
yù jì chénɡ běn
  • estimated cost;anticipated cost;predetermined costs
  1. 因此煤的预计成本借记到存货账户。

    Therefore , the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account .

  2. 查询优化器必须分析可能的计划并选择一个预计成本最低的计划。

    The query optimizer must analyze the possible plans and choose the one with the lowest estimated cost .

  3. 在前面几个小节中,您调优了查询并改进了它的预计成本。

    In the last few sections , you tuned the query and improved its predicted cost .

  4. 预计成本开始上升。

    Projected costs started escalating .

  5. 最好半年预测一次成本,包括新增加的管理人员的工资和其他预计成本。

    It is best to project the costs semi-annually , including increased executive salaries and other projected costs .

  6. 没错,国会预算局对参议院方案的初步成本估算比预计成本要高,上周曾引起相当大的惊愕。

    Yes , the Congressional Budget Office 's preliminary cost estimates for Senate plans were higher than expected , and caused considerable consternation last week .

  7. 您可以获取以下一些信息:预计成本,是否使用索引,使用了多少联接,等等。

    You can get information on the predicted cost , on whether indexes are used , on how many joins are used , and so forth .

  8. 预计总成本由完工成本、许诺成本跟附加成本累加得到。

    Estimated total costs are the sum of cost to date , commitments and exposure .

  9. 累计实际发生的合同成本占合同预计总成本的比例。

    The proportion of accumulative actual contract costs incurred against the expected total contract costs ;

  10. 同时也使具有较少安防经验和资源的企业在可以支付和预计的成本内有效地以保护他们的网络系统。

    It also enables enterprises with limited security expertise and resources to effectively secure their networks at an affordable , predictable cost .

  11. 该公司还预计低成本高质量的运营战略(这种战略在印度被称为廉价工程技术)将使利润率达到两位数。

    It also foresees double-digit profitability from the low-cost , high-quality strategy - what in India is called " frugal engineering " .

  12. 第二十七条合同预计总成本超过合同总收入的,应当将预计损失确认为当期费用。

    Article27If the total expected contract costs exceed the total expected contract revenue , the expected loss shall be recognized as the current expenses .

  13. 清洁和重建工作没有截止日期,但朱预计最终成本将达到大约25亿美元。

    There is no deadline for finishing the cleanup and restoration work , but Zhu estimates that the final cost will reach about $ 2.5 billion .

  14. 而李宁公司表示,由于受到工资和原材料成本的影响,预计今年成本平均上涨20%,产品价格将有两位数增幅。

    Li Ning said driven by wages and materials , its costs would expect a rise of20 percent on average and products would hike double digits .

  15. 阿加沃尔预计,成本的上升将导致美国服装零售商的毛利率下降0.3%至0.5%。美国服装零售商的毛利率通常在38%至40%之间。

    Ms Aggarwal predicted that higher costs would reduce gross profit margins by 0.3 to 0.5 per cent at US clothes retailers , where they typically stand at between 38 and 40 per cent .

  16. 该公司仍在与美国监管机构谈判一份协议的最终条款,包括补偿美国车主的力度和大众承担的成本,但预计这些成本将达到数十亿美元。

    The final terms of a deal with US regulators are still being negotiated , including the scale of the compensation for US car owners and the costs to VW , but are expected to run into billions of dollars .

  17. 文章共分为三个部分:第一部分主要讨论了环境问题产生的原因,进而介绍了环境成本的分类争论,笔者提出了资本化环境成本、费用化环境成本及预计环境成本的分类观点;

    The thesis embodies three parts : The first part is mainly discuss the reason of the environment aggravation , then introduce the dispute of the classification of the environment cost , finally expound my classification of the environment cost : capitalization cost 、 expense cost 、 foresight environment cost ;

  18. 不过,他仍然为自己在报告中对温室气体减排成本的估计进行辩护。报告预计这一成本约为全球GDP的1%。

    But he defended his estimates of the cost of taking action on emissions , which he put in the report at about 1 per cent of global GDP .

  19. “预计随着营销成本增加,公司2004年的运营利润将会下降,”金先生说。

    " Its operating margin is expected to fall in2004 as marketing costs increase ," says Mr Kim .

  20. 它使用这些索引来预计查询执行成本,以便了解哪些索引会导致执行计划得到改进。

    It estimates query execution costs using those indexes to see which indexes lead to improved execution plans .

  21. 然而,有人预计巨大的成本削减会对州政府和联邦政府产生涟漪效应。

    And yet , some expect that too much cost cutting could cause a ripple effect across local and state governments .

  22. 对过去的项目记录时间期限和花费提供了为相似项目经理需要的预计时间表和成本的数据。

    Recording timelines and expenditures for past projects provides the data that managers need to predict schedules and costs for similar projects .

  23. 预计航空燃料成本的激增将使全球航空业陷入连续第四年亏损。

    The surge in the cost of jet fuel is expected to plunge the global airline industry into a fourth successive year of losses .

  24. 随着德国出口业完全恢复,人们会预计德国劳动力成本上涨的幅度应高于欧元区平均水平。

    As the German export sector returns to full capacity , one would expect wage costs to rise by more than the eurozone average .

  25. 许多业内人士预计铁矿石成本将上升30%。在主要钢铁生产商与铁矿石供应商的谈判结束后,铁矿石价格可能会在未来两个月内宣布。

    Many in the sector are expecting a 30 per cent rise in iron ore costs , likely to be announced in the next two months after negotiations between leading steelmakers and iron ore miners .

  26. 同时,论文从销售收入预计、总成本费用预计、盈亏平衡分析、损益预计、现金流量预计、内部收益率预计、投资回收期计算、资产负债情况预计以及财务比率等方面进行了财务分析和评价。

    Meanwhile , this paper gives you a financial analysis and evaluation by analyzing of expectation of sales income and total cost , balance , profit and loss value , currency flow , inner yield and so on .

  27. 预计英国服装成本今年将出现20多年来最大增幅,从英国的债务负担到中国的劳工纠纷等诸多因素,共同推高了大众商品价格。

    The cost of UK clothing is forecast to rise this year by the most in more than two decades as a number of factors , from Britain 's borrowing burden to labour unrest in China , conspire to push up prices on the high street .

  28. 分析人士认为,和硕增加人手主要是因为公司预计将生产低成本的iPhone。

    Analysts attribute the staffing increase largely to expected production of low-cost iPhones .

  29. 在1985年,最广为人知的项目管理度量模型是BarryBoehm关于预计效果及花费成本的构成模型(COCOMO)。

    In1985 , the best known metric model for project management was Barry Boehm 's Constructive Cost Model ( COCOMO ) for predicting effort and cost .

  30. 如今,预计互联网、低成本航空公司和亚洲人不断增加的财富将推动这一数字大幅上升。

    Now the Internet , low-cost airlines and rising Asian wealth are predicted to send the numbers really skyward .