
yún duǒ
  • cloud mass;flaky clouds
  • a sheet of cloud
云朵 [yún duǒ]
  • [a sheet of cloud] 天空中成片状或块状的云,泛指云团,云片

  1. 那些云朵原本会投射出一些阴影,挡住部分阳光。

    Those clouds would have cast shadows that would have blocked some sunlight out .

  2. 云朵飘浮在空中。

    Clouds are floating in the sky .

  3. 云朵飘过月亮,逐渐把它隐没。

    Clouds spread across the moon , fading it out .

  4. 云朵又迅速聚集起来。

    The clouds speedily gathered again .

  5. 实际上,雾气就是落在地面上的云朵。

    Indeed a fog is simply a cloud resting on the ground .

  6. 然而,云朵究竟由什么构成呢?

    But what are the clouds made of ?

  7. 她乘着云朵到昆仑山,接着徒步穿过道路及拱门,

    She rode to the mountains on a cloud , then continued on foot passed gateways11

  8. 云朵掠过山峰。

    The clouds raked the mountain summits .

  9. 这些构成云朵和雨水的水分是怎样进入到空气中的呢?

    How did all this water which forms the clouds and the rain get into the air ?

  10. 这时,云朵不再是白色,它变成了昏暗的灰色,就像是朦胧的清晨时分天空的那层薄雾。

    The cloud was no longer white , but of a dull grey colour , like the mistwhich we see on a foggy morning .

  11. 白色蒸汽与云朵均是由很小的水粒构成,因为它们的体积实在太小,所以我们称之为水雾。

    The white steam and the clouds are both composed of extremely small specks3 of water , so small that they have been called water-dust .

  12. 西风之神吹散了云朵,太阳神阿波罗得以照耀它并使它开花。

    Zephyr , the West Wind , blew away the clouds so that Apollo , the sun god , could shine and made this flower bloom .

  13. 然而,无论我们从哪里取水,可以肯定的是,天上的云朵时不时就会降下雨水。

    But from whatever source we get the water , it is quite certain that at one time or another it must have fallen from the clouds as drops of rain .

  14. 因此,水蒸气首先变成了非常细小的水粒——也就是我们所说的水雾——并构成了云朵,然后这些水粒汇聚在一起成为了雨滴。

    So the water-vapour is first changed into those very tiny specks of liquid water which have been called water-dust , and appears as clouds ; and then these specks of water join together to form drops of rain .

  15. LED光源被放置在73节能灯内,然后收拢起吊灯,长长的吊灯错落有致,营造出云朵的效果。

    An LED light source is positioned inside the 73 light , and the pendants can be clustered and their lengths staggered to create a cloud effect .

  16. 问题1:是何原因导致了出现在美国航天局(NASA)卫星照片中的厚厚云朵?

    Q1 : What has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by a NASA satellite ?

  17. 同样来自韩国的一只名叫多莉的卷毛比熊犬,有着像云朵似的卷毛,也在INS上受到了追捧。

    Tori , the Bichon Frise , also from South Korea , has been making waves on Instagram for it 's adorable cloud-like hair .

  18. 然后,我成为Rational公司的技术代表。放弃使用OMT和矩形,转而使用Booch方法学和云朵形。

    Then I became a technical representative at Rational , and went from using OMT and rectangles to using the Booch methodology and clouds .

  19. 藻灰岩储层FMI图像呈絮状或云朵状,外部边界不平直,内部构造不均匀,层理无规律,局部有溶蚀现象;

    The FMI image of alga limestone reservoir features in floc or cloud-like , outer boundary being not straight , asymmetry internal structure , disorder bedding , local dissolution ;

  20. 我还记得,又过了很长时间,我在盛着一种名为“KingAlphonse”的饮品的酒杯中再次看到了那种风起云涌:可可甜酒像烟雾一样升起,像云朵一样穿过厚厚的奶油层。

    And I remember , much later , seeing the same swirling sky in tiny liqueur glasses containing a drink called a King Alphonse : the cr è me de cacao rising like smoke , like clouds through the layer of heavy cream .

  21. 在加拿大Bocci公司的展台前,欧迈•阿尔贝尔(OmerArbel)设计的全新触摸式产品——73节能灯——犹如空中飘浮的云朵。

    At Canadian company Bocci , Omer Arbel 's tactile new design , the 73 light , appears to float in the air like a cloud .

  22. 犹如云朵面朝太阳,借得深沉、柔和的色彩

    As clouds from yonder sun receive a deep and mellow dye

  23. 看着云朵,我能够把它吹走。

    Look at the cloud . I can blow it away .

  24. 打从蕨草和云朵的花环里探出头来。

    Looking out of a wreath of fern and cloud puffs .

  25. 天空就是蔚蓝色,云朵飘过其间。

    The sky is blue where the clouds float thro ' .

  26. 接着云朵飘过,水池又变为空虚。

    Then a cloud passed , and the pool was empty .

  27. 问题2:航天局官员对厚厚的云朵有何看法?

    Q2 : What do NASA officials think about the thick clouds ?

  28. 紫色是什么?夏日黄昏时的云朵是紫色的。

    What is violet ? Clouds are violet in the summer twilight .

  29. 你知不知道,天空的云朵也和我在一起等待。

    Can you see the clouds waiting just as me .

  30. 湖的上方则是白丝绒般的云朵,飘浮于蔚蓝的苍穹。

    Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds .