
  • 网络Transfer Station;interchange;Interchange Station
  1. 地铁换乘站火灾分析及选型设计研究

    Study on Analyzing and Designing of Metro Interchange Station in Case of Fire

  2. 轨道交通换乘站自动化系统方案

    Automation system of interchange station in mass transit

  3. 分析了BRT中间换乘站的设置类型选取的主要影响因素,并且提出了设置类型选取的方法和流程图。

    After analyzing the influence factors , we put forward the choosing method and the flow chart of selection the setting type .

  4. 换乘站建设对轨道交通6号线财务分析的影响

    Financial Influence of Transfer Station Construction on Rail Transit Line 6

  5. 基于微观仿真的同站台换乘站客流疏散研究

    Study on Modeling and Simulation of Evacuation in Cross-platform Transfer Station

  6. 通过拖动向地铁线路图上添加换乘站。

    Drag to add a transfer station to your metro map .

  7. 叠式换乘站换乘方式及客流组织探讨

    Discussion on transfer mode and passenger transport organization at superposed transfer station

  8. 地铁换乘站站位选定中的深基坑工程问题

    Deep Pit Problem in Positioning of Changing Station in Metro

  9. 这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?

    Is this the transfer station for the loop line ?

  10. 重视换乘站的设计;

    Attaching great importance to the design of commutator stations ;

  11. 世纪大道4线换乘站的结构设计

    Structural Design of Transfer Station of Four Rail Lines at Century Avenue

  12. 上海轨道交通换乘站火警信息交换方式的分析和探讨

    Exchange Style of Fire Alarm Information in Shanghai Stations of Rail Transit

  13. 分析换乘站的各种影响因素,建立了换乘站综合评价指标体系。

    Determine comprehensive evaluation index system through the analysis of various influence factors .

  14. 地铁十字换乘站结构施工变形及内力分析

    Analysis of Internal Force and Deformation during Construction of Cross Interchange Transition Station

  15. 城轨换乘站自动售检票系统方案探讨

    Automatic Fare Collection System in UMT Transfer Stations

  16. 换乘站客流组织中的地铁引导标识系统设计

    Design of Marker System for the Passenger Flow Organization on Transfer Stations of Subway

  17. 东单站是个换乘站。

    Dongdan station is a transfer station .

  18. 停车换乘站位置选择及换乘需求预测

    Park-and-ride station location and its demand predicting

  19. 城市中心区外换乘站位置选择及换乘需求预测站错位,离开了基本位置

    The choice of passenger transfer station position and prediction of passenger transfer requirement out of city center

  20. 罗宝线与龙华线换乘站会展中心站是中国国内首座整体建成的十字形换乘地铁车站。

    Lo Po-and Long-Transfer Station Convention and Exhibition Center Station is the first China-built cross transfer MTR stations .

  21. 重点介绍换乘站的设计及与周边环境的结合等。

    The paper focuses on the structural design of the transfer station and its integration with the surroundings .

  22. 地铁三线换乘站帮接建设对既有车站结构的影响分析研究

    Analytical Study on Joint Construction Impact of Three Metro Lines Transfer Station upon Structure of Existing Metro Stations

  23. 地铁换乘站水平冻结压力的监测与分析

    Monitor and Analysis of the Variation Law of Freezing Stress ina Horizontal Frozen Stabilization for Transfering Station of Subway

  24. 针对自行车交通与其他交通方式衔接,给出新城区自行车换乘站选址原则及换乘设施的构成。

    Bicycle transfer station addressing principles and transfer facility are given for bicycle traffic converging with other modes of transportation .

  25. 在去年10月下旬,堪培拉学院的三名中国学生在堪培拉沃登区的公交换乘站遭到攻击。

    In late October , three Chinese students from Canberra College were allegedly assaulted at the Woden bus interchange in Canberra .

  26. 城市中心区外相邻轨道站处的停车换乘站位置选择是城市停车换乘规划中经常遇到的问题,但目前尚没有简单、操作性较强的解决方法。

    There are no practical and easy methods to select park-and-ride station location at the adjoining railway stations out of city center .

  27. 随着城市轨道交通网络化的发展,换乘站设置成为线网效率的关键影响因素。

    With the development of urban rail transport network , transfer stations ' establishment became the key factors to influence the effiency of network .

  28. 当地铁抵达免费换乘站时,会有很多人下车,而且换乘一般很顺畅。

    When the metro stops at stations with free-interchange thats when most of the people get off and the ride from there is pretty smooth .

  29. 进而归纳换乘站布置形式分类,分析了换乘站布置的基本空间关系的换乘特点和选定原则。

    And then , the interchange station layout plans and the relations between different fundamental spaces are discussed , a series of guiding principles proposed .

  30. 其工程实施方案可按大厅型收费区和交叉型收费区两种方案考虑。建议换乘站的自动售检票系统采用单车站计算机系统方案。

    This paper discusses the conventional adoption of automatic fare collection , holds that the hall-type collection and the intersection-type collection shall be put into consideration .