提供设施并且为会议参加者安排观光计划。

    CITS also provides facilities for international conventions of various sizes and arrange visits and sightseeing programs for the participants .

  29. 结果认为:(1)我国各地区国际旅行社在行业规模、企业规模方面存在极大差异;

    Conclusions are : ( 1 ) there are great difference between every region in industry scale , entrepreneur scale ;

  30. 我国国际旅行社和经批准的港澳旅行社组织、接待的旅游团;

    Foreigners in travel groups organized by the designated Chinese international travel agencies and the approved Hong Kong or Macau agencies .