
huàn dǎng ɡǎn
  • Shift lever;gear lever;shift rod;gear stick
  1. 可是要做到这一点,他们需要一根非常长的换挡杆才能让手够得着它。

    But to do that , they needed an awfully long gearshift lever in order for it to fall to hand .

  2. 即使没有离合器踏板,驾驶员仍然可以通过翘板开关、按钮或换挡杆“告诉”计算机何时采取动作。

    The most prominent advantage is that the dual-clutch transmission allows the driver shift control of their own free choice or by the computer to complete .

  3. 手动换挡可用方向盘上的拨杆和按钮,也可用换挡杆。

    Manual gear changes are made either with shift paddles or buttons on the steering wheel or with the gear lever .