
  1. 构造体系的叠加、改造和定型阶段。

    Tectonic system stac king , remolding and shaping stage .

  2. 某导弹定型阶段的可靠性评定

    Reliability estimation of some type of missile in final phase

  3. 青年期阶段是该地洼盆地演化的最主要阶段,壮年期则是其定型阶段。

    The youth stage is the most important and the adult stage is the finalized .

  4. 隆起在晚二叠世处于雏型发育阶段,晚三叠世肖茶卡中侏罗世雀莫错时期为定型阶段,白垩纪新生代为变形改造阶段。

    The dome was primary in the Late Permian , completely developed the Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic and deformed in the Cretaceous-Cenozoic period .

  5. 它经过漫长的发展演变,到南北朝时期进入了成熟与定型阶段。

    It after a long period of evolution , to the northern and Southern Dynasties period into the mature and the shaping stage .

  6. 在琼库恰克构造带的形成和发展过程中经历了海西运动期古构造形成阶段及喜马拉雅运动期现今构造定型阶段。

    The formation and development of Qongkuqak structural zone underwent two stages , i.e. , Hercynian paleostructural forming stage and Himalayan present-structural forming stage .

  7. 第二次转型发生在我国近现代,民国年间为关键的定型阶段,此次转型的结果则使宁波地区的文化形态由“精致化”走向“世俗化”。

    The first took place in the early Southern Song Dynasty , which turned the culture of Ningbo from being " uncivilized " to being " exquisite ";

  8. 本区构造发展存在三个不同阶段:印支期为初始褶皱阶段;燕山期为逆冲推覆定型阶段;

    There are three stages of structural development in the region : initial folding in Indo-Sinian epoch , overthrusting in Yanshan epoch and reforming and destroying in Himalayan epoch .

  9. 分析了气藏的形成过程,认为可划分为古油藏阶段、大气藏阶段、古气藏调整定型阶段等三个阶段。

    By analysis of the process of gas reservoir forming , it is considered the process is classified into three phases : paleo-oil reservoir , large scale reservoir and paleo-gas reservoir reforming .

  10. 在我国,循环经济立法可以划分为三个时期:2002年之前的萌芽阶段、2002年到2007年的成长阶段和2008年以后的定型阶段。

    In China , the circular economy legislation can be divided into three periods : the embryonic stage before 2002 , the growth phase from 2002 to 2007 and the design finalization phase after 2008 .

  11. 青春期是身体成长的定型阶段,是人体发育的转折关头,是培养良好的道德情操、积极进取的价值观和健康审美观与审美情趣的重要时期。

    Adolescence is the turning point of the human body development situation , the typing stage of the body growth ; it is important time to develop good moral sentiment , the positive enterprising values and healthy aesthetic view .

  12. 她还说,有些青少年希望能多跟家人呆在一起,那是因为在成长定型阶段,他们需要更多支持;所以父母应该明白,青春期成长是因人而异的。

    She says that some adolescents may want to stay longer with their families because they need more support during these formative years and that it is important for parents to realise that all young people do not develop at the same pace .

  13. 宋元小说家话本是说话伎艺及其话本发展到成熟和定型阶段的产物,是口头文学伎艺向书面文学读物转化的结果。

    During these dynasties , storytelling skill and its fiction have been developed into maturity and stereotype . As a result , storytellers ' scripts came into being . It is also a consequence of the transformation from oral literary skill to written literary reading material .

  14. 最后以我国自行设计及研制的某战斗机为例,详细说明了定型试飞阶段载荷谱的编制过程及方法。

    Finally , deriving the load spectrum using evaluation and validation flight test data of a fighter is given as an example to explain the process and the method .

  15. 牙胚发育早期是牙齿定位与定型的重要阶段。

    Early tooth development is an important stage determining tooth region and type .

  16. 汽车驾驶操作能力训练必须经过基本功训练、应用驾驶操作能力训练和操作能力定型三个阶段。

    Driving skills training consists of3 steps-namely basics training , practical skills training and skills strengthening .

  17. 个体知识观的发展大致经历了由前意识、萌芽到确立并走向定型的发展阶段。

    The development of knowledge view is based on knowledge accumulation and the growth of thinking ability .

  18. 运动技能的形成要经历泛化、分化、巩固提高和动态定型四个阶段,在每个阶段对于学生的要求和教学方法是不同的。

    The formation of sports skills mainly experiences four phrases , including generalization , differentiation , consolidated improvement and dynamic shaping . The requirements for the students and teaching methods in each phase are different .

  19. 其柔性的特点使得该项技术尤其适合于覆盖件等产品定型和试制阶段,它可以大大缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本和风险,适应多变的市场需要。

    Its flexible characteristics of the technology is particularly suitable for new product development stage of forming sheet metal parts , which can greatly shorten the product development cycle and reduce develpment costs and risks , to adapt to changing market needs .

  20. 小学阶段是学生道德形成发展、定型的重要阶段,只有真正去关注小学生道德认知内在构成和外在环境的变化,才能使学生的形成良好的道德成为可能。

    Primary stage is the formation of student moral development , an important stage of stereotypes , and only really concerned about changes of inherent and external conditions of moral cognition of primary students , and can make students good moral formation possible .

  21. 学生的健康危险行为仍处于定型期的初步阶段,及时的干预和纠正很有必要。

    The students ' health risk behavior are still in initial stage of fixed type period . It is necessary for us to do some intervention and correct them in time .