
  1. 问题5:关于这只像猫一样的小浣熊,这篇新闻报道说了些什么?

    Question 5 : What does the news report say about the raccoon , a small cat-like animal ?

  2. 周三早上,一只像猫一样的小浣熊爬上了一座25层高的摩天大楼。

    A raccoon , a small cat-like animal climbed to the top of a 25-story skyscraper early on Wednesday .

  3. 想象一下一只脸部长得像泰迪熊的迷你小浣熊,真是可以萌倒众生,更无法忽视。

    Imagine a mini-raccoon with a teddy bear face that is so cute it 's hard to resist , let alone overlook .

  4. 我们可爱的小浣熊可是早就忍耐不住了,快看,好动的它蹦得好高。

    However , we feel the long Noguri could restrain themselves no longer and would pull a fast , it is active in the high-bouncing well .

  5. 这已经不是Baby第一次成为其它小动物的妈妈了,它曾经当过小兔子、小猫甚至是小浣熊的妈妈。

    Baby lives at the refuge as a pet and in her time has been a surrogate mum to abandoned bunnies , kittens and a racoon .