
  1. 本品系更新换代新产品,打破常规创奇迹。

    This is an upgraded and updated product , a new wonder created in the way of Breaking free from convention .

  2. 新近研制成功的一种适用于树脂结合剂工具的刚玉涂覆的超硬磨料,克服了镀镍、镀铜超硬磨料镀覆成本高及使工具变钝的缺点,是树脂工具升级换代的新产品。

    Because of high coating costs and dulling of Ni-coated or Cu-coated superhard abrasive , a new product with corundum-coating layer used for resin bonded tools has been recently developed successfully . Because this product can overcome these shortcomings , it 's a new replacing product for resin bonded tools .

  3. 国内轮胎企业应加大资金和技术的投入,加快产品更新换代,增强新产品的研制和开发能力。

    Domestic enterprises should enlarge funds and technical devotion , speed up the product renewal and strengthen the ability of research and develop .

  4. 将高技术产品的更新换代分为新产品的投入和新产品对老产品的替代两个过程。

    The high technology product replacement can be referred to as two meanings , one is to put new products into market and the other is to replace new products with old products .