
  • 网络Product idea;product innovation
  1. 她已经是四个孩子的母亲,为坎耶生下了7岁的North、4岁的Saint、2岁的Chicago和13个月大的Psalm。她和她的团队将继续负责所有的产品创意和推广。

    The mom of four - who shares kids North , 7 , Saint , 4 , Chicago , 2 , and Psalm , 13-month-old , with Kanye - and her team will continue to lead all creative efforts of product and communications initiatives .

  2. 更新换代产品创意的生成方法分析

    Analysis on Methods of Forming the Idea of the Renewal Product

  3. 计算机辅助新产品创意生成系统&超矩阵模型

    Computer-aided New Product Ideas Creating System : Multi-layer Matrix Model

  4. 产品创意设计系统的智能方法

    Intelligent Methods of Creative Design System of Products

  5. 据苹果公司前高管称,乔布斯更像是一个精炼并改进产品创意的“主编”。

    He serves more like an'editor in chief'in refining and improving ideas for Apple gadgets , according to former Apple executives .

  6. 如果是后者,则意味着存在一个有效的产品创意交易市场,企业可以轻易地从外部公开一市场上购得所有产,}{:原创思想。

    If it is the latter , then they assume that all existing firm can buy any creative ideas from the open market .

  7. 在卖掉工厂后,我们拥有大量现金,所以我们可以很快给新产品创意投资。

    EXAMPLE : When we sold our old factory we had plenty of ready cash and so we could invest in new product ideas quickly .

  8. 这种文化建设以泛动画产品创意及其实现为核心,围绕所处的社会关系的协调进行。

    This cultural construction sets its core at the creation and implementation ofpan-animation production , around which the coordination of relevant social relations are being carried out .

  9. 计算机辅助广告制作是艺术设计领域的一个应用,它指的是使用多媒体计算机技术及软件产品创意或制作全部或部分的广告作品。

    CAD advertisement designing is belong to the latter , which uti - lizes multi - media technology and software for designing and making the advertisement works .

  10. 雷富礼称,削减品牌将使宝洁的研发团队集中资源,开发更能引起消费者共鸣的新产品创意。

    Lafley said the move to own fewer brands would enable P & G 's research and development team to focus their resources on new product ideas that would resonate more with consumers .

  11. Levy提出建立一个小型的测试组评估你的产品或创意,为你提供尽可能的客观意见。

    Levy suggests having a small test group assess your product or idea and provide you with as objective an opinion as possible .

  12. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  13. 据说拉夫西蒙斯接任CalvinKlein(长久仰仗带标识的产品)创意总监一职时,曾要求知名美术设计师彼得萨维尔(PeterSaville)对标识再设计。

    It 's telling that when Raf Simons took over at Calvin Klein , a brand that has long relied on logoed products , he called on acclaimed graphic designer Peter Saville to reshape the branding .

  14. 产品形态创意思维与造型训练模式的关系研究

    On the Relationship between Product Form Innovation and Model Training Patterns

  15. 新产品开发创意新源泉&来自海尔的案例分析

    New Source of New Product Innovation : A Case Study from Haier

  16. 你能为自己的产品或创意列出多少个具体的优点?

    How many specific benefits for your product or idea can you list ?

  17. 产品发明创意提出的关键技术研究

    Research on key technology of raising product invention originality

  18. 产品广告创意的概念测试方法

    The Concept Test Method on Product Advertising Creativity

  19. 同时,旅游产品开发创意设计不仅关系到单个群体,还要考虑到多方群体,利益相关者诉求影响着旅游产品开发创意设计。

    In fact creative design is related to multi-party groups , stakeholders ' interests affect creative design .

  20. 旅游产品开发创意设计是旅游产品开发的程序之一,旅游实践者和研究者一直以来试图用各种方法探索旅游产品开发创意设计。

    Creative design is one of tourism product development process , tourism researchers have been exploring creative design .

  21. 智慧资本,而不仅仅是货币资本,将产生下一个伟大的产品或创意。

    Intellectual capital , and not just monetary capital , will spawn the next great product or idea .

  22. 不是因为微软赢了,而是因为微软的产品缺少创意

    Not that Microsoft has won , but that Microsoft products don 't displayed more insight and more creativity .

  23. 产品与创意的生命周期正在缩短,因为各种理念、数据和知识可以通过互联网迅速而公开地传播。

    product and idea life cycles are shrinking as ideas , data , and knowledge travel fast and openly across the Internet .

  24. 从形态构成的基本原则以及产品形态创意构成方法两个方面加以论述,探讨了产品形态创意方面的问题。

    From basic principles of modality construction and methods of product modality intention , have probed into the question of product modality intention .

  25. 最后,佩奇应当展示谷歌在大量全新的、社交属性超强的产品和创意上所取得的进展,这些正是谷歌现在所急需的。

    Finally , page should be demonstrating progress on a host of new , socially supercharged products and ideas that Google desperately needs right now .

  26. 如果你还从没想过,自己的产品或者创意能否成功销售给全球最大的零售商,那现在就能明白了!

    If you have ever wondered if your product or idea could sell to the world 's largest retailer , now you can find out .

  27. 面向家庭的民用热水器及洗浴产品的创意设计,包括燃气热水器、电热水器以及供水、供暖两用壁挂炉;

    Family-oriented civilian water heaters and scouring bath products with creative design , including gas water heaters , electric water heaters and water supply , heating composite Bigualu ;

  28. 市场进入和客户接触变得越来越简单;产品与创意的生命周期正在缩短,因为各种理念、数据和知识可以通过互联网迅速而公开地传播。

    Market and customer access have become easier ; product and idea life cycles are shrinking as ideas , data , and knowledge travel fast and openly across the Internet .

  29. 今年月初在科隆的国际糖果及零食展中,新设计成为新产品的创意主流。

    At this year 's confectionery and biscuit trade fair ISM , held in Cologne earlier this month , a clutch of new designs contributed to the pool of new product ideas .

  30. 中央企业紧密结合实际,积极推进信息技术在新产品的创意、生产经营管理、业务流程优化、企业治理与管控等方面的应用,取得了十分显著的成绩。

    The central enterprises connect closely with reality and have got remarkable achievements by promoting the application of information technology on creating new products , managing enterprises ' operation , improving the operation process , governing corporate and controlling enterprises .