
  • 网络air changes;Ventilation rate;ACH
  1. 而且直到目前仍未见研究报道不同换气次数与病人污染物扩散程度之间的关系,国内亦是如此。

    However , there are no research materials about the relationship between different air changes and the pervasion of patient contaminants just so is China .

  2. 舒适性空调系统的临界净化效率与最小换气次数

    Critical filtration efficiency and the minimum air changes of comfort air conditioning systems

  3. 房间的换气次数根据两参数CO2浓度上升法和单参数浓度下降法进行计算。

    Air change rate was calculated by using CO2 two-parameter build-up method and one-parameter decay technique .

  4. 数值计算结果表明:1、房间换气次数ACH随v增加而增大,随a增大而先减小(a<15°)后增大。

    The results indicated : 1 . the the air exchange rate ACH increase with v and a when a > 15 ° .

  5. 应用该模型研究了材料厚度、换气次数和烘焙温度对材料内和空气中VOC散发传递的影响,得出了烘焙的有效工作范围。

    The model was employed to study the influences of temperature , ventilation rate and thickness of materials to VOC emission and conduction inside the materials . The effective range of bake-out method was obtained from the results .

  6. 室内空气自然通风换气次数的估算

    Estimation of Air Exchange Frequency in the Condition of Natural Indoor Ventilation

  7. 讨论了换气次数的正确选取方法。

    Especially discusses the ways of choosing a proper air change rate .

  8. 在同样房间换气次数下,改变送风速度和出风面积,对OR。

    When changes the supply air velocity and discharge area in the OR .

  9. 关于实验动物设施环境检测中换气次数测定研究

    Determining the Number of Taking a Breath in Laboratory Animal Facilities Environment Monitoring

  10. 结论室内综合换气次数可以科学地反映室内空气质量。

    Conclusion Synthetic air exchange frequency may objectively reflect the indoor air quality .

  11. 供暖方式不同时,房间换气次数的高低将对室内热环境产生明显的影响。

    Indoor thermal environment are affected by heating mode and air exchange rate intensively .

  12. 污染物浓度随着换气次数的递减不断增大,但都在规范要求内。

    Pollutant concentration increases with decreasing number of air exchange , but all within the specifications .

  13. 为了保证系统的洁净度,通过高效率过滤器的压差来控制风机的转速,使系统的风量达到换气次数要求。

    We use difference pressure of filter to control fan speed in order to keep lustration .

  14. 探讨了获得保护加热效果时,炉内气氛组分比例、氮通入量、添加剂滴入量、换气次数、炉气压力等诸因素的影响和诸参量的合理值。

    The influence of various factors and the rational value of various parameters are also investigated .

  15. 引入当量人员密度,提出了规范中换气次数上限适用的当量人员密度限值。

    Introducing equivalent person-density , explores the ultimate equivalent person-density at the largest air change rate the criterion regulated .

  16. 目前室内新风供应量不足、换气次数不够是普遍现象。

    It has been a common phenomenon that fresh air supply is insufficient and air exchange rate is below standard .

  17. 减少换气次数,则较低的风速抵御外来干扰和排除污染物的能力变差。

    When reducing the air exchange , the lower speed of wind against external interference will decrease the ability to exclude contamination .

  18. 当地铁站为机械辅助式自然通风时,实验所得的风速数据较为稳定,能有效的引入自然风,且换气次数较大。

    If metro station assisted by artificial ventilation , the measured wind data is relative stable and fresh air rate is enough .

  19. 分析了乱流洁净室净化空调设计中室内发尘量和新风比对换气次数的影响。

    Analyzes the effects of indoor dust loading and of fresh air rate to the air change rate in turbulent flow clean rooms .

  20. 结果表明,不同的自然通风方式导致换气次数不同,从而造成通风后室内污染物的浓度也以不同的速率逐渐上升到与室外浓度基本相同的水平。

    The results show that different natural ventilation type lead to different air exchange rate , consecutively different increase rate of the indoor pollutant .

  21. 医护人员周围的粒子浓度高于相近换气次数下的垂直流送风方式。手术关键区上的沉降粒子数明显低于垂直送风方式,相近的换气次数下,粒子减少率约为65%。

    Under same air change rate , the particle deposition in horizontal air supply is 65 % less than that in vertical supply model .

  22. 隔离病房和缓冲室的换气次数与冷负荷匹配情况对温差和隔离系数的影响

    Influence of different combinations of air changes and cooling load in isolation wards and buffer rooms on temperature difference and isolation coefficient On cold fusion

  23. 分别采用缝隙法、换气次数法、实测法计算了建筑的冷风渗透耗热量。

    Based on the test data , the infiltration heat loss of a case construction was calculated by the methods of cracks , ventilation rate and measurement method .

  24. 最后对实验数据进行了分析,发现地铁站内在日常运营时存在自然通风进出地铁站的现象,且计算出的换气次数能够满足地铁站人员所需的最低新风量要求。

    Lastly , analyze the measured data , found that natural wind flow into and out the metro station within the daily operation period which could satisfy the lowest fresh air requirement .

  25. 最后,利用单体建筑模拟所得风压差系数及室内假定设置的通风孔面积,计算得到各户型满足通风要求时室内的通风换气次数及对应的通风孔尺寸。

    Lastly , the indoor ventilation rate and vent size which meet the ventilation requirement of different house types is calculated by using the numerical simulated wind pressure coefficient and assumed vent size .

  26. 分析了目前尚无规范指导的负压病房最小新风换气次数和压差控制值并给出了推荐数据;

    Analyses the minimum fresh air quantity in air changes and the negative pressure differential of isolation wards and recommends a value for design reference when there is no regulation data available for present time ;

  27. 在高温高湿气候地区采用直接蒸发冷却必须有前提条件,即室内空气湿度没有特定要求,通风量必须满足一定的换气次数。

    In hot and humid climates of direct evaporative cooling system must be a prerequisite that there is no specific requirements of indoor air humidity , the volume of ventilation must meet certain air changes rate .

  28. 本文根据《洁净厂房设计规范》GBJ-73-84中不同级别乱流洁净室推荐的换气次数,计算了推荐换气次数下室内允许的单位容积发尘量。

    The paper quotes the recommended air-change rates for different grade turbulent flow clean rooms by 《 Design Regulation for Glean Room Facilities 》 OBJ-73-84 , makes out the room allowed dust generation volume per-unit space under recommended air-change rates .

  29. 模拟结果说明,适当的换气次数可以有效削弱由正常呼吸产生的口腔飞沫,但是一般的空调通风系统不能有效削弱由于剧烈咳嗽或打喷嚏而产生的口腔飞沫。

    The results show that sufficient air exchange rate can successfully remove most droplets generated by regular exhale process , however , commonly used air conditioning system cannot be effectively used to deal with droplets generated during coughing or sneezing .

  30. 目前美国、澳大利亚等发达国家对负压隔离病房研究较多,但仍没有统一的标准;气流组织以及换气次数还存在争议,而这些对于隔离病房的隔离效果有重要影响。

    Currently developed countries such as the United States and Australia have many researches about airborne infection isolation room , but they still do not have uniform standard . Air distribution and the air changes which are important to the isolation effect are still controversial .