
  • 网络tigers;Detroit Tiger
  1. 底特律老虎队经理将卸任。

    The manager of the Detroit Tigers is stepping down .

  2. 今晚,巨人队将会淘汰底特律老虎队。

    They could eliminate the Detroit Tigers tonight .

  3. 如果你是底特律老虎队高层人士,你会和他签下长约吗?

    If you were Detroit , would you deal him ?

  4. 底特律老虎队的米格尔·卡布瑞拉成为第十五名获得三连冠的棒球运动员。

    The Detroit Tigers ' Miguel Cabrera became just the 15th player to win baseball 's Triple Crown .

  5. 旧金山巨人队在世界职业棒球大赛中以8比3战胜底特律老虎队。

    The San Francisco Giants is taking game one of the World Series with an 8-3 win over the Detroit Tigers .

  6. 底特律老虎队用普林斯·菲尔德搭档三冠王米格尔·卡布雷拉来进行攻击。

    The Tigers were supposed to have a fearsome offense in the middle of a triple crown winner Miguel Cabrera protecting him Prince Fielder .

  7. 今天,吉姆·莱兰宣布了这个决定,两天前,底特律老虎队与波士顿队在美国联盟决赛系列赛的第六场比赛中落败被淘汰出局。

    Jim Leyland announced his decision today , two days after the Tigers were eliminated from the AL champion series by Boston in six games .

  8. 他回想起年轻时那快乐,健康的生活,那时他每天都要锻炼,甚至效力于底特律老虎队参加小联盟棒球赛。

    He remembered back to a younger , happy , healthy life , when he exercised daily and even played minor league baseball for the Detroit Tigers .