
  • 网络Increase sales;Up-Sell;Up selling;Up sell
  1. 本文认为,要保障CK煤业公司市场营销工作的顺利进行,必须改进营销管理制度、提升销售运输系统、强化现代营销观念和加强市场动态研究。

    This paper argues that to protect CK Coal Company marketing work to proceed smoothly , and the need to improve the marketing management system , strengthen the concept of modern marketing , marketplace dynamics and enhance the sales and transportation system .

  2. 在此理念的指导下,企业通过创新管理机制、实施CRM系统,可以提高管理水平、降低运作成本、改善服务质量、提升销售业绩,最终全面提升企业的核心竞争力。

    Its core idea is " customer-centric . " Under the guidance of this concept , enterprises through innovation management mechanism and the implementation of CRM systems , improve management , reduce operating costs , improve service quality , increase sales , and ultimately enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  3. 销售结果评估,市场预测,提升销售业绩。

    Sales result assessment , Market forcast , Promote sales performance .

  4. 督导市场销售部的各项活动,提升销售业绩。

    Supervise the activities of the marketing division to generate sales .

  5. 提升销售是我的职责。

    It is my job to push up the sales .

  6. 你对于提升销售业绩或利润有没有做过贡献?

    How have you helped increase sales ? Profits ?

  7. 运用信息技术提升销售内部管理

    Upgrading internal sales management by means of IT

  8. 扩大出口是提升销售的战略的一部分,如今小米在中国销售疲弱。

    Expanding exports is part of a strategy to bolster sales , which are sagging in China .

  9. 培养及提升销售人员的工作能力和业务水平,并积极发展各级销售人员的继承梯队。

    Cultivate the working ability and sales skills of salesman , and develop sales succeeding team in different leave actively .

  10. 如何有效地管理与提升销售人员的工作绩效,是企业实现销售目标、获取经营利润的关键。

    How to manage and improve working performance of Salesmen is the key of accomplishing the sales goal and obtaining business profit for enterprises .

  11. 在境外买保险有它的好处,香港的保险公司正在招募大陆背景的经纪人来提升销售。

    There are good reasons to buy life insurance offshore in Hong Kong , where insurers have been hiring mainland agents to boost their business .

  12. 以上四类渠道进行资源的互补,立体式打造安可信纳米品牌,达到最终提升销售的目的。

    We should complement the above four kinds of channels and establish the " ANSON " nanometer brand to achieve the final goal of promoting sales .

  13. 分析师们认为,在家庭缩减开支之际,像巴里拉集团这样以销售面食等基础食材为主业的公司,或有机会进一步提升销售业绩。

    Amid this retrenchment , analysts consider companies such as Barilla , which focus on basic foodstuffs such as pasta , could have an opportunity to improve sales .

  14. 本文运用数据挖掘中的决策树方法建立提升销售模型来预测客户使用炫铃服务的可能性。

    The essay , throgh the decision tree in data mining , establishes the lift sales model to predict the possibility for the customer to use dazzling ring service .

  15. 例如,员工可就他们老板的最新想法是否真会实现其所承诺的提升销售进行押注,这将建立一个市场价格,管理层可对之加以利用。

    For example , an employee can bet on whether their bosses ' latest idea will actually deliver the increase in sales they have promised , and this will establish a market price which can be used by management .

  16. 营销团队建设对于现代公司而言,不仅有助于企业实现发展规划、扩大企业知名度、迅速提升销售业绩,还有助于企业准确把握市场信息、增强企业竞争力。

    Marketing team building for modern companies , not only helps companies achieve development plan to expand their visibility , rapid increases in sales , but also help enterprises accurately grasp the market information , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .

  17. 工作台主要面向系统的所有用户,提供了工作计划和工作日志的维护功能,使得销售主管能在第一时间纠正销售人员的每日工作计划,最终达到提升销售业绩的目的。

    The system mainly for all the users , provides the work plan and work for the maintenance of the log function , causes the sales director in the first time to correct the sales staff daily work plan , and finally reach the purpose of increase sales .

  18. 借助ERP提升化工销售企业竞争力

    Promoting the competitiveness of chemical marketing enterprises by using ERP

  19. 通用汽车(GeneralMotorsCo.)打算今年晚些时候在中国生产全尺寸凯迪拉克XTS,以提升现有销售业绩。

    General Motors Co. plans to start building its full-size XTS in China later this year to build on its existing sales .

  20. 李艳艳,一个易观国际的研究人员说,她预期这件小玩意是通过吸引低端用户来提升苹果销售份额,iPad的市场份额从第二季度的72.66%下降到了第三季度的71.42%。

    Li Yanyan , a researcher with Analysys International , said she expected the gadget to lift Apple sales by appealing to lower-end users , after the market share of iPads dipped to 71.42 percent in the third quarter from 72.66 in the second .

  21. 他从助理销售经理提升为销售经理。

    He was promoted from assistant sales manager to sales manager .

  22. 增加消费者品牌认同,提升产品销售成绩。

    Increasing brand recognition and product sales result .

  23. 提升所在销售区域内进口快件产品占公司整体的收入占比和营业收入增长率。

    Increase revenue mix and growth rate of IMP product for responsible sales territory .

  24. 网络销售是电子商务的一种重要的形式,而组合营销是提升网络销售业绩的一种重要手段。

    Mix marketing strategy is an important method of increasing sales based on internet which is a main pattern of electronic commerce .

  25. 从营销学的视角来看,作为一种行之有效的营销手段,广告在提升产品销售业绩、改善企业文化形象以及活跃市场经济氛围等方面扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    From a marketing perspective , advertising as an effective marketing tool plays an important role in enhancing performance , improving corporate image and culture , and flourishing market economy .

  26. 在他此前担任首席执行官时,布隆伯格几乎只专注于提升终端销售业绩,凭直觉做事,讨厌会议,从来不裁员而且对于开支也不在乎。

    In his previous incarnation as CEO , Bloomberg focused almost single-mindedly on increasing the number of terminals sold , trusted his gut , hated meetings , never laid anyone off , and didn 't worry about spending .

  27. 三是价值链整合,四是基于目标市场的渠道整合,五是整合营销传播方法的运用,通过这五个方面的应用,可以有针对性的解决问题,持续提升年金销售绩效。

    Third is integrating of value chain . Fourth is integrating of sales channel . Fifth is exercising Integrated Marketing Communications . By use the five method , we can solve the problem and enhance the performance of annuity marketing .

  28. 因此,加强对销售人员胜任力考评指标体系和考评方法的研究,对于丰富现代企业管理理论和考评机制,提升企业销售人员的工作胜任力,具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the enterprises sales staff competence evaluation index system and evaluation method research , also to enrich the theory of modern enterprise management and evaluation mechanism , to enhance corporate sales staff competency .

  29. 企业社会责任运动已经从各个方面影响了我国企业的经营状况,企业与其被动地遵守责任契约,不如制定一个既能够自觉地履行社会责任,又能够提升企业销售业绩的营销策略。

    Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) movement has affected enterprise management conditions in China from every aspect . Instead of abiding by contractual obligation passively , enterprises should make a marketing strategy under which they can not only perform social responsibility consciously , but also promote their sales .

  30. 她已经提升为市场销售部主任。

    She was upgraded to the post of sales director .