
  • 网络Kenyon College
  1. 作为文理学院的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege)则斥资7000万美元修建了一个具有乡村俱乐部风格的运动中心。

    Kenyon College , a liberal arts school , has a $ 70 million Athletic Center with similar country club features .

  2. 在上个周末,我和妻子把我们的小女儿格蕾西(Gracie)送到了俄亥俄州的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege),她的姐姐露西(Lucy)当年上的也是这所大学。

    Over the weekend , we dropped off our younger daughter , Gracie , at Kenyon College in Ohio , the same school her sister Lucy attended .

  3. 我们在凯尼恩学院美轮美奂的新餐厅Peirce吃了早午餐,美国高校变得更美了,这又是一个与我们那个年代不同的地方。

    Brunch was at Peirce , the college 's spectacular new dining hall ─ the beautification of the nation 's colleges is another difference from my era

  4. 俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院证实,美国受害者是他们的学生安德鲁·波奇特。

    Kenyon College in Ohio identified the American victim as one of its students , Andrew Pochter .

  5. 我在凯尼恩学院的一位教授唐纳德·罗根和其他教授以及我的一些朋友合计着为我举办了一场非正式的毕业典礼。

    One of my professors at Kenyon College , Donald Rogen , conspired with other professors and some of my friends to throw me an unofficial graduation .