
  • 网络Kettering University
  1. (GeneralMotorsInstitute,现更名为凯特林大学[KetteringUniversity])、堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)、密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)和达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)。

    the General Motors Institute ( now called Kettering University ) ; the University of Kansas ; the University of Missouri , St. Louis ; and Dartmouth College .

  2. 凯特林大学(KetteringUniversity)的凯文o白和周轩(音译)在实验室中从事电池行业研究,但他们的谈吐更像是买车人而不是实验室的书呆子。

    Kevin Bai and Xuan Joe Zhou at Kettering University work in labs and in battery industry research , but they talk like car shoppers than laboratory wonks .

  3. 我们要确保21世纪的新发现在美国诞生&在我们的实验室和大学里,在凯特林大学和密歇根大学,在韦恩州立大学和密歇根州立大学等。

    We can ensure that the discoveries of the twenty-first century happen in America & in our labs and universities ; at places like Kettering and the University of Michigan ; Wayne State and Michigan State .