
pào pào yù
  • bubble bath
  1. 孩子们沐浴时间的程序包括:泡泡浴、无泪配方的洗发露和塑料玩具鸭。

    The bath time routine – bubble bath , no-tear shampoo , plastic duck .

  2. 这段时间可做的事情可以是一次泡泡浴或者坐下来喝杯茶这样简单的小事,也可以是去健身房锻炼或者周末出行这样的活动。

    This might be as simple as having a bubble bath or sitting down with a cup of tea , or going on a trip to the gym or a weekend away .

  3. 毕竟,很少有人会把阅读废奴运动的胜利带来的快乐与和洗泡泡浴与吃一盒Twinkie奶油夹心蛋糕的愉悦混在一起。

    After all , few of us intermix the pleasure of , say , reading about the triumph of the abolitionist movement with the pleasure of taking a bubble bath and eating a box of Twinkies .

  4. 洗个暖烘烘的泡泡浴共享快乐亲子时光

    Taking a warm bubble bath , enjoying the happy parent-baby hours

  5. 泡泡浴有什么问题?

    What is wrong with bubble baths ?

  6. 在你了解之前,你需要穿着木底鞋去洗个泡泡浴。

    Before you know it , you 're gonna be taking bubble baths with your clogs on .

  7. 共享烛光晚餐,互相给对方按摩,或者享受温暖的泡泡浴。

    Share a candlelit dinner , give each other massages , and draw a warm bubble bath .

  8. 我只想关掉所有的灯,洗着泡泡浴然后幻想着爱情。

    I just want to turn all the lights off and take a bubble bath and think about love .

  9. 一开始先来一个大大爱的泡泡浴,就像大家都能做的浪漫的事那样。

    They started off in a nice big bubble bath , which is about as romantic as you can get .

  10. 泡泡浴:点上几根蜡烛,播放你们最喜爱的音乐,一起来上一个浪漫的泡泡浴。

    Lather up !: Light a few candles , maybe turn on your favorite music and take a romantic bubble bath together .

  11. 天气干旱,供水实行配给制,盘子堆积如山的晚宴、洗车和泡泡浴这样的耗水活动有所收敛。

    Water rationing during the dry spell put a damper on activities from dish-intensive dinner parties to car washes and bubble baths .

  12. 其浴缸的独特设计,让客人既可一面享受泡泡浴,亦可一面欣赏窗外繁华闹市的景致。

    Specially designed bathtub maximize the pleasure for the guest to enjoy a bubble bath together with the view of the bustling city outside the window .

  13. 你就去买鞋子,不然就洗个泡泡浴,若你希望她回来你就得开始表现冷漠。

    then you go shoe shopping , you get your butt in a bubble bath . You want her back you have to start acting aloof .

  14. 泡泡浴:含复合氨基酸、舒痒润肤剂、泡沫的洁肤剂等,温和祛除汗味,美白嫩肤。

    Bubble bath : it contains aminofusin , relieving itching emollient , foamy skin detergents and etc. it can keep body odor-free , white and tender .

  15. 你洗了个泡泡浴,吃了点吐司,睡了一个小时觉,还让人为殿下健硕的身躯塑造了一具裸体雕像。

    You took a bubble bath , ate some toast , had a sleep for one hour , and commissioned a naked statue of your fine self .

  16. 她觉得只要洗个泡泡浴然后躺在床上我就能安然入眠了吗

    She thinks that I 'll be able to sleep through the night if I just take a nice bubble bath and lay in my own bed ?

  17. 当你在结束度假游览的疲劳后,冲个热水澡,做个泡泡浴,然后将整个人都窝进柔软舒适的超大双人床内,是多么惬意的享受。

    After a whole day of sightseeing , what can be better than a hot bubble bath and a fluffy king-size bed to help you relax and rejuvenate ?

  18. 快乐理由之四在夏天里洗可爱的泡泡浴手中的棒棒糖很甜电视里的动画片很吸引人。

    The fourth reason to be happy wash cute hubble-bubble bath in the summer the sugar-loaf in your hand is so sweet the cartoon shown on TV is attractive .

  19. 洗个泡泡浴,用一款新的香水,买一套新的衣服,修指甲……每周花一点时间做这些事,你会感到相当开心。

    Take a bubblebath , splurge on a new perfume or outfit , get a manicure . If youset aside some time out of your busy week to do these things , you

  20. 生死以之,必能成功。享受了甜美的蜜糖泡泡浴之后,你会发现肌体舒畅通透,酸痛全无,还能增强肌肤的免疫功能。

    He who see through life and death will meet with most success . After enjoying sweet honey bubble bath , you will have a comforted body without sour pain and enhanced skin immunity .

  21. 如果你感到有渴望,那么就给予你自己能充盈自己的事物,不管这是一件衣服、一件珠宝、一次大自然中的散步还是一个烛光泡泡浴。

    If you feel needy , give to yourself that which fills you , whether it be an article of clothing or jewelry , a walk in nature , or a candlelit bubble bath .

  22. 好,听着,我拒绝卷入……这一类畸型的盖勒家庭纠纷,我现在要去洗个香啧啧热腾腾的泡泡浴……因为妈咪快要被你们这疯了。

    Alright look , I refuse to get sucked into this like , weird little Geller dimension thing OK . So I 'm gonna go and take a nice long hot bubble bath because you kids are driving me crazy .

  23. 浪漫的泡泡浴:想想你和你的爱人在温暖的浴缸里被泡泡包围着的感觉,你还能想到更好的时刻吗?

    Take Photos of Each Other : You can make this sexy or silly – but taking pictures of each other is a great way to spend time having fun together and telling each other that you love each other .

  24. 洗个泡泡浴,用一款新的香水,买一套新的衣服,修指甲……每周花一点时间做这些事,你会感到相当开心。而且当你感觉良好的时候,你就会更加自信。

    Take a bubble bath , splurge on a new perfume or outfit , get a manicure . If you set aside some time out of your busy week to do these things , you will feel good , and when you feel good , you feel more confident .

  25. 可以在日本中南部地区的箱根小涌园温泉主题乐园和spa度假胜地里泡泡清酒浴,或是在众多其他选择中选择一种,可以是绿茶、红酒或咖啡浴。

    Soak in a sake bath or one of several other options , including green tea , red wine or coffee , at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Hot Springs Amusement Park and Spa Resort in south-central Japan .

  26. 我会穿泡泡装洗泡泡浴!

    LG : I would take a bubble bath in my bubble dress !